70 research outputs found

    Multiphoton controllable transport between remote resonators

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    We develop a novel method for multiphoton controllable transport between remote resonators. Specifically, an auxiliary resonator is used to control the coherent long-range coupling of two spatially separated resonators, mediated by a coupled-resonator chain of arbitrary length. In this manner, an arbitrary multiphoton quantum state can be either transmitted through or reflected off the intermediate chain on demand, with very high fidelity. We find, on using a time-independent perturbative treatment, that quantum information leakage of an arbitrary Fock state is limited by two upper bounds, one for the transmitted case and the other for the reflected case. In principle, the two upper bounds can be made arbitrarily small, which is confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    A Full Quantum Eigensolver for Quantum Chemistry Simulations

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    Quantum simulation of quantum chemistry is one of the most compelling applications of quantum computing. It is of particular importance in areas ranging from materials science, biochemistry and condensed matter physics. Here, we propose a full quantum eigensolver (FQE) algorithm to calculate the molecular ground energies and electronic structures using quantum gradient descent. Compared to existing classical-quantum hybrid methods such as variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), our method removes the classical optimizer and performs all the calculations on a quantum computer with faster convergence. The gradient descent iteration depth has a favorable complexity that is logarithmically dependent on the system size and inverse of the precision. Moreover, the FQE can be further simplified by exploiting perturbation theory for the calculations of intermediate matrix elements, and obtain results with a precision that satisfies the requirement of chemistry application. The full quantum eigensolver can be implemented on a near-term quantum computer. With the rapid development of quantum computing hardware, FQE provides an efficient and powerful tool to solve quantum chemistry problems

    Investigation of a non-Hermitian edge burst with time-dependent perturbation theory

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    Edge burst is a phenomenon in non-Hermitian quantum dynamics discovered by a recent numerical study [W.-T. Xue, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett 2, 128.120401(2022)]. It finds that a large proportion of particle loss occurs at the system boundary in a class of non-Hermitian quantum walk. In this paper, we investigate the evolution of real-space wave functions for this lattice system. We find the wave function of the edge site is distinct from the bulk sites. Using time-dependent perturbation theory, we derive the analytical expression of the real-space wave functions and find that the different evolution behaviors between the edge and bulk sites are due to their different nearest-neighbor site configurations. We also find the edge wave function primarily results from the transition of the two nearest-neighbor non-decay sites. Besides, the numerical diagonalization shows the edge wave function is mainly propagated by a group of eigen-modes with a relatively large imaginary part. Our work provides an analytical method for studying non-Hermitian quantum dynamical problems.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamics simulation and numerical analysis of arbitrary time-dependent PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric system based on density operators and the influence of quantum noises

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    PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric system has attracted extensive attention in recent years because of its unique properties and applications. How to simulate PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric system in traditional quantum mechanical system has not only fundamental theoretical significance but also practical value. We propose a dynamics simulation scheme of arbitrary time-dependent PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric system based on density operators. Based on that, we further study the influence of quantum noises on the simulation results with the technique of vectorization of density operators and matrixization of superoperators (VDMS), and we show the depolarizing (Dep) noise is the most fatal and should be avoided as much as possible. Meanwhile, we also give a numerical analysis. Through theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, we find the problem of chronological product usually has to be solved not only in the numerical calculation, but also even in the experiment, because the dilated higher-dimensional Hamiltonian is usually time-dependent. And the solution of the problem of chronological product is actually one of the key factors to the accuracy of dynamics simulation of the time-dependent PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric system, and even the most key factor. We prove that the trusted duration of numerical calculation is actually bounded by the critical time TcT_c of convergence of Magnus series, while the implemented duration of experimental running is actually bounded by the critical time TlT_l of the legitimacy of dilation method
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