31 research outputs found

    Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen für den Einsatz in der Luftfahrt und im All Virtual reality applications for aviation and in space

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    Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen (VR-Anwendungen) werden neben der Unterhaltsbranche auch in vielen industriellen und medizinischen Anwendungsfeldern genutzt [1], [2]. Auch in der Raumfahrt wird derzeit der Nutzen von VR-Technologien erforscht. Neben einer Verbesserung bei der Vorbereitung von Experimenten im All steht dabei die Gesunderhaltung der Astronauten besonders bei Langzeitmissionen im Vordergrund [3]. Ein möglicher Ansatz ist der Einsatz von VR beim körperlichen Training unter künstlicher Gravitation. Das Ziel ist die Entwicklung eines einfach zu nutzenden VR-Systems, mit dessen Hilfe ein Training unter künstlicher Schwerkraft in einer virtuellen Umgebung zur Erholung genutzt werden kann [1], [4], [5]. Am Markt verfügbare VR-Systeme sind für einen statischen Raum konzipiert. Um VR-Systeme in Umgebungen mit erhöhten Beschleunigungen, wie auf einer Zentrifuge, nutzbar zu machen, wurde die Berechnung der virtuellen Realität an die drehende Umgebung angepasst. Erste Tests waren erfolgreich. Ob die Nutzung von virtuellen Umgebungen auch zu einer besseren Gewöhnung an ein Training unter hohen Beschleunigungskräften führen kann, wird im Rahmen von weiteren Studien ergründet

    New opportunities to expand knowledge about countermeasure development for future long duration space missions and life science experiments using the next generation short arm centrifuge :enviFuge

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    In 2013, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne, Germany, commissions their new medical research facility :envihab. The main objective of :envihab is to facilitate highly controlled research into the e�ects of di�erent environmental conditions (e.g. varying ambient air pressure or oxygen content) on humans in long-term studies and the development of appropriate countermeasures and life support systems. One central element of the facility is a new type of short arm centrifuge called :enviFuge. From past experience with a large number of centrifuge experiments DLR and AMST Systemtechnik GmbH have developed a unique research and training device in the �eld of arti�cial gravity. Equipped with the capacity to instantaneously and independently move the four nacelles along the acceleration axis, the centrifuge allows the possibility to perform up to four complex trials simultaneously. The shift of subjects above heart-level on a short arm centrifuge allows unique studies about e.g. the cardiovascular regulation in surroundings with a high gradient of arti�cial gravity. The maximal acceleration is 6g at the foot level, and each nacelle provides enough space for up to 150kg payload, additionally 2 x 100kg equipment can be mounted on the main arm. Standard features of the centrifuge include a 6-camera motion capturing system and two triaxial force plates to study the kinematics of physical exercise (e.g. squatting, jumping, or vibration training) under increased gravity. Cardiovascular training can be performed with passive spinning, or cycle ergometry and imaging procedures like ultrasound examinations can be done remotely by a compliant robotic arm. Dark environments with full audio and video entertainment and medical monitoring including ECG, blood pressure, SpO2 are available for each nacelle. Future projects involving :enviFuge will allow the development and testing of potential countermeasures and training methods against the negative e�ects of weightlessness in space on the human physiology. Long term space mission e.g. to Mars will be bene�t from the development of new training devices as well as handicapped or bed-ridden patients on earth

    Presentation of an innovative short-arm centrifuge for future studies on the effects of artificial gravity (AG) on the human body

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    In July 2013, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne, Germany, commissions their new medical research facility :envihab. One central element of the facility is a new type of short arm centrifuge called :enviFuge, which has been developed in collaboration with AMST Systemtechnik GmbH. Equipped with the capacity to instantaneously and independently move the four nacelles along the acceleration axis, the centrifuge allows the possibility to perform up to four complex trials simultaneously. The shift of subjects above heart-level on a short arm centrifuge allows unique studies about e.g. the cardiovascular regulation in surroundings with a high gradient of artificial gravity. The maximal acceleration is 6G at the foot level, and each nacelle provides enough space for up to 150kg payload, additionally 2 x 100kg equipment can be mounted on the main arm. Standard features of the centrifuge include a 6-camera motion capturing system and two triaxial force plates to study the kinematics of physical exercise (e.g. squatting, jumping, or vibration training) under increased gravity. Future projects involving :enviFuge will allow the development and testing of potential countermeasures and training methods against the negative effects of weightlessness in space on the human physiology

