14 research outputs found

    The presentations of family in comic books – ideological involvements

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    Comics (despite its history dating back to the end of 19 century) is still a medium undervalued and underestimated. However, in comics one may discover role models important for the readers, who shape their own understanding of family, aims of family life or proper forms of its realization by accepting, negating or reinterpreting those role models. The aim of comics is the creation (within one piece) of a language understood by as many readers as possible. Popularity of comic books, specificity of its forms of expression and relatively low cost of “production” made possible attempts of the use of this for ideological goals since its very beginnings. Those attempts have been made by both groups at power as well as those who tried to resist their pressure. Ideological entanglement is not only observed in the case of comics consciously used for spreading a specific agenda. It also exists in comics, which, according to their authors, “only tell a story”. Those entanglements arise from the worldview of the creators or references to other comics, which were in any way ideologically entangled. One of the features of the comics portrayal of family is that family usually is a part of the background, not the main theme. There are two main kinds of family portrayal in comics: criticism and affirmation. Even though family is not one of the main themes of comics it may be considered the “litmus paper” of comics ideological entanglement. Family is the oldest human institution, being both a and . It can be thus stated, that one's relation to the family is one's relation to the traditional world.Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowsk

    Location-Based Games as a Contemporary, Original, and Innovative Method of Seniors’ Teaching and Learning

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    This book is a result of the Location-based games as a contemporary, original, and innovative method of seniors’ teaching and learning [LoGaSET] project, coordinated by Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, financed from the Erasmus Plus KA2 strategic partnership budget (nr 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038869). Dr Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska (University of Wrocław, Poland) was the scientific coordinator of the project

    Father and fatherhood in the hymns of Rigweda

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    Szukając źródeł „indoeuropejskiej” wizji ojcostwa można za wskazaniem Georgesa Dumézila zwrócić się w stronę Indii i najstarszego zachowanego tekstu religij nego z tego kręgu kulturowego: Rigwedy. Rigweda jest pierwszą z Wed, najbardziej autorytatywnych ksiąg hinduizmu. Ojcostwo w hymnach Rigwedy posiada wiele konotacji i przywoływane jest w różnych sytuacjach. Pojawiają się odniesienia do ojcostwa wśród Bogów, Mędrców, Przodków i do ojcostwa ziemskiego. Ojcostwo wśród Bogów pojawia się w opisywaniu relacji genealogicznych między Bogami oraz innymi istotami czy zjawiskami nadprzyrodzonymi, a także jako metaforyczne uwznioślenie Bogów. Ojcostwo przywoływane jest także w określeniach relacji między ludźmi a Bogami: konkretnymi Bogami lub ich całą zbiorowością. Jako ojcowie ludzi określani są także Mędrcy. Ojcostwo pojawia się w odniesieniach do Przodków - godnych naśladowania twórców tradycji. Przywoływane jest także ojcostwo ludzkie, ziemskie.When searching for the “Indo-European” vision of fatherhood, following the advice of Georges Dumézil, one can turn to India and the oldest surviving religious text of this culture: the Rigveda. Rigveda is the fi rst of the Vedas, the most authoritative scriptures of Hinduism. Fatherhood in the hymns of Rigveda has numerous connotations, and is evoked in various situations. There are references to fatherhood among Gods, Seers, Ancestors as well as to the earthly fatherhood. Fatherhood among Gods is evoked in the description of genealogical relationship among Gods and other supernatural beings or phenomena and also as metaphorical idealisation of the Gods. Fatherhood is also evoked in the defi ning of the relationship between humans and Gods: particular Gods or their whole community. The Seers are also described as the fathers of mankind. Fatherhood appears in the references to the Ancestors – the creators of tradition, worthy of imitation. Human, earthly fatherhood is also evoked

    Simulative and esoteric aspects of pornography

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    N. Wolf, a third wave feminist, in her controversial essay The Porn Myth discusses the question of switching previously taken positions: pornography has become a model for sex and sex the reflection of pornography. She sees the coming of the Internet and the adjustment of pornography to this medium as the root of the aforementioned transition. Contemporary pornography is a point where the works of postmodernists (especially J. Baudrillard and his theory of simulation and simulacra) and the pessimistic historiosophy of traditionalists and conservatives (particularly J. Evola and J. R. R. Tolkien). Meet focusing on the achievements of the postmodern world and traditional spirituality researchers can be very useful in portraying this complex and controversial phenomenon

    Family stories with a moral: Polish scripted television documentaries

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    Seriale paradokumentalne to specyficzny rodzaj telewizyjnych produkcji – są to realizowane niskim kosztem udające dokumenty seriale, w których najczęściej grają statyści– amatorzy, wcielający się w role rzekomo prawdziwych osób, a same wydarzenia przedstawiane w tych produkcjach są „z życia wzięte”. Zdobywają one coraz większą popularność, zwłaszcza wśród producentów telewizyjnych, ze względu na niskie koszty produkcji. Najczęstszym tematem ich fabuły są problemy związane z życiem rodzinnym. Przesłanie tych historii pełne jest wewnętrznych sprzeczności i w rzeczywistości stanowi hołd dla ludzkiej witalności oraz jej usprawiedliwienie.Scripted documentaries are a specific kind of television productions: they are low budget television series resembling documentaries, usually starring amateur actors, who are playing allegedly real characters, and the portrayed events are real life stories. They are gaining wide appreciation, especially among television producers, due to their low costs of production. The most popular theme of these stories are problems connected with family life. The content of these stories is filled with internal contradictions and it is actually a homage to the human vitality and its justification

    Simulative and esoteric aspects of pornography

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    Contemporarily, the traditional model of marriage is no longer the only accepted form of family life; there are many alternatives to that type of relationship. In post-modernity we face a rapid change in the perception of informal relationships as well as their dynamic development and increase in number. However, will cohabitation - which in the times of moral relativism, praise of freedom and individuality and democratisation of all aspects of human life becomes increasingly popular – eventually dominate and replace traditional marriage