7 research outputs found

    Character-based Deep Learning Models for Token and Sentence Segmentation

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    In this work we address the problems of sentence segmentation and tokenization. Informally the task of sentence segmentation involves splitting a given text into units that satisfy a certain definition (or a number of definitions) of a sentence. Similarly, tokenization has as its goal splitting a text into chunks that for a certain task constitute basic units of operation, e.g. words, digits, punctuation marks and other symbols for part of speech tagging. As seen from the definition, tokenization is an absolute prerequisite for virtually every natural language processing (NLP) task. Many of so called downstream NLP applications with higher level of sophistication, e.g. machine translation, additionally require sentence segmentation. Thus both of the problems that we address are the very basic steps in NLP and, as such, are widely regarded as solved problems. Indeed there is a large body of work devoted to these problems, and there is a number of popular, highly accurate off the shelf solutions for them. Nevertheless, the problems of sentence segmentation and tokenization persist, and in practice one often faces certain difficulties whenever confronted with raw text that needs to be tokenized and/or split into sentences. This happens because existing approaches, if they are unsupervised, rely heavily on hand-crafted rules and lexicons, or, if they are supervised, rely on extraction of hand-engineered features. Such systems are not easy to maintain and adapt to new domains and languages because for those one may need to revise the rules and feature definitions. In order to address the aforementioned challenges, we develop character-based deep learning models which require neither rule nor feature engineering. The only resource required is a training set, where each character is labeled with an IOB (Inside Outside Beginning) tag. Such training sets are easily attainable from existing tokenized and sentence-segmented corpora, or, in absence of those, have to be created (but the same is true for rules, lexicons, and hand-crafted features). The IOB-like annotation allows us to solve both tokenization and sentence segmentation problems simultaneously casting them as a single sequence-labeling task, where each character has to be tagged with one of four tags: beginning of a sentence (S), beginning of a token (T), inside of a token (I) and outside of a token (O). To this end we design three models based on artificial neural networks: (i) a fully connected feed forward network; (ii) long short term memory (LSTM) network; (iii) bi-directional version of LSTM. The proposed models utilize character embeddings, i.e. represent characters as vectors in a multidimensional continuous space. We evaluate our approach on three typologically distant languages, namely English, Italian, and Kazakh. In terms of evaluation metrics we use standard precision, recall, and F-measure scores, as well as combined error rate for sentence and token boundary detection. We use two state of the art supervised systems as baselines, and show that our models consistently outperform both of them in terms of error rate

    Character-based Deep Learning Models for Token and Sentence Segmentation

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    In this work we address the problems of sentence segmentation and tokenization. Informally the task of sentence segmentation involves splitting a given text into units that satisfy a certain definition (or a number of definitions) of a sentence. Similarly, tokenization has as its goal splitting a text into chunks that for a certain task constitute basic units of operation, e.g. words, digits, punctuation marks and other symbols for part of speech tagging. As seen from the definition, tokenization is an absolute prerequisite for virtually every natural language processing (NLP) task. Many of so called downstream NLP applications with higher level of sophistication, e.g. machine translation, additionally require sentence segmentation. Thus both of the problems that we address are the very basic steps in NLP and, as such, are widely regarded as solved problems. Indeed there is a large body of work devoted to these problems, and there is a number of popular, highly accurate off the shelf solutions for them. Nevertheless, the problems of sentence segmentation and tokenization persist, and in practice one often faces certain difficulties whenever confronted with raw text that needs to be tokenized and/or split into sentences. This happens because existing approaches, if they are unsupervised, rely heavily on hand-crafted rules and lexicons, or, if they are supervised, rely on extraction of hand-engineered features. Such systems are not easy to maintain and adapt to new domains and languages because for those one may need to revise the rules and feature definitions. In order to address the aforementioned challenges, we develop character-based deep learning models which require neither rule nor feature engineering. The only resource required is a training set, where each character is labeled with an IOB (Inside Outside Beginning) tag. Such training sets are easily attainable from existing tokenized and sentence-segmented corpora, or, in absence of those, have to be created (but the same is true for rules, lexicons, and hand-crafted features). The IOB-like annotation allows us to solve both tokenization and sentence segmentation problems simultaneously casting them as a single sequence-labeling task, where each character has to be tagged with one of four tags: beginning of a sentence (S), beginning of a token (T), inside of a token (I) and outside of a token (O). To this end we design three models based on artificial neural networks: (i) a fully connected feed forward network; (ii) long short term memory (LSTM) network; (iii) bi-directional version of LSTM. The proposed models utilize character embeddings, i.e. represent characters as vectors in a multidimensional continuous space. We evaluate our approach on three typologically distant languages, namely English, Italian, and Kazakh. In terms of evaluation metrics we use standard precision, recall, and F-measure scores, as well as combined error rate for sentence and token boundary detection. We use two state of the art supervised systems as baselines, and show that our models consistently outperform both of them in terms of error rate

