7 research outputs found

    The Dzarylgac Survey Project

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    The Dzarylgac (DĆŸarylgač) Survey Project (DSP) is an archaeological research project that, using a variety of field survey methods, aims to study the interaction between Greek colonists and indigenous populations in northwestern Crimea (present-day Ukraine) during the late Classical and early Hellenistic period (late 5th - 3rd century BC). The project, named after the lake around which fieldwork was done, entails field surveys, test excavations, environmental studies and geophysical prospections and has furnished important new insights in the local settlement history, not only during the period of Greek presence but also for the Bronze Age and early modern period. The archive holds the primary field data of the project. The data derives from raw field data, including analogue field forms and digital spatial data (both kept at the GIA)


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