36 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of mobile phone producers

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    Since the introduction of first mobile phone prototype by Motorola in 1973, the global mobile communication industry has faced tremendous changes. Mobile phones evolved from bricksized devices to today’s smart phones and their infrastructures have been through vast improvement

    An Iterated Tabu Search Approach for the Clique Partitioning Problem

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    Given an edge-weighted undirected graph with weights specifying dissimilarities between pairs of objects, represented by the vertices of the graph, the clique partitioning problem (CPP) is to partition the vertex set of the graph into mutually disjoint subsets such that the sum of the edge weights over all cliques induced by the subsets is as small as possible. We develop an iterated tabu search (ITS) algorithm for solving this problem. The proposed algorithm incorporates tabu search, local search, and solution perturbation procedures. We report computational results on CPP instances of size up to 2000 vertices. Performance comparisons of ITS against state-of-the-art methods from the literature demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach

    Post Tax Optimal Investments

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