20 research outputs found


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    The analysys of the problem of ensuring compatibility of computer systems was carried out. The basic principles underlying the OSTIS technology, one of the tasks of which is the solution of this problem was discussed. Special attention is paid to the principles of semantic associative computers construction, which are the hardware basis for the interpretation of systems developed on the basis of this technology.В статье проведен анализ проблемы обеспечения совместимости компьютерных систем, рассмотрены основные принципы, лежащие в основе технологии OSTIS, одной из задач которой является решение данной проблемы. Отдельное внимание уделено принципам построения семантических ассоциативных компьютеров, являющихся аппаратной реализацией интерпретатора логико-семантических моделей компьютерных систем, разрабатываемых по технологии OSTIS

    Semantic technologies of intelligent systems design and semantic associative computers

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    В статье проведен анализ проблемы обеспечения совместимости компьютерных систем, рассмотрены основные принципы, лежащие в основе технологии OSTIS, одной из задач которой является решение данной проблемы. Отдельное внимание уделено принципам построения семантических ассоциативных компьютеров, являющихся аппаратной реализацией интерпретатора логико-семантических моделей компьютерных систем, разрабатываемых по технологии OSTIS.The analysys of the problem of ensuring compatibility of computer systems was carried out. The basic principles underlying the OSTIS technology, one of the tasks of which is the solution of this problem was discussed. Special attention is paid to the principles of semantic associative computers construction, which are the hardware basis for the interpretation of systems developed on the basis of this technology

    Семантически совместимые OSTIS-системы автоматизации образовательной деятельности

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    A class of semantic electronic textbooks is proposed, which are based on the semantic structuring of educational material. Thanks to the semantic structuring of the educational and methodological material, the SEU acquires new opportunities compared to traditional electronic textbooks. A semantic electronic textbook is an interactive intellectual self-instruction manual for a certain subject area, containing detailed methodological recommendations for studying it and intended for a motivated, independent and active user who wants to acquire knowledge in the relevant discipline (subject area). The prospect of designing intelligent learning systems for specialties is considered on the example of the specialty Artificial Intelligence

    Основные направления, проблемы и перспективы развития интеллектуальных компьютерных систем нового поколения и соответствующей им технологии

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    The paper considers the main directions, problems, and prospects for the development of nextgeneration intelligent computer systems and corresponding technologies, with a focus on the current state of work in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It highlights the problems and methodological challenges of the current stage of development, as well as the prerequisites for transitioning to intelligent computer systems of the new generation. The text also provides background and history of OSTIS Technology development, and outlines its features, advantages, and novelty. Additionally, it mentions current projects related to the development of OSTIS Technology in the current stage of work

    Интеллектуальные компьютерные системы нового поколения и технология комплексной поддержки их жизненного цикла

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    The paper considers the principles of building next-generation intelligent computer systems, as well as the principles of building a comprehensive technology for their development and life cycle support - OSTIS Technology. Semantic compatibility and interoperability are highlighted as the key properties of the next-generation intelligent systems. The paper considers an approach to providing these properties, realized within the framework of OSTIS Technology

    Реализация интеллектуальной подсистемы прогнозирования реального времени

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    The paper describes architecture of intelligent forecasting subsystem of real-time based on multiagent temporal differences reinforcement learning, statistical module and monitoring module with milestone anytime algorithm. Analysis of anytime algorithms were made in terms of using into the forecasting subsystem type of intelligent decision support system of real-time for improving performance and reducing response and execution time. The considered tools can be used to implement the possibility of self-learning and adaptation both in the intelligent systems of real-time created on their basis, and in the actual tools for creating such systems. The work was supported by BRFFR projects 17-07-00553 a, 18-51-00007 Bel a, F16R-102

    Ассоциативные семантические компьютеры для интеллектуальных компьютерных систем нового поколения

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    The paper considers the shortcomings of the currently dominant von Neumann architecture of computer systems as the basis for building intelligent computer systems of a new generation, analyzes modern approaches to the development of hardware architectures that eliminate some of these shortcomings, substantiates the need to develop fundamentally new hardware architectures, which are hardware version of the implementation of the interpretation platform for systems built on the basis of OSTIS Technology, — associative semantic computers

    Онтологическое проектирование интеллектуальных систем учебного назначения

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    Application of the ontological approach to the design of intelligent systems for educational purposes is considered in the paper

    Стандартизация интеллектуальных компьютерных систем – ключевая задача текущего этапа развития технологий искусственного интеллекта

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    This work is devoted to the consideration of the most important factor providing semantic compatibility of intelligent computer systems and their components – standardization of intelligent computer systems, as well as standardization of methods and tools of their design

    Grapho-dynamic association models and facilities of parallel information handling in artificial intelligence systems

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    Рассмотрены графодинамические ассоциативные модели обработки информации и соответ- ствующие им абстрактные графодинамические ассоциативные машины, осуществляющие параллельную асинхронную обработку семантических сетей в графодинамической ассоциа- тивной памяти. Одним из перспективных направлений применения предложенных в данной работе моделей являются интеллектуальные обучающие системы и распределенные интел- лектуальные системы. Grapho-dynamic association models of information handling and corresponding abstract gra- pho-dynamic association machines producing parallel asynchronous processing of semantic networks in grapho-dynamic association memory are viewed. One of the most prospective directions of offered in the article models application are intelligence coursewares and allocated intelligence systems