    Forschungs- und Trainingsmöglichkeiten auf Humanzentrifugen

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    Langzeitaufenthalte in der Schwerelosigkeit führen zu einer Vielzahl an physiologischen Veränderungen im menschlichen Körper wie z.B. Demineralisation der Knochen und Muskelatrophie. Als Gegenmaßnahme hat sich die künstliche Hinzunahme von Beschleunigungen (Artificial Gravity) bewährt. Zentrifugation ist nicht nur für Astronauten, sondern auch für Piloten und Leistungssportler, generell zur physiologischen Leistungssteigerung und z. B. Training gegen Motion Sickness, eine erfolgsversprechende Methode, die es im Detail zu erforschen gilt. Hierzu bieten die Kurzarmzentrifugen im :envihab (DLR) ideale Voraussetzungen

    Quantitative Evaluation of a Telerobotic System for Vascular Ultrasound Measurement on a Short Arm Human Centrifuge

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    Artificial Gravity generated by Short Arm Human Centrifuges is a promising multi-system countermeasure for physiological deconditioning during long duration space flights. To allow a continuous assessment of cardiovascular hemodynamics during centrifugation, a telerobotic robotic system holding an ultrasound probe has been installed on a Short Arm Human Centrifuge. A feasibility study was conducted to define the use capabilities and limitations of such a novel method. The objective of this study is to estimate the reproducibility and precision of remotely controlled vascular ultrasound assessment under centrifugation by assessing peripheral vascular diameter and wall distension. Four repeated centrifugation runs of 5 min, with 2.4 g at feet level, were performed including a 15 min rest between each run for a group of eight healthy male volunteers. Vascular diameter and distention were assessed for the common carotid artery (CCA) and the femoral artery (FA) by ultrasound imaging using a 10 MHz linear array probe (Mylab1, Esaote). Ultrasound measurements were consecutively performed: a) by an expert user in hand-held mode in standing as well as supine position, b) using the telerobotic arm without centrifugation as baseline and c) using the telerobotic arm during centrifugation. Vascular responses were compared between baseline and under centrifugation. Inter-, intra-registration and group variability have been assessed for hand-held and remotely controlled examination. The results show that intra-registration variability, σ h , was always smaller than inter-registration variability, σ m, that is in turned smaller than the inter-subject variability σ g (σ h < σ m < σ g). Centrifugation caused no significant changes in CCA diameter but a lower carotid distension compared to manual and robotic ultrasound in supine position (p < 0.05). Femoral diameter was significantly decreased in hypergravity compared to robotic sonography without centrifugation. A good reproducibility and precision of the remotely controlled vascular ultrasound assessment under centrifugation could be demonstrated. In conclusion, arterial wall dynamics can be precisely assessed for the CCA and femoral artery during centrifugation using a telerobotic ultrasound measurement system. Potential improvements to further enhance reproducibility and safety of the system are discussed

    Training in Artificial Gravity to maintain physical performance in microgravity

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    Long-term manned spaceflight missions lead to a significant reduction in the performance of the cardiovascular system and loss of muscle mass and bone density. Daily exercise training in weightlessness can mitigate but not completely prevent deconditioning. Future long-duration missions and voyages to the Moon or Mars therefore need more effective countermeasures to maintain crew's physical performance. Using a human centrifuge, DLR is investigating new training modalities under artificial gravity. Current studies show a good tolerability of endurance and strength exercises during rotation on the centrifuge, which will be further developed and tested as a potential countermeasure also in the context of ESA bed rest studies