489 research outputs found

    Efeito de níveis de melão em substituição ao milho moído sobre o desempenho, o consumo e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes em ovinos Morada Nova.

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    Avaliaram-se o desempenho, o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente de componentes nutritivos em 32 ovinos Morada Nova em confinamento, 20 machos não-castrados e 12 fêmeas, recebendo dietas contendo 0, 30, 60 e 100% de melão em substituição ao milho moído. Os animais tinham em média 6 meses de idade, peso médio inicial de 15 kg e foram abatidos aos 25 kg. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições. O consumo de MS apresentou tendência quadrática para ambos os sexos, variando de 769 a 837 g para os machos e de 722 g a 646 g para as fêmeas. Os consumos de matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), carboidratos totais (CT) e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) apresentaram comportamento quadrático, refletindo o mesmo comportamento da ingestão da MS. A digestibilidade aparente da MS apresentou tendência linear decrescente. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MO, PB, EE, FDN e CT apresentaram comportamento linear crescente com a adição de melão em substituição ao milho moído. O ganho de peso diário com o aumento do nível de melão na dieta foi maior nos machos. A conversão e eficiência alimentar não foram influenciadas pelo aumento do nível de melão na dieta. Os dias de confinamento variaram de 79 a 90 dias. A substituição na dieta do milho moído por melão possibilitou obter desempenho satisfatório em ovinos Morada Nova em confinamento. O nível de 60% de substituição é o que permite melhor retorno financeiro, entretanto, em níveis superiores a 30%, aumentam os dias de confinamento, elevando a idade ao abate

    The physics as structure of technical knowledge from the perspective of students.

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    Discutir as interfaces entre a educa??o cient?fica e a educa??o profissional e tecnol?gica envolve diversos fatores que comp?em as condi??es concretas das atividades de ensino e aprendizagem. Com o intuito de ampliar o debate sobre a interdisciplinaridade entre as componentes curriculares conhecidas como proped?uticas e t?cnicas, este trabalho foca a percep??o do estudante. Os discentes s?o sujeitos essenciais na composi??o institucional e, em ?ltima an?lise, raz?o para exist?ncia das institui??es de ensino. Dentre os diversos aspectos que comp?em as intera??es entre a educa??o cient?fica e a educa??o profissional, o objetivo do artigo ? apresentar e discutir resultados de pesquisa sobre a percep??o dos estudantes acerca das rela??es dos conte?dos da componente curricular F?sica na composi??o dos cursos profissionalizantes. Para tanto, foi criado, validado e aplicado um question?rio para coleta de dados e posterior an?lise quantitativa; o m?todo adotado foi a estat?stica descritiva. A amostra ? constitu?da por 249 estudantes do segundo e terceiro anos de cursos t?cnicos integrados ao Ensino M?dio do IFMG, Campus Ouro Preto (IFMG-OP).Discussing the interfaces between scientific education and professional and technological education involves several factors that compose the concrete conditions of teaching and learning activities. With the aim of expand the debate about the interdisciplinarity between the curricular components known as propedeutics and techniques, this paper focuses on the student's perception. The students are essential subjects in the institutional composition and, ultimately, reason for the existence of the educational institutions. Among the several aspects that compose the interactions between scientific education and professional education, the objective of this paper is to present and discuss results of students' perceptions about the content relations of the Physics curricular component in the composition of professional courses. For that, a questionnaire was created, validated and applied for data collection and posterior quantitative analysis; the method adopted was descriptive statistics. The sample consists of 249 students of the second and third years of technical courses integrated to the high school of the IFMG, Campus Ouro Preto (IFMG-OP)

    Association of the fibronectin type III domain–containing protein 5 rs1746661 single nucleotide polymorphism with reduced brain glucose metabolism in elderly humans

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    Fibronectin type III domain–containing protein 5 (FNDC5) and its derived hormone, irisin, have been associated with metabolic control in humans, with described FNDC5 single nucleotide polymorphisms being linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome. Decreased brain FNDC5/irisin has been reported in subjects with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. Since impaired brain glucose metabolism develops in ageing and is prominent in Alzheimer’s disease, here, we examined associations of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the FNDC5 gene (rs1746661) with brain glucose metabolism and amyloid-β deposition in a cohort of 240 cognitively unimpaired and 485 cognitively impaired elderly individuals from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. In cognitively unimpaired elderly individuals harbouring the FNDC5 rs1746661(T) allele, we observed a regional reduction in low glucose metabolism in memory-linked brain regions and increased brain amyloid-β PET load. No differences in cognition or levels of cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β42, phosphorylated tau and total tau were observed between FNDC5 rs1746661(T) allele carriers and non-carriers. Our results indicate that a genetic variant of FNDC5 is associated with low brain glucose metabolism in elderly individuals and suggest that FNDC5 may participate in the regulation of brain metabolism in brain regions vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology. Understanding the associations between genetic variants in metabolism-linked genes and metabolic brain signatures may contribute to elucidating genetic modulators of brain metabolism in humans

    Perfil epidemiológico de acidentes envolvendo animais peçonhentos no Maranhão no período de 2012 a 2021

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    Justificativa e Objetivos: a segunda maior causa de envenenamento humano no Brasil é ocasionada por animais peçonhentos. Dessa forma, este estudo visou analisar dados clínicos e sociodemográficos, a fim de traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes envolvendo animais peçonhentos no Maranhão. Métodos: trata-se de estudo ecológico de abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir da coleta de dados pelo Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) de acidentes por animais peçonhentos ocorridos no estado do Maranhão no período de 2012 a 2021.  Resultados: dos 34.808 casos notificados, constatou-se que a maior incidência ocorreu no ano de 2019 e, em geral, janeiro é o mês em que mais se registram acidentes. Ao analisar o perfil sociodemográfico, nota-se que a maior parte das vítimas é representada por indivíduos do sexo masculino, entre 20 e 39 anos, com grau de escolaridade não identificado. Tratando-se de critérios clínicos e epidemiológicos, evidenciou-se que as serpentes do gênero Bothrops são as responsáveis pela maior incidência, sendo que a maior parte dos atendimentos envolvendo animais peçonhentos ocorreu no intervalo de 1-3 horas após a picada. Entre os casos identificados, 63% foram descritos como leve e 82% evoluíram para a cura. Conclusão: o perfil epidemiológico descrito no estudo pode ser utilizado por agentes de saúde para o planejamento de medidas preventivas na Atenção Primária à Saúde, e conhecer o perfil das vítimas é essencial para prevenir e promover uma assistência de qualidade

    Risk factors for death and illness severity in vaccinated versus unvaccinated COVID-2019 inpatients: a retrospective cohort study

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the clinical profile of COVID-19 inpatients who were vaccinated prior to hospitalization and to compare the risk factors for death and the 28-day survival rate of between those inpatients vaccinated with one, two, or three doses and unvaccinated COVID-19 inpatients. Methods: This was a retrospective observational cohort study involving COVID-19 patients admitted to a referral hospital in the city of Recife, Brazil, between July of 2020 and June of 2022. Results: The sample comprised 1,921 inpatients, 996 of whom (50.8%) were vaccinated prior to hospitalization. After adjusting the mortality risk for vaccinated patients, those undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) had the highest mortality risk (adjusted OR [aOR] = 7.4; 95% CI, 3.8-14.1; p 80 years of age (aOR = 7.3; 95% CI, 3.4-15.4; p < 0.001), and those needing vasopressors (aOR = 5.6; 95% CI, 2.9-10.9; p < 0.001). After adjusting the mortality risk for all patients, having received three vaccine doses (aOR = 0.06; 95% CI, 0.03-0.11; p < 0.001) was the most important protective factor against death. There were progressive benefits of vaccination, reducing the frequency of ICU admissions, use for IMV, and death (respectively, from 44.9%, 39.0% and 39.9% after the first dose to 16.7%, 6.2% and 4.4% after the third dose), as well as significant improvements in survival after each subsequent dose (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Vaccines were effective in reducing illness severity and death in this cohort of COVID-19 inpatients, and the administration of additional doses conferred them with accumulative vaccine protection

    Perfil da tuberculose em populações vulneráveis: pessoas privadas de liberdade e em situação de rua

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    Objetivo: descrever o perfil sociodemográfico e epidemiológico das pessoas privadas de liberdade e da população em situação de rua com tuberculose em Belo Horizonte. Metodologia: estudo ecológico descritivo. A fonte de dados foi o Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação do município de Belo Horizonte-MG, de 2015 a 2017. Resultados: observou-se 43 casos de tuberculose em pessoas privadas de liberdade e 188 na população em situação de rua, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino, raça preta ou parda e com idade média de 38 e 40 anos, respectivamente. Nos dois públicos a escolaridade foi inferior a 12 anos e a maioria não era beneficiária de auxílio financeiro. Como comorbidades destaca-se a coinfecção HIV/TB, o alcoolismo e o tabagismo. A ocorrência de tuberculose multidrogarresistente foi de 5% entre os privados de liberdade. Destaca-se a baixa realização do teste rápido molecular. O tratamento diretamente observado foi pouco implementado nos dois grupos e o abandono foi a principal situação de encerramento na população de rua. Conclusões: o perfil sociodemográfico identificado apresenta características de grupos em situação de vulnerabilidade, com menos acesso a diagnóstico e tratamento de qualidade e desfechos mais desfavoráveis na tuberculose. Espera-se mais atuação das autoridades sobre os determinantes sociais de vulnerabilidade, visando sucesso na cura e controle da tuberculose.

    Laboratory study of tissue repair of resin-based endodontic sealers in critical surgical defects

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    Filling materials should be restricted to the root canal space. However, sometimes it is impossible to control the apical extrusion, in this case, the fate of the filling material and the result of the treatment will depend on its physicochemical properties and biocompatibility. Objective: To evaluate the tissue response and bone repair capacity of endodontic sealers that were implanted in the calvaria of Wistar rats, forming the groups (n=16): AH Plus and Sealer Plus, compared to the clot group. Methodology: On days 30 and 60, the animals were euthanized, the calvaria was removed and processed for hematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemistry for collagen type I, Picrosirus red and microtomographic analysis. Data were subjected to ANOVA and Tuckey tests (p&lt;0.05). Results:At 30 days, all groups showed an intense inflammatory reaction (p&gt;0.05). At 60 days, the AH Plus and Sealer Plus maintained an intense inflammatory infiltrate compared to the clot group (p&lt;0.05). We observed immunopositive areas for type I collagen in all groups at 30 days and 60 days (p&gt;0.05). We observed more red collagen fibers for the Sealer Plus compared to the clot group at 30 days (p&lt;0.05). Considering the total fibers, the clot group at 30 days compared to 60 days after surgery showed an increase in the amount of matrix (p&lt;0.05). There were no statistical differences between groups for green and yellow fibers (p&gt;0.05). Regarding morphometric parameters, at 30 days, the newly formed bone volume and number of bone trabeculae were higher in the groups with sealers compared to the clot group (p&lt;0.05). At 60 days, AH Plus and Sealer Plus showed greater bone neoformation compared to the clot group (p&lt;0.05). Conclusions: Despite AH Plus and Sealer Plus induced an intense inflammatory reaction, they can be considered biocompatible materials, since they allowed bone repair

    Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of broiler strains (Cobb 500, Ross 308, and Hubbard Flex) in hot weather. Environmental temperatures above thermal comfort trigger responses of the animals to maintain homeothermia, which negatively affects productive performance. A total of 2,160 chicks of both sexes, were distributed in an experimental design that was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement of 3 × 2 (strains and sexes) with six replicates of 60 birds each. Feed intake (FI), live weight (LW), weight gain (WG), and feed conversion (FC) were analyzed at periods of 1–7, 1–21, 1–28, 1–42, and 1–49 days old. At 42 and 49 days old, the carcass weight (CW), carcass yield (CY), breast yield (BY), thigh yield (TY), and drumstick yield (DY) were analyzed. The strains differed in LW and WG in most periods, especially for Cobb broilers in the pre-start period (1–7 days) and Hubbard broilers in the last two periods (1–42 and 1–49 days). Except for the pre-initial stage, which there was no influence of the strains on FC, the Hubbard broilers showed the best FC, at 1–49 d, similarly to Cobb broilers. Regardless of strain, the males showed superior performance to that of females. At 42 d, the Cobb broilers showed a superior BY to that of the other strains, presenting better TY than did the Ross and Hubbard strains. At 49 d, the Cobb and Ross strains showed the best BY, with the Hubbard strain having the greatest DY. Males showed higher values in cut yields, except in the BY in which females showed better results

    Dissemination and teaching of astronomy and physics through informal approaches.

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    A Astronomia ? uma das mais antigas ci?ncias naturais, tendo sido desenvolvida por diferentes civiliza??es e com distintos prop?sitos nos ?ltimos mil?nios. No Brasil, v?rios t?picos astron?micos permeiam a educa??o b?sica, tanto em n?vel fundamental quanto m?dio. Somado a isso, nas ?ltimas d?cadas vem crescendo o n?mero de pesquisas e o interesse pela divulga??o cient?fica e pelo ensino em espa?os n?o-formais de educa??o. As atividades educacionais e a divulga??o cient?fica nesse contexto, se bem exploradas, podem contribuir para a socializa??o e a populariza??o de conhecimentos sobre Astronomia. Al?m disso, podem servir de suporte ? forma??o de professores e alunos. Dessa forma, o debate sobre o tema ? importante e deve ser instigado tanto no ?mbito n?o acad?mico quanto no ?mbito da forma??o docente e discente. Frente a isso, um projeto de extens?o da Coordenadoria de F?sica (CODAFIS) do Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais - Campus Ouro Preto (IFMG-OP) foi iniciado em 2011, oferecendo observa??es e atividades sobre Astronomia para a popula??o local e das cidades vizinhas. Desde ent?o, mais de 7.000 pessoas j? participaram das a??es, demonstrando o imenso potencial do tema. As discuss?es sobre Astronomia levam normalmente a discuss?es sobre F?sica, quando conceitos e v?rios outros assuntos podem ser tratados de forma aplicada, fomentando o interesse por esses temas. No entanto, atividades mal elaboradas ou mal desenvolvidas podem gerar rea??es adversas no p?blico, causando resist?ncia com rela??o ao assunto. Assim, esse artigo tem como objetivo principal identificar elementos que podem culminar com a n?o efetividade das atividades de observa??o. Al?m disso, busca-se identificar par?metros que sejam determinantes para o ?xito das a??es, al?m de compartilhar conhecimentos emp?ricos obtidos com o desenvolvimento do projeto e encorajar grupos, acad?micos ou n?o, a desenvolverem atividades astron?micas similares em ambientes formais e n?o-formais de ensino e tamb?m em diferentes regi?es do pa?s.Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences and have been developed by different civilizations and with different purposes in the last millennia. In Brazil, several astronomical topics are teached in basic education, both at the fundamental and medium levels. In addition, the number of researches and activities about scientific dissemination and teaching in non-formal places is increasing. Educational activities and scientific dissemination in this context, if well done, can contribute to the socialization and popularization of astronomy knowledge. Besides that, they can help to improve the knowledge of teachers and students. In this way, the debate on the subject is important and should be instigated both in the non-academic context and in the scope of teacher and student training. In this way, a practical project of the Physics Department (CODAFIS) of the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais - Campus Ouro Preto (IFMG-OP) was started in 2011, offering observations and activities on Astronomy for the local population and neighboring cities. Since then, more than 7,000 people have attended the actions, which shows the large potential of the theme. Astronomy discussions naturally lead to Physics, when concepts and many other subjects can be treated in an applied way. In general, people are more interested in activities in this context than in traditional teaching environments. However, poorly designed or poorly developed activities can generate adverse reactions in the public, leading to dislike on the subject. Thus, this article?s main objective is to identify elements that can culminate with the non-effectiveness of the observation activities. In addition, it seeks to identify parameters that are determinant for the success of the actions, in addition to sharing empirical knowledge obtained with the development of the project and to encourage groups, academic or otherwise, to develop similar astronomical activities in formal and non-formal educational environments and also in different regions of the country
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