    Named Entity Recognition for Kazakh Using Conditional Random Fields / Извлечение именованных сущностей из текста на Казахском языке с использованием условных случайных полей

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    We addressed the Named Entity Recognition (NER) problem for the Kazakh language by using conditional random fields. Kazakh is a typical agglutinative language in which thousands of words could be generated by adding prefixes and suffixes to the same root, which arises a serious data sparsity problem for many NLP tasks. To reduce the data sparsity problem, a necessary preprocessing step is to split the words into their roots and morphemes by morphological analysis. In this study, we designed a CRF-based NER system for Kazakh, which leveraged the features derived from the results of a new-developed morphological analyzer, and found that the performance can be boosted by introducing such derived features. Moreover, we assembled a NER corpus which was manually annotated with location, organization and person names

    Named Entity Recognition for Kazakh Using Conditional Random Fields / Извлечение именованных сущностей из текста на Казахском языке с использованием условных случайных полей

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    We addressed the Named Entity Recognition (NER) problem for the Kazakh language by using conditional random fields. Kazakh is a typical agglutinative language in which thousands of words could be generated by adding prefixes and suffixes to the same root, which arises a serious data sparsity problem for many NLP tasks. To reduce the data sparsity problem, a necessary preprocessing step is to split the words into their roots and morphemes by morphological analysis. In this study, we designed a CRF-based NER system for Kazakh, which leveraged the features derived from the results of a new-developed morphological analyzer, and found that the performance can be boosted by introducing such derived features. Moreover, we assembled a NER corpus which was manually annotated with location, organization and person names

    Neural architectures for gender detection and speaker identification

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    In this paper, we investigate two neural architecture for gender detection and speaker identification tasks by utilizing Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) features which do not cover the voice related characteristics. One of our goals is to compare different neural architectures, multi-layers perceptron (MLP) and, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for both tasks with various settings and learn the gender/speaker-specific features automatically. The experimental results reveal that the models using z-score and Gramian matrix transformation obtain better results than the models only use max-min normalization of MFCC. In terms of training time, MLP requires large training epochs to converge than CNN. Other experimental results show that MLPs outperform CNNs for both tasks in terms of generalization errors

    Data-Driven Approach for Spellchecking and Autocorrection

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    This article presents an approach for spellchecking and autocorrection using web data for morphologically complex languages (in the case of Kazakh language), which can be considered an end-to-end approach that does not require any manually annotated word–error pairs. A sizable web of noisy data is crawled and used as a base to infer the knowledge of misspellings with their correct forms. Using the extracted corpus, a sub-string error model with a context model for morphologically complex languages are trained separately, then these two models are integrated with a regularization parameter. A sub-string alignment model is applied to extract symmetric and non-symmetric patterns in two sequences of word–error pairs. The model calculates the probability for symmetric and non-symmetric patterns of a given misspelling and its candidates to obtain a suggestion list. Based on the proposed method, a Kazakh Spellchecking and Autocorrection system is developed, which we refer to as QazSpell. Several experiments are conducted to evaluate the proposed approach from different angles. The results show that the proposed approach achieves a good outcome when only using the error model, and the performance is boosted after integrating the context model. In addition, the developed system, QazSpell, outperforms the commercial analogs in terms of overall accuracy