7 research outputs found

    Behavioral risk factors for suicide among adolescent schoolchildren

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    The studies devoted to suicide risk factors are of importance because they define the transition from intent and conflict to the realization of the intention in the form of a suicidal act. In this study, three groups of people undergo a survey on the behavioral factors for suicide risk and findings are presented alongside interpretation. The survey shows that the suicidal situation is considered the most serious by the third group (the adolescents), as evidenced by the absence of low scores among the given suicidal factors. At the same time, respondents in all three groups believe that drugs and substance abuse have the greatest influence on the formation of suicidal behavior in adolescents. Thus, the suicidal situation among the adolescent population is unfavorable and requires the adoption of urgent measures to improve it. The study provides recommendations for reducing behavioral risk factors for suicide among adolescent schoolchildren

    Prevention of suicidal behaviour of сhildren on the basis of art-pedagogical activity

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    The content of art and educational activities in the prevention of abnormal domains in society are identified by the authors on the basis of survey results after piloting the art- pedagogical session. By analyzing the questionnaire data the authors argue that the establishment of creativity contributes to promotion of individual in society, the development of all the senses, memory, perception, will, imagination, intuition, and stress relief, increase of emotional tone, confidence, and positive attitude. Thus, the potential of art-pedagogy and art-therapy in the context of the prevention of suicidal behavior and related domains is large enough that the application of appropriate techniques in mass primary education and upbringing largely predetermines the solution of the problem of early prevention of suicidal tendencies of young people

    The human impact in the age of digital transformation

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    Issues of negative impact of digital processes on society in general and on people in particular are considered as well as problems of influence of network communications, virtual space, digitalization of education, formation of digital culture on personality. It is argued that in emerging digital society devalued the phenomenon of knowledge in the traditional sense, value and significant in practical terms, is not the possession of knowledge per se, but the ability to buy it, isolate of tremendous information resource, and at a certain time and at scale. There is an analysis and generalization of the transformations generated by the “age of the figure” and affecting humans. The category of “person in his social ipostasis” is chosen for scientific analysis, which allows to better understand the essence of the ongoing transformations, and, most importantly - their social and psychological consequences. The analysis found that the radical transformation of human existence has led to changes both in human psychophysics and in his cognitive, mental, communicative, axiological spheres

    Mobile and Web-Based Support in Overcoming Behavioral Difficulties of Adolescents

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    A significant proportion of adolescents and young adults experience behavioral difficalties as they grow up. Minor disorders without control and relief can cause significant psychological problems and disorders or form dangerous life paths for a teenager. Mobile devices and applications have been actively used for over a decade to monitor and provide psychological assistance to adolescents. The aim of this study was to identify the level of effectiveness of the impact of mobile and online support for adolescents on the assessment of changes in problem behavior and psychological state of adolescents. The study involved 672 adolescents aged 13 to 15 years from one of the schools in Almaty (Kazakhstan). The participants were divided into three groups, one of which received online and mobile regular psychological support and information, the second, the support group, received support in face-to-face communication with teachers, parents and psychologists, and the third, the control group, received support only upon request from the teenager. or his parents. According to the results of the study, a survey was con-ducted on the Likert scale, in which adolescents, parents and teachers assessed the level of behavioral changes associated with the condition and behavior diffi-culties. In the experimental group, the assessment of behavioral changes reached a maximum of 4.028 on a 5-point scale of positive changes, while the other two groups lagged significantly (2.402 for the support group and 2.12 for the control group). The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of effective implementation of a support system for adolescents at school based on existing mobile devices and instant messengers without significant costs

    Resources and competencies as major determinants of university models 4.0

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    The article considers the concept of resources and competences in the context of the transition of universities to a new generation model - “University 4.0.” Based on an analysis of the historical variability of university models, it is justified that resources and competencies act as the main determinants of the 4.0 university model in the modern realities of higher education. The analysis of sources claims that the movement from University 1.0 to University 4.0 increases the level of “transition” of talent and knowledge. In this way, the authors reach to the concept of “resources,” as supra-competent determinants of the growth of the university. Based on the analysis of the global challenges of the modern world, the need to distinguish the spiritual mission of universities as important actors in the development of modern society is justified. Is presented the model of the University of the Fourth Generation, developed by Al-Farabi KazNU

    The problem of research and prevention of bullying in the school environment: analytical and practical aspects

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    The article considers the problem of studying and preventing, and also presents the results of the authors' practical experience - an express study to identify bullying in schools in Almaty. An analysis of the experience of foreign countries in preventing bullying shows that many of their programs are aimed at attracting all members of the teaching staff. The authors substantiate the fact that most programs do not take into account the potential "internal" resources of potential victims of bullying. The purpose of this study is an analytical study and practical justification of the problem of bullying in the school environment based on rapid research in teenage high schools. Some general characteristics typical of children at risk of bullying were noted on the basis of the results of Diagnostic methods: high level of anxiety, emotional lability, emotional volitional instability, timidity, low self-esteem, inadequate level of claims, low concentration of attention, avoidance - as the main strategy to overcome conflict situations. A “risk group” was identified based on the results of diagnostics and emotional development programs “World of Emotions” and trainings to develop skills to combat bullying, and “potential victims of bullying” were conducted with this risk group. The results showed positive dynamics, which confirmed the assumption that students need to develop skills to combat bullying - skills to combat bullying, such as: emotional stability, stability, poise, willpower, mental strength and so on