5 research outputs found

    Self-esteem and wellbeing among tribal and non-tribal adolescent girls

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     Background: Adolescent period reports experiences of changes in physical, mental and social functions. Self-esteem has a significant contribution to wellbeing and depression in adolescent. The aim and objective was to evaluate self-esteem and wellbeing among adolescent girls with tribal and non-tribal ethnicity.Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted in which 2 schools and 1 institute selected using purposive sampling. The total enumeration method of random sampling was obtained to select participants. Total of 360 adolescent girls (180 each tribal and non-tribal adolescent girls) were selected for the study. Socio-demographic datasheet, adolescent wellbeing scale and Rosenberg self-esteem scale were used for the assessment.Results: The adolescent girls with tribal ethnicity found to have low self-esteem and wellbeing (depressive) compared to adolescent girls with non-tribal ethnicity. 33.9% of tribal adolescent girls and 13.3% of non-tribal adolescent girls found in depressive dimension.Conclusions: The deliberate efforts to build self-esteem and wellbeing among tribal adolescent girls can help to promote their mental health. The mental health promotion and wellness programs specific to ethnicity and culture requires to uphold the wellbeing of the adolescent girls with tribal ethnicity

    Anxiety Depression and Burden among the Caregivers of Persons with Neurological Illness

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    Background: Studies have shown that caregivers of the persons with neurological illness have high levels of psychological distress, depression and caregiver’s burden. The aim of the study was to find out anxiety, depression and caregiver’s burden among the caregivers of persons with neurological illness (PWNI). Method: Thirty caregivers of PWNI attending the Centre of Rehabilitation Sciences, LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam were selected using purposive sampling technique for the present study. Socio-demographic and clinical data sheet, Zarit Burden Interview Scale and The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were used. Results: The results shown that in Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, 26.6% of the caregivers’ scores were in the abnormal range in the domain of depression. While in the domain of anxiety, 16.6% scored in the abnormal range. In Zarit Burden of Scale, 13.3% of the caregivers were having little or no burden, 26.6% of the caregivers were having mild to moderate level of burden, 20% were having moderate to severe burden and 30% were having a severe burden of care. Care burden has significant positive correlation with depression (r= .124, p≤ 0.01 and anxiety (r= .124, p≤ 0.05). Conclusion: Caregivers of PWNI have been found to be at higher risk of mental health problems and care burden. The importance of addressing the burden of caregivers involved in the care of PWNI needs to be taken into consideration while providing treatment and rehabilitation of PWNI. Keywords: Anxiety, depression, burden, neurological illnes

    Psychiatric social work intervention with a person with severe depression based on cognitive behavioural case work approach: A case study

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    Background: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and accepted approach of treatment for depression. Aim: To examine the application of case work based on a cognitive behavioural approach concerning working with a client experiencing severe depression. Methodology: The single-subject case study design was adopted. Based on the assessment, psychiatric social work intervention was provided to client and family members. Pre and post assessment was done to see the effectiveness of psychiatric social work intervention in person with depression. Assessments were done using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), Bradford Somatic Inventory (BSI), and Family Assessment Proforma. Results: Client’s level of understanding about the illness was improved and the depressive symptoms were significantly reduced along with somatic complaints. Conclusion: The outcome of the case study approves that the cases with depression can be effectively seen using cognitive behavioural case work approach along with pharmacological treatment. Keywords: Depression, cognitive behaviour therapy, psychosocial, social work interventio

    Personal Social Capital and Socio-occupational Function of Persons with Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study

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    Background: Personal social capital is an individual’s networks and connections between individuals that can provide support which is characterized by reciprocity, trustworthiness and resources. Individual who are excluded from accessing social capital have a higher risk of schizophrenia and may have informal social control. Social functioning of individuals with schizophrenia gets disturbed therefore improving the functioning levels is considered to be an important goal in treating schizophrenia. Aim: To assess and compare personal social capital and socio-occupational functioning of patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 60 individuals (30 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 30 normal population) selected from outpatient department (OPD) of the Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi by using purposive sampling method. Positive and negative syndrome scale (for study group) and General health questionnaire (for normal population) applied for screening. Participants who fulfilled inclusion criteria were informed about study and consent was obtained. Socio-demographic and clinical datasheet, Personal Social Capital Scale and socio-occupational functioning scale was administered. Results: Present study shows significant difference in personal social capital and socio-occupational functioning of persons with schizophrenia and normal controls. Conclusion: The patients with schizophrenia hold lower personal social capital and socio-occupational functioning than normal population. Personal social capital and socio-occupational functioning showed significant positive correlation therefore improvement in socio-occupational functioning can help to enhance personal social capital. Keywords: Schizophrenia, personal social capital, socio-occupational functionin