3 research outputs found

    State Model of Interconfessional Tolerance in Modern Multiethnic Societies

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    The focal point of the article is to examine a way for peaceful coexistence and meaningful dialogue of various ethnicities in the context of Kazakhstan's multiethnic society. There is much evidence that to achieve the goal; it is necessary to establish and justify the principles based on which it is possible to harmonise interfaith relations in the conditions of Kazakhstan state. The primary concern of the paper is the study of various models of state-confessional relations, and on this basis to formulate recommendations for improving the state model of interconfessional tolerance in modern, multiethnic societies. The most significant discovery of the research is the idea that the state model of interconfessional tolerance in modern, multiethnic societies emerges from minimising or neutralising the causes that promote the manifestations of intolerant relations. Another important finding is the assumption that it is critical to acknowledge the need to preserve the national, cultural, ethnic, and religious identity in the process of introducing freedom of conscience and religion. The result of the study indicates that it is necessary to introduce legal norms that affirm the real equality of the rights of different faiths in order to overcome the distortions in the assessments of certain faiths and to stimulate the dialogue between the conflicting parties in the religious sphere. No less important is the increased responsibility for the selection of materials regarding the religious sphere in media, as well as, the development of objective assessments of interfaith tolerance. &nbsp

    The Electric Energy Sector of Kazakhstan: State and Vision for the Country Taking into Account the International Trends

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    The main objective of this paper is the study of the modern state of the electric energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the determination of some promising directions of the country in view of the global trend of the electric energy sector. The desk study, trend analysis, and literature review were used as the methods of the research. The conducted research allowed concluding that many factors had significant influence on a rapid change of the global energy sector and the way energy was produced and consumed as well (including the climate change, development of new sources of energy, application of innovative technologies). Nowadays, the electric energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan is facing a lot of intrinsic factors (including the need to modernize infrastructure), as well as the changes in global markets which require long-term planning and the environment for attracting new investments. It is necessary to take into account the global energy environment during the development of a growth strategy, including some changes in the dynamics and organization of the world production and demand in energy, development of renewable energy resources, and implementation of "smart" networks. Keywords: electric energy sector, fuel and energy complex, alternative sources, renewables, energy infrastructure. JEL Classifications: Q20, Q42 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.774

    Role and Importance of the Damu Enterprise Development Fund and International Investment Funds in Implementing Project and Leasing Financing Programs in Kazakhstan

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    This article considers the loan indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan and defines promising areas for the development of project and leasing financing of alternative investment instruments in infrastructure projects. The results of the research demonstrate that on the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan the volume of bank credit falls and the availability of capital decreases, which stipulates the attraction of alternative sources of financing for infrastructure projects. Prospective mechanisms of investing in projects of this kind include projects and leasing financing. It is noted that currently, the Republic of Kazakhstan is successfully cooperating with international financial companies and multilateral development banks to attract financial resources to implement investment projects. In spite of the existing leasing development potential, this mechanism for financing infrastructure projects is not entirely used. Stimulation of demand for leasing programs by corporate clients, the development of subsidy programs or guarantees to suppliers to purchase equipment, the reduction of the cost of funding, the development and implementation of project financing programs on the basis of syndication of loans are singled out as promising directions for the further development of project and leasing financing mechanisms