138 research outputs found

    Transições entre os planos conceitual e material da concepção arquitetônica em Louis I. Kahn

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    In order to expand the understanding of the creative process in architecture, this paper investigates, on the basis of the analysis of several graphic notations of design made available by the specialized literature, the ways in which the shifts between the conceptual formulation and the design solution take place in Louis Kahn’s First Unitarian Church project in Rochester, NY (1959-1967). Kahn establishes two distinct and constantly alternating stages in the design process, defined as the conceptual and the material stages. The notions of “form” and “design” derive from this theoretical abstraction and seem to be essential for the understanding of Kahn’s creative process. So, the means used by the architect to structure the design problem becomes the object of attention in this study, rather than the design solution itself. Kahn’s incessant ontological investigation of the origin and essential nature of things leads him to the search for permanent and generic formal structures and the exploration of archetypes as important heuristic resources. The observation of some other design projects conceived by Kahn revealed some similarity with the main structural principle found in the project analyzed here. The commonality of features suggests the development of a notoriously peculiar approach to architectural design. Keywords: architecture, architectural design, design process.Ao buscar expandir a compreensão dos processos de concepção em arquitetura, este trabalho se propôs a investigar, a partir da análise de notações gráficas de concepção disponibilizadas pela literatura especializada, de que modos se manifestam as transições entre elaboração conceitual e solução projetual no caso da Primeira Igreja Unitária, do arquiteto Louis I. Kahn (Rochester, 1959-1967). Kahn argumenta que, na concepção arquitetônica, podem-se reconhecer duas etapas que se alternam continuamente: a conceitual e a material. A partir daí, o arquiteto desenvolve as noções de form e design, abstrações teóricas que se revelam essenciais na compreensão de seu processo criativo. Neste sentido, a maneira pela qual o arquiteto pré-estrutura o problema de projeto é o objeto crítico de atenção deste estudo, e não a sua solução final propriamente dita. A incessante investigação ontológica de Kahn acerca das essências e origens das coisas o remete para a busca de estruturas formais permanentes e genéricas e para a exploração da noção de arquétipo como recurso heurístico de busca criativa. O conhecimento de outros projetos do arquiteto indicou alguma similaridade com o princípio estruturante reconhecido no projeto especificamente analisado, revelando o que se pode reconhecer como um modo notoriamente peculiar de projetar. Palavras-chave: arquitetura, projeto arquitetônico, processo de concepção

    Gla-Rich protein, magnesium and phosphate associate with mitral and aortic valves calcification in Didabetic patients with moderate CKD

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    Accelerated and premature cardiovascular calcification is a hallmark of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Valvular calcification (VC) is a critical indicator of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in this population, lacking validated biomarkers for early diagnosis. Gla-rich protein (GRP) is a cardiovascular calcification inhibitor recently associated with vascular calcification, pulse pressure, mineral metabolism markers and kidney function. Here, we examined the association between GRP serum levels and mitral and aortic valves calcification in a cohort of 80 diabetic patients with CKD stages 2–4. Mitral and aortic valves calcification were detected in 36.2% and 34.4% of the patients and associated with lower GRP levels, even after adjustments for age and gender. In this pilot study, univariate, multivariate and Poisson regression analysis, show that low levels of GRP and magnesium (Mg), and high levels of phosphate (P) are associated with mitral and aortic valves calcification. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showed that the area under the curve (AUC) values of GRP for mitral (0.762) and aortic (0.802) valves calcification were higher than those of Mg and P. These results suggest that low levels of GRP and Mg, and high levels of P, are independent and cumulative risk factors for VC in this population; the GRP diagnostic value might be potentially useful in cardiovascular risk assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transcriptome and Proteome of Fish-Pathogenic Streptococcus agalactiae Are Modulated by Temperature

