14 research outputs found

    Real-Time Quality Monitoring of Laser Cladding Process on Rail Steel by an Infrared Camera

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    Laser cladding is considered to be a highly complex process to set up and control because it involves several parameters, such as laser power, laser scanning speed, powder flow rate, powder size, etc. It has been widely studied for metal-part coating and repair due to its advantage in controllable deposited materials on a small target substrate with low heat-affected distortion. In this experiment, laser cladding of U75V and U20Mn rail steels with Inconel 625 powder was captured by an infrared camera with image analysis software to monitor the laser cladding process in order to determine the quality of the cladded substrates. The cladding temperature, thermal gradient, spot profile, and cooling rate were determined from infrared imaging of the molten pool. The results showed that cladding temperature and molten pool’s spot closely related to the laser cladding process condition. Infrared imaging provided the cooling rate from a temperature gradient which was used to correctly predict the microhardness and microstructure of the HAZ region. This approach was able to effectively detect disturbance and identify geometry and microstructure of the cladded substrate

    Research on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Bainite/Martensite Rail Treated by the Controlled-Cooling Process

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    A bainite/martensite multiphase rail is treated by the controlled-cooling process with different finish-cooling temperatures. The simulated temperature–time curves of the position of 5 mm and 15 mm below the rail tread (P5 and P15) express different trends. P5 has greater impact toughness and lower tensile strength than P15. Microstructural characterization was carried out by conducting scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron backscatter diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. The greater tensile strength is due to the dispersed ε-carbides hindering the movement of dislocations. The greater impact toughness is attributed to the filmy retained austenite and the smaller effective grain with high-angle boundary. Finite element modeling (FEM) and microstructural characterization reasonably explain the changes of mechanical properties. The present work provides experimental and theoretical guidance for the development of rail with excellent mechanical properties

    High-Cycle Fatigue Life and Strength Prediction for Medium-Carbon Bainitic Steels

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    High-cycle fatigue (HCF) behaviors of medium-carbon bainitic steels with various inclusion sizes and microstructural features were studied using the rotating–bending fatigue test. Here, the medium-carbon bainitic steels with different melting processes were treated by three heat treatment routes incorporating bainite formation, namely bainite-based quenching plus partitioning (BQ&P), bainite austempering (BAT) and “disturbed bainite austempering, DBAT”. The interior inclusion-induced crack initiation (IICI) and noninclusion-induced crack initiation (NIICI) modes were found after fatigue failure. The fracture surface of IICI is characterized by a “fish-eye” surrounding a “fine granular area, FGA” in the vicinity of an inclusion. In contrast, a microfacet, instead of an inclusion, is found at the center of FGA for the NIICI fracture surface. The predications of fatigue strength and life were performed on the two crack initiation modes based on fracture surface analysis. The results showed that a majority of fatigue life is consumed within the FGA for both the IICI and NIICI failure modes. The fatigue strength of the NIICI-fatigued samples can be conveniently predicted via the two parameters of the hardness of the sample and the size of the microfacet

    High-Cycle Fatigue Life and Strength Prediction for Medium-Carbon Bainitic Steels

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    High-cycle fatigue (HCF) behaviors of medium-carbon bainitic steels with various inclusion sizes and microstructural features were studied using the rotating–bending fatigue test. Here, the medium-carbon bainitic steels with different melting processes were treated by three heat treatment routes incorporating bainite formation, namely bainite-based quenching plus partitioning (BQ&P), bainite austempering (BAT) and “disturbed bainite austempering, DBAT”. The interior inclusion-induced crack initiation (IICI) and noninclusion-induced crack initiation (NIICI) modes were found after fatigue failure. The fracture surface of IICI is characterized by a “fish-eye” surrounding a “fine granular area, FGA” in the vicinity of an inclusion. In contrast, a microfacet, instead of an inclusion, is found at the center of FGA for the NIICI fracture surface. The predications of fatigue strength and life were performed on the two crack initiation modes based on fracture surface analysis. The results showed that a majority of fatigue life is consumed within the FGA for both the IICI and NIICI failure modes. The fatigue strength of the NIICI-fatigued samples can be conveniently predicted via the two parameters of the hardness of the sample and the size of the microfacet

    Corrosion Behavior of Multiphase Bainitic Rail Steels

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    Pearlitic steel experiences excessive corrosion in a hot and humid atmosphere. The multiphase bainitic/martensitic structure was developed for a better combination of strength and ductility, especially rolling contact fatigue, but little attention to corrosion has been investigated. Corrosion behaviors of multiphase steels obtained from bainitic-austempering (BAT) and bainitic-quenching and -partitioning (BQ&P) processes were investigated via immersion and electrochemical tests in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. The corroded surface and rust after immersion and electrochemical tests were analyzed via electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectra, and x-ray diffraction. The multiphase bainite + martensite/retained austenite island showed higher corrosion resistance than that of the pearlitic one. The acicular bainite obtained from the BQ&P process showed slightly higher corrosion resistance than the granular bainite + martensite structure obtained from the BAT process

    Mechanism of subsurface microstructural fatigue crack initiation during high and very-high cycle fatigue of advanced bainitic steels

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    Advanced bainitic steels with the multiphase structure of bainitic ferrite, retained austenite and marten-site exhibit distinctive fatigue crack initiation behavior during high cycle fatigue/very high cycle fatigue (HCF/VHCF) regimes. The subsurface microstructural fatigue crack initiation, referred to as "non-inclusion induced crack initiation, NIICI", is a leading mode of failure of bainitic steels within the HCF/VHCF regimes. In this regard, there is currently a missing gap in the knowledge with respect to the cyclic response of multiphase structure during VHCF failure and the underlying mechanisms of fatigue crack initiation during VHCF. To address this aspect, we have developed a novel approach that explicitly identi-fies the knowledge gap through an examination of subsurface crack initiation and interaction with the lo -cal microstructure. This was accomplished by uniquely combining electron microscopy, three-dimensional confocal microscopy, focused ion beam, and transmission Kikuchi diffraction. Interestingly, the study indi-cated that there are multiple micro-mechanisms responsible for the NIICI failure of bainitic steels, includ-ing two scenarios of transgranular-crack-assisted NIICI and two scenarios of intergranular-crack-assisted NIICI, which resulted in the different distribution of fine grains in the crack initiation area. The fine grains were formed through fragmentation of bainitic ferrite lath caused by localized plastic deformation or via local continuous dynamic recrystallization because of repeated interaction between slip bands and prior austenite grain boundaries. The formation of fine grains assisted the advancement of small cracks. An-other important aspect discussed is the role of retained austenite (RA) during cyclic loading, on crack ini-tiation and propagation in terms of the morphology, distribution and stability of RA, which determined the development of localized cyclic plastic deformation in multiphase structure. (c) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology