1 research outputs found

    Gestion del conocimiento en el sector agroalimentario

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    The objective of the article is to discourse about the management of the knowledge in the food chain. In the 21st century the food chain is being submitted to forts tense that can affect negatively its capacity to give the alimentary products to the whole world population. In this sense, the public opinion is increasingly sensible and the technical and legal procedures that govern the theme are more exigent in function to reach a food supply: sufficient, opportune, continuous and of quality to accessible costs, without prejudice of the health of the consumers and of the maintenance of the environment. This purpose could be reached if the knowledge is managed adequately, because this one has become into a source of competitive advantage for the organizations. The management of the knowledge is a tool of strategic direction of the practices and activities related to the knowledge (intangible actives) required to reach the objectives of the business or industry. Its application in the food industry will improve its levels of competitiveness and sustainability. Key words: food chain, management of the knowledg