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    Streptococcus agalactiae is one of the most important pathogens associated with streptococcosis outbreaks in Nile tilapia farms worldwide. High water temperature (above 27°C) has been described as a predisposing factor for the disease in fish. At low temperatures (below 25°C), fish mortalities are not usually observed in farms. Temperature variation can modulate the expression of genes and proteins involved in metabolism, adaptation, and bacterial pathogenicity, thus increasing or decreasing the ability to infect the host. This study aimed to evaluate the transcriptome and proteome of a fish-pathogenic S. agalactiae strain SA53 subjected to in vitro growth at different temperatures using a microarray and label-free shotgun LC-HDMSE approach. Biological triplicates of isolates were cultured in BHIT broth at 22 or 32°C for RNA and protein isolation and submitted for transcriptomic and proteomic analyses. In total, 1,730 transcripts were identified in SA53, with 107 genes being differentially expressed between the temperatures evaluated. A higher number of genes related to metabolism, mainly from the phosphotransferase system (PTS) and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport system, were upregulated at 32°C. In the proteome analysis, 1,046 proteins were identified in SA53, of which 81 were differentially regulated between 22 and 32°C. Proteins involved in defense mechanisms, lipid transport and metabolism, and nucleotide transport and metabolism were upregulated at 32°C. A higher number of interactions were observed in proteins involved in nucleotide transport and metabolism. We observed a low correlation between the transcriptome and proteome datasets. Our study indicates that the transcriptome and proteome of a fish-adapted S. agalactiae strain are modulated by temperature, particularly showing differential expression of genes/proteins involved in metabolism, virulence factors, and adaptation

    Cold atmospheric plasma, a novel approach against bladder cancer, with higher sensitivity for the high-grade cell line

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    Antitumor therapies based on Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) are an emerging medical field. In this work, we evaluated CAP effects on bladder cancer. Two bladder cancer cell lines were used, HT-1376 (stage III) and TCCSUP (stage IV). Cell proliferation assays were performed evaluating metabolic activity (MTT assay) and protein content (SRB assay). Cell viability, cell cycle, and mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) were assessed using flow cytometry. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) and reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated by fluorescence. The assays were carried out with different CAP exposure times. For both cell lines, we obtained a significant reduction in metabolic activity and protein content. There was a decrease in cell viability, as well as a cell cycle arrest in S phase. The Δψm was significantly reduced. There was an increase in superoxide and nitric oxide and a decrease in peroxide contents, while GSH content did not change. These results were dependent on the exposure time, with small differences for both cell lines, but overall, they were more pronounced in the TCCSUP cell line. CAP showed to have a promising antitumor effect on bladder cancer, with higher sensitivity for the high-grade cell line.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nanotecnologia e biotecnologia no desenvolvimento de medicamentos para o tratamento de doenças crônicas e não crônicas (câncer e diabetes): revisão integrativa: Nanotechnology and biotechnology in the development of medicines for the treatment of chronic and non-chronic diseases (cancer and diabetes): integrative review

