3 research outputs found

    Groundwater dependence and drought within the southern African development community

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    A groundwater situation analysis of the SADC region has been undertaken as part of the World Bank GEF Programme as a basis for ensuring equitable use of groundwater resources, particularly during periods of drought, both for human needs and for sustaining ecosystems. Much of the groundwater in the region occurs in weathered crystalline rocks suitable for dispersed supply to rural communities, although there are several aquifers capable of sustaining urban demand that contribute to the supply of several major cities and towns. A number of SADC Member States, such as Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, are very dependent on groundwater, whereas the Democratic Republic of Congo is least dependent. Groundwater dependence and groundwater demand, together providing an indication of drought vulnerability, have been assessed from the availability and coverage of groundwater data, but it is very apparent that reliable and comprehensive groundwater data are major deficiencies throughout the SADC region. Few attempts have thus been made to calculate renewable groundwater resource volumes or develop optimum use of groundwater, despite the fact that susceptibility of many Member States to drought requires them to consider mitigation strategies to lessen the hardships imposed largely on their rural population. Such strategy requires long-term intervention and not short-term emergency responses, a process that is directly related to availability of comprehensive groundwater datasets. Considerable effort in groundwater assessment and monitoring and the accumulation, evaluation and dissemination of essential datasets will thus be required to maintain population livelihoods in future years when water supply is projected to be in deficit in over half of the SADC Member States

    Southern African development community regional situation analysis

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    The Southern African Development Community (SADC) groups fourteen sovereign states in the southern and eastern Africa region for the main purpose of fostering co-operation for mutual benefit from development of the resources of the whole region. The region accounts for almost 70% gross domestic product of sub-Saharan Africa and is home to almost a third of its people. In the context of water resources, conditions in the SADC region are highly variable with respect to the relative reliance of each of the Member States on surface or groundwater sources. However, studies already indicate that water resources will be scarce in 9 of the 14 Member States within the next 10 to 30 years, most especially in the southern and eastern portion of the SADC region. Clearly, water resource conservation and comprehensive national and regional planning is going to be crucial. SADC recognised the critical importance of water to regional integration and economic development and established its own Water Sector in 1996. A SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourse Systems was adopted to set the rules for joint management of resources. A Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resource Development and Management has been compiled; this is being implemented to address key water management issues, concerning both surface water bodies and aquifers (groundwater). The region is also characterised by rapid population growth. Extremes of climate bring frequent drought and substantial flood events that impact on rural populations as well as national productivity. The region is already highly dependent on groundwater for rural water supply, and it is clear that groundwater is a key element in the alleviation of the effects of drought on rural communities. However, policy responses to drought have, in the past, been based on short-term crisis reactions, which have generally proved to be inefficient or ineffective. To address this undesirable situation, proactive, sustainable and integrated management of groundwater resources needs to be instigated, but with due sympathy to the requirements of ecosystems