312 research outputs found

    The mediating effect of cross-cultural adjustment on the relationship between spouse and job satisfaction among the self-initiated academic expatriates in Malaysia

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    This study contributed to the field of the Human Resource Development by focusing on the following non-work factors. First, this topic focused on community of academics which has not been much studied in job satisfaction, specifically in Malaysia. Second, through this study we have found out that family factor of spousal cross-cultural adjustment abroad has an important relationship with job satisfaction. This study enriched a vanguard topic of expatriate management literature by investigating the sociocultural adjustment experiences of a little-researched subpopulation of expatriates; those that self-initiate their own foreign work experiences. This study employed a quantitative web survey to generate data about the sociocultural adjustment experiences of academic expatriates teaching at colleges and universities in Malaysia. Three hypotheses were generated and tested regarding the relationship of the antecedent factors of previous overseas work experience and foreign language ability and the in-country factor of culture novelty with cultural adjustment, interaction adjustment, and work adjustment. Hypotheses regarding foreign language ability were not supported. Hypotheses regarding previous overseas work experience were partially supported. Hypotheses regarding culture novelty were fully supported. Evidence was produced to warrant further examination of the factors of age, education level, and degree of satisfaction with previous overseas work experience, length of employment in current job. Finally, the results of this analysis provided original knowledge about the job satisfaction of self-initiating expatriates, contributed to the understanding of the validity of prior research conducted on traditional expatriates and prompted a reexamination of the dominant theoretical model of expatriate job satisfaction upon which much of the expatriate job satisfaction research is based. The key findings of the current study indicated that if spousal adjustment was achieved then it would lead to expatriate’s adjustment and job satisfaction eventually. In particular, spousal crosscultural adjustment had the strongest effect on the general environment of expatriates, followed by host national interaction, and finally, work adjustment. This finding was noteworthy in that it confirmed the findings of previous research and showed that the role of family was stable in changing time

    Two-particle rapidity correlations between relativistic particles in central collisions of 197^{197}Au nuclei in emulsion at 11.6 A GeV/c

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    It is shown that in central collisions of 197^{197}Au nuclei with heavy emulsion nuclei at 11.6 AAGeV/c two-particles pseudorapidity correlations for produced particles in terms of correlation functions demonstate predominantly long-range behaviour in contrast to nucleon-nucleon interactions. The experimental data are compared with calculations based on the FRITIOF-M model and the model of independent emission of particles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    O’zbekiston Respublikasi sog’liqni saqlash tizimida metrologik xizmatning ahamiyati

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    Tibbiyot - maksimal aniqlikni talab qiladigan soha. Shuning uchun tibbiy texnika, oddiy gradusnik, tonometr, tarozilardan boshlab, ultratovushli tekshiruv, kompyuter tomografiyasi, rentgenografiya uchun mo’ljallangan apparatlargacha - ma’lum texnik parametrlarga qat’iy to’g’ri kelishi kerak. Bunda ixtisoslashtirilgan uskunalarning barqaror va soz ishlashini ta’minlash, uning ishlab chiqaruvchilari tomonidan berilgan birlamchi sifatini saqlab turish zarur. Axir, diagnoz to’g’riligi, va bundan chiqdi belgilangan davolash usullarining samaraliligi uning ko’rsatishlari aniqligiga bog’liq

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of spectroscopic overlaps in A≤7A \leq 7 nuclei

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    We present Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of spectroscopic overlaps for A≤7A \leq 7 nuclei. The realistic Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Illinois-7 three-nucleon interactions are used to generate the nuclear states. The overlap matrix elements are extrapolated from mixed estimates between variational Monte Carlo and Green's function Monte Carlo wave functions. The overlap functions are used to obtain spectroscopic factors and asymptotic normalization coefficients, and they can serve as an input for low-energy reaction calculations


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    oai:ojs2.rsglobal.pl:article/7In article development of “digitalization” in transport and logistics spheres is described. New unique services for users of transport raise its safety, convenience and availability and demands perfection of system of legal and technical regulation, creation of through technologies and information security maintenance. The electronic trading platform of freight traffic and its integration with an automobile complex will accelerate granting to multimodal services to terminal-warehouse complexes, financial to services and insurance that becomes a basis of a transport-logistical platform of the country.In article development of “digitalization” in transport and logistics spheres is described. New unique services for users of transport raise its safety, convenience and availability and demands perfection of system of legal and technical regulation, creation of through technologies and information security maintenance. The electronic trading platform of freight traffic and its integration with an automobile complex will accelerate granting to multimodal services to terminal-warehouse complexes, financial to services and insurance that becomes a basis of a transport-logistical platform of the country
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