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    Introdução: Câncer e diabetes, são patologias que ao longo da história das doenças estão entre as classes de enfermidades que mais assolam a humanidade. Segundo levantamento da Federação Internacional de Diabetes (IFD), é possível que exista um aumento de 62% o número de casos de diabetes na América Latina, já o câncer, são esperados 28,4 milhões de novos casos, nas duas próximas décadas, um aumento de aproximadamente 47%. Diante dos índices elevados, surgi a necessidade científica de buscar novos tratamentos, são eles os agentes farmacológicos produzidos ou mesmo modificados em laboratórios como por exemplo: Os nanotecnológicos, biotecnológicos e biofármacos. São também conhecidos como medicamentos biológicos, anticorpo monoclonal, que é uma proteína que funciona como biofármacos e os transgene. Metodologia: Pesquisa bibliográfica descritiva qualitativa, com fonte de evidência na base de dados, com finalidade integrativa. Resultado: A área de estudo e desenvolvimento de seres modificados em laboratório com o intuito de promover o aprimoramento de técnicas em vários setores da sociedade como na saúde, agricultura, indústria, meio ambiente, trouxe a era dos agentes científicos-tecnológicos, as tecnologias de nanotecnologia, biofármacos, anticorpos monoclonais e transgene; que consiste em manipular a matéria para criar estruturas com uma organização molecular diferenciada. Seria como montar uma molécula da forma desejada, utilizando átomos como peças fundamentais. A maioria dos medicamentos tecnológicos é recombinante e esta pode ser a chave para o tratamento ou cura de outras doenças humanas letais. Conclusão: Diante dos resultados apresentados, a chegada dos medicamentos nanotecnológicos e biotecnológicos revolucionou a forma de tratar doenças endócrinas (diabetes), autoimunes, reumatológicas e até mesmo o câncer. Desde a chegada desses medicamentos, o caminho para o tratamento dessas patologias foi trilhado de forma promissora. Portanto, é na área da saúde que a nanotecnologia e biotecnologia encontram algumas de suas aplicações mais benéficas e abrangentes com medicamentos que dependem diretamente do desenvolvimento e da atuação de organismos geneticamente modificados, favorecendo, a diminuição dos adventos colaterais ou mesmo fatores de absorção,  contribuindo assim, com a saúde e a vida das pessoas, pois são estruturas que pode ser reestruturada rapidamente, facilitando o tratamento e as distribuições em nível global de sua base tecnológica

    Mutation of the surface layer protein SlpB has pleiotropic effects in the probiotic propionibacterium freudenreichii CIRM-BIA 129

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    Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a beneficial Gram-positive bacterium, traditionally used as a cheese-ripening starter, and currently considered as an emerging probiotic. As an example, the P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA 129 strain recently revealed promising immunomodulatory properties. Its consumption accordingly exerts healing effects in different animal models of colitis, suggesting a potent role in the context of inflammatory bowel diseases. This anti-inflammatory effect depends on surface layer proteins (SLPs). SLPs may be involved in key functions in probiotics, such as persistence within the gut, adhesion to host cells and mucus, or immunomodulation. Several SLPs coexist in P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA 129 and mediate immunomodulation and adhesion. A mutant P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA 129ΔslpB (CB129ΔslpB) strain was shown to exhibit decreased adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells. In the present study, we thoroughly analyzed the impact of this mutation on cellular properties. Firstly, we investigated alterations of surface properties in CB129ΔslpB. Surface extractable proteins, surface charges (ζ-potential) and surface hydrophobicity were affected by the mutation. Whole-cell proteomics, using high definition mass spectrometry, identified 1,288 quantifiable proteins in the wild-type strain, i.e., 53% of the theoretical proteome predicted according to P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA 129 genome sequence. In the mutant strain, we detected 1,252 proteins, including 1,227 proteins in common with the wild-type strain. Comparative quantitative analysis revealed 97 proteins with significant differences between wild-type and mutant strains. These proteins are involved in various cellular process like signaling, metabolism, and DNA repair and replication. Finally, in silico analysis predicted that slpB gene is not part of an operon, thus not affecting the downstream genes after gene knockout. This study, in accordance with the various roles attributed in the literature to SLPs, revealed a pleiotropic effect of a single slpB mutation, in the probiotic P. freudenreichii. This suggests that SlpB may be at a central node of cellular processes and confirms that both nature and amount of SLPs, which are highly variable within the P. freudenreichii species, determine the probiotic abilities of strains.Fil: do Carmo, Fillipe L. R.. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Francia. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Marques Da Silva, Wanderson. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Tavares, Guilherme C.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Ibraim, Izabela C.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Cordeiro, Barbara F.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Oliveira, Emiliano R.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Rabah, Houem. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: Cauty, Chantal. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: da Silva, Sara H.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Canário Viana, Marcus V.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Caetano, Ana C. B.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: dos Santos, Roselane G.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: de Oliveira Carvalho, Rodrigo D.. Instituto de Ciencias Da Saúde; BrasilFil: Jardin, Julien. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: Pereira, Felipe L.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Folador, Edson L.. Universidade Estadual da Paraiba; BrasilFil: Le Loir, Yves. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: Figueiredo, Henrique C. P.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Jan, Gwénaël. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: Azevedo, Vasco. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Brasi


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    Com a previsível escassez dos recursos energéticos, as preocupações com as questões ambientais se tornam cada vez mais evidentes. Com isso, houve um incremento na busca de recursos alternativos para a produção de energia elétrica, principalmente aqueles baseados em fontes limpas e renováveis, como a energia solar. Para a conversão de energia solar em energia elétrica são utilizadas, na maioria das vezes, células solares fotovoltaicas, que se baseiam na propriedade semicondutora de silício. Como o custo dessa tecnologia ainda é muito alto, são propostos novos materiais para a substituição desse cristal, com destaque para a célula solar nanocristalina de dióxido de titânio (TiO2), acrescida de moléculas orgânicas de corantes. Essa célula apresenta vantagens em relação às células convencionais de silício, pois, na sua fabricação, são utilizados materiais disponíveis no mercado e corantes extraídos de plantas, modelo proposto por Gratzël, além de ser preparada através de processos simples e não poluentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é recriar as células solares nanocristalinas de dióxido de titânio, otimizando-a para a utilização de materiais com baixo custo, de modo que se obtenha a maior eficiência energética possível.AbstractWith the expected shortage of energy resources, the concerns about environmental issues are becoming increasingly evident. Thus, there was an increase in search for alternative resources for energy production power, especially those based on clean sources and renewable energies such as solar energy. Converting solar energy into electrical energy, in most cases, solar cells photovoltaics, which based on property semiconductor silicon are used. As the cost of this technology is still very high, new materials are proposed for substitution this crystal, with emphasis on the cell nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2) solar plus molecules organic dyes. This cell has advantages compared to conventional silicon cells, because in his manufacturing, available materials are used in the market and extracted dyes from plants, the model proposed its by Grätzel, besides being prepared through Simple and clean process. The goal of this essay is to recreate the nanocrystalline solar cells titanium dioxide, optimizing it to the use of materials with low cost, so as to obtain the energy efficient as possible

    The 2:1 cycloadducts from [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrile oxide and vinylacetic acid. Synthesis and liquid crystal behaviour

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    Four liquid crystals (LC) 3,7a-bis(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-7,7a-dihydro-6H-isoxazolo[2,3-d][1,2,4]oxadiazol-6-yl)acetic acid (7a-d) were synthesised and the mesomorphic behaviour reported. The LCs were characterised as 2: 1 bisadducts, which were obtained from a double [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. In the first step, the cycloaddition of 4-alkyloxyphenylnitrile oxide (4a-d) and vinylacetic acid (5) gave the initial unobserved 1:1 cycloadducts 2-[3-(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-5-yl]acetic acid (6a-d). In the second step, the addition of a second equivalent of 4 to 6 yielded the 2: 1 bisadducts 7a-d without any traces of 6. All compounds 7a-d were unstable during the transition from the mesophase to the isotropic state upon first heating as evidenced by the large peaks in the differential scanning calorimetry traces. Due to the chemical instability of the compounds upon heating, the transition temperature related to the smectic C to smectic A transitions was acquired by means of an image processing method. X-Ray diffraction experiments were also used to analyse the liquid-crystalline phases. A theoretical calculation was performed using density functional theory (DFT) methods at the PBE1PBE/6-311+G(2d,p) level (with solvent effect) in order to get information about the energetic profile of the 2: 1 cycloaddition. DFT studies revealed that the cycloaddition process is controlled by the HOMO(dipolarophile) - LUMO(1,3-dipole), and that the double [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction is quite possible.CNPq [471194-2008-5]CAPESINCT-Catalise[PROCAD-2007/CAPES