585 research outputs found

    Recommending the Meanings of Newly Coined Words

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate how to recommend the meanings of newly coined words, such as newly coined named entities and Internet jargon. Our approach automatically chooses a document explaining a given newly coined word among candidate documents from multiple web references using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis [1]. Briefly, it involves finding the topic of a document containing the newly coined word and computing the conditional probability of the topic given each candidate document. We validate our methodology with two real datasets from MySpace forums and Twitter by referencing three web services, Google, Urbandictionary, and Wikipedia, and we show that we properly recommend the meanings of a set of given newly coined words with 69.5% and 80.5% accuracies based on our three recommendations, respectively. Moreover, we compare our approach against three baselines where one references the result from each web service and our approach outperforms them

    Design and Implementation of Storage System Using Byte-index Chunking Scheme

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    In this paper, we present an enhanced storage system that supports Byte-index chunking algorithm. The storage system aims to provide efficient data deduplication with high performance and to be performed in rapid time. We describe the overall procedure of Byteindex chunking based storage system including read/write procedure and how the system works. The key idea of Byte-index chunking is to adapt fixed-size block chunk scheme which are distributed to “Index-table ” by chunk’s both side boundary values. We have found that Byte-index chunking in storage system provides high performance compared with other chunking schemes. Experiments result shows that the storage system with Byte-index chunking compresses overall data with high deduplication capability and reduce the speed of file processing

    Atomic layer coating of hafnium oxide on carbon nanotubes for high-performance field emitters

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    Carbon nanotubes coated with hafnium oxide exhibit excellent electron emission characteristics, including a low turn-on voltage, a high field enhancement factor, and exceptional current stability. Their enhanced emission performance was attributed to a decrease in the work function and an increase in the electron density of states at the carbon nanotube Fermi level closest to the conduction band minimum of hafnium oxide. In addition, the enhanced current stability was attributed to the ability of hafnium oxide to protect the carbon nanotubes against ions and free radicals created in the electron field emission process. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3650471]ArticleAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 99(15):153115 (2011)journal articl

    A Case of Nasal NK T-Cell Lymphoma Presenting With Persistent Epiphora

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    Nasal type natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (NNKTL) is a rare and aggressive subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma originating from a natural killer cell or γδ T cell infected by the Epstein-Barr virus. It usually invades the aerodigestive tract and can rapidly destroy the paranasal sinus, hard palate, and central nervous system. NNKTL is often mistaken for benign conditions such as chronic hypertrophic rhinosinusitis or mucosal inflammatory change, as endoscopic findings of NNKTL presenting nasal mucosal hypertrophy are similar to endoscopic findings for these abovementioned benign conditions. Here, the authors report the diagnosis and examination of NNKTL in a 58-year-old male patient who visited our clinic for nasal cavity discomfort after he underwent a dacryocystorhinostomy to treat dacryocystitis

    The pattern of bowel dysfunction in patients with rectal cancer following the multimodal treatment: anorectal manometric measurements at before and after chemoradiation therapy, and postoperative 1 year

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    Purpose Bowel dysfunction commonly occurs in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with a multimodal approach of chemoradiation therapy (CRT) combined with sphincter-preserving rectal resection. This study investigated the decline in anorectal function using sequential anorectal manometric measurements obtained before and after the multimodal treatment as well as at a 1-year follow-up. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in a single center. The study population consisted of patients with locally advanced mid- to low rectal cancer who received the preoperative CRT followed by sphincter-preserving surgery from 2012 to 2016. The anorectal manometric value measured after each treatment modality was compared to demonstrate the degree of decline in anorectal function. A generalized linear model of repeated measures was performed using the manometric values measured pre- and post-CRT, and at 12 months postoperatively. Results Overall, 100 patients with 3 consecutive manometric data were included in the final analysis. In the overall cohort study, the mean resting and maximal squeezing pressures showed insignificant decrement post-neoadjuvant CRT. At a 1-year postoperative follow-up, the maximal squeezing pressure significantly decreased. The maximal rectal sensory threshold demonstrated significant reduction consecutively after each following treatment (P<0.001). Conclusion The short-term effect of neoadjuvant CRT on the anal sphincters was relatively trivial. The following sphincter-saving surgery resulted in a profound disruption of the anorectal function. Patients with rectal cancer should be consulted on the consequence of multimodal treatment

    Linear Fat Deposition in the Middle Layer of the Left Ventricular Myocardium: Computed Tomographic Findings

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    We report here a case of streaky fat deposition in the middle layer of the left ventricular myocardium, without any underlying etiology, and this was seen on computed tomography coronary angiography. This report suggests that left ventricular middle layer fat deposition should be investigated in order to determine its etiology, the pathogenesis and the prognosis