51 research outputs found

    UCLID-Net: Single View Reconstruction in Object Space

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    Most state-of-the-art deep geometric learning single-view reconstruction approaches rely on encoder-decoder architectures that output either shape parametrizations or implicit representations. However, these representations rarely preserve the Euclidean structure of the 3D space objects exist in. In this paper, we show that building a geometry preserving 3-dimensional latent space helps the network concurrently learn global shape regularities and local reasoning in the object coordinate space and, as a result, boosts performance. We demonstrate both on ShapeNet synthetic images, which are often used for benchmarking purposes, and on real-world images that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art ones. Furthermore, the single-view pipeline naturally extends to multi-view reconstruction, which we also show.Comment: Added supplementary materia

    Gestion de maillages triangulaires déformables

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    On présente un algorithme permettant à la fois de contrôler et d'améliorer le maillage d'une géométrie déformable au cours du temps. Un critère géométrique portant sur la déformation des éléments triangulaires permet de mesurer, de façons locale et globale, la qualité du maillage. La première étape consiste en une régularisation par retournement d'arêtes tant que cela est possible. Il convient ensuite de regrouper les éventuels triangles restant afin de constituer des zones que l'on remaillera grâce à un algorithme de voronoï 2D après avoir créé un (des) trou(s) dans le maillage. Cette présentation est illustrée par des exemples appliqués au moteur automobile

    Learning to Simulate Realistic LiDARs

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    Simulating realistic sensors is a challenging part in data generation for autonomous systems, often involving carefully handcrafted sensor design, scene properties, and physics modeling. To alleviate this, we introduce a pipeline for data-driven simulation of a realistic LiDAR sensor. We propose a model that learns a mapping between RGB images and corresponding LiDAR features such as raydrop or per-point intensities directly from real datasets. We show that our model can learn to encode realistic effects such as dropped points on transparent surfaces or high intensity returns on reflective materials. When applied to naively raycasted point clouds provided by off-the-shelf simulator software, our model enhances the data by predicting intensities and removing points based on the scene's appearance to match a real LiDAR sensor. We use our technique to learn models of two distinct LiDAR sensors and use them to improve simulated LiDAR data accordingly. Through a sample task of vehicle segmentation, we show that enhancing simulated point clouds with our technique improves downstream task performance.Comment: IROS2022 pape

    PDRs4All III: JWST's NIR spectroscopic view of the Orion Bar

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    (Abridged) We investigate the impact of radiative feedback from massive stars on their natal cloud and focus on the transition from the HII region to the atomic PDR (crossing the ionisation front (IF)), and the subsequent transition to the molecular PDR (crossing the dissociation front (DF)). We use high-resolution near-IR integral field spectroscopic data from NIRSpec on JWST to observe the Orion Bar PDR as part of the PDRs4All JWST Early Release Science Program. The NIRSpec data reveal a forest of lines including, but not limited to, HeI, HI, and CI recombination lines, ionic lines, OI and NI fluorescence lines, Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs including aromatic CH, aliphatic CH, and their CD counterparts), CO2 ice, pure rotational and ro-vibrational lines from H2, and ro-vibrational lines HD, CO, and CH+, most of them detected for the first time towards a PDR. Their spatial distribution resolves the H and He ionisation structure in the Huygens region, gives insight into the geometry of the Bar, and confirms the large-scale stratification of PDRs. We observe numerous smaller scale structures whose typical size decreases with distance from Ori C and IR lines from CI, if solely arising from radiative recombination and cascade, reveal very high gas temperatures consistent with the hot irradiated surface of small-scale dense clumps deep inside the PDR. The H2 lines reveal multiple, prominent filaments which exhibit different characteristics. This leaves the impression of a "terraced" transition from the predominantly atomic surface region to the CO-rich molecular zone deeper in. This study showcases the discovery space created by JWST to further our understanding of the impact radiation from young stars has on their natal molecular cloud and proto-planetary disk, which touches on star- and planet formation as well as galaxy evolution.Comment: 52 pages, 30 figures, submitted to A&

    PDRs4All II: JWST's NIR and MIR imaging view of the Orion Nebula

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    The JWST has captured the most detailed and sharpest infrared images ever taken of the inner region of the Orion Nebula, the nearest massive star formation region, and a prototypical highly irradiated dense photo-dissociation region (PDR). We investigate the fundamental interaction of far-ultraviolet photons with molecular clouds. The transitions across the ionization front (IF), dissociation front (DF), and the molecular cloud are studied at high-angular resolution. These transitions are relevant to understanding the effects of radiative feedback from massive stars and the dominant physical and chemical processes that lead to the IR emission that JWST will detect in many Galactic and extragalactic environments. Due to the proximity of the Orion Nebula and the unprecedented angular resolution of JWST, these data reveal that the molecular cloud borders are hyper structured at small angular scales of 0.1-1" (0.0002-0.002 pc or 40-400 au at 414 pc). A diverse set of features are observed such as ridges, waves, globules and photoevaporated protoplanetary disks. At the PDR atomic to molecular transition, several bright features are detected that are associated with the highly irradiated surroundings of the dense molecular condensations and embedded young star. Toward the Orion Bar PDR, a highly sculpted interface is detected with sharp edges and density increases near the IF and DF. This was predicted by previous modeling studies, but the fronts were unresolved in most tracers. A complex, structured, and folded DF surface was traced by the H2 lines. This dataset was used to revisit the commonly adopted 2D PDR structure of the Orion Bar. JWST provides us with a complete view of the PDR, all the way from the PDR edge to the substructured dense region, and this allowed us to determine, in detail, where the emission of the atomic and molecular lines, aromatic bands, and dust originate

    A far-ultraviolet-driven photoevaporation flow observed in a protoplanetary disk

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    Most low-mass stars form in stellar clusters that also contain massive stars, which are sources of far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation. Theoretical models predict that this FUV radiation produces photo-dissociation regions (PDRs) on the surfaces of protoplanetary disks around low-mass stars, impacting planet formation within the disks. We report JWST and Atacama Large Millimetere Array observations of a FUV-irradiated protoplanetary disk in the Orion Nebula. Emission lines are detected from the PDR; modelling their kinematics and excitation allows us to constrain the physical conditions within the gas. We quantify the mass-loss rate induced by the FUV irradiation, finding it is sufficient to remove gas from the disk in less than a million years. This is rapid enough to affect giant planet formation in the disk

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure