14 research outputs found

    Deep learning based clinico-radiological model for paediatric brain tumor detection and subtype prediction

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    Aim: Early diagnosis of paediatric brain tumors significantly improves the outcome. The aim is to study magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of paediatric brain tumors and to develop an automated segmentation (AS) tool which could segment and classify tumors using deep learning methods and compare with radiologist assessment. Methods: This study included 94 cases, of which 75 were diagnosed cases of ependymoma, medulloblastoma, brainstem glioma, and pilocytic astrocytoma and 19 were normal MRI brain cases. The data was randomized into training data, 64 cases; test data, 21 cases and validation data, 9 cases to devise a deep learning algorithm to segment the paediatric brain tumor. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of the deep learning model were compared with radiologist’s findings. Performance evaluation of AS was done based on Dice score and Hausdorff95 distance. Results: Analysis of MRI semantic features was done with necrosis and haemorrhage as predicting features for ependymoma, diffusion restriction and cystic changes were predictors for medulloblastoma. The accuracy of detecting abnormalities was 90%, with a specificity of 100%. Further segmentation of the tumor into enhancing and non-enhancing components was done. The segmentation results for whole tumor (WT), enhancing tumor (ET), and non-enhancing tumor (NET) have been analyzed by Dice score and Hausdorff95 distance. The accuracy of prediction of all MRI features was compared with experienced radiologist’s findings. Substantial agreement observed between the classification by model and the radiologist’s given classification [K-0.695 (K is Cohen’s kappa score for interrater reliability)]. Conclusions: The deep learning model had very high accuracy and specificity for predicting the magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics and close to 80% accuracy in predicting tumor type. This model can serve as a potential tool to make a timely and accurate diagnosis for radiologists not trained in neuroradiology

    Comparative study of cardiac output measurement by regional impedance cardiography and thermodilution method in patients undergoing off pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    Background: An ideal CO monitor should be noninvasive, cost effective, reproducible, reliable during various physiological states. Limited literature is available regarding the noninvasive CO monitoring in open chest surgeries. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the CO measurement by Regional Impedance Cardiography (RIC) and Thermodilution (TD) method in patients undergoing off pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery (OPCAB). Settings and Design: We conducted a prospective observational comparative study of CO measurement by the noninvasive RIC method using the NICaS Hemodynamic Navigator system and the gold standard TD method using pulmonary artery catheter in patients undergoing OPCAB. A total of 150 data pair from the two CO monitoring techniques were taken from 15 patients between 40-70 years at various predefined time intervals of the surgery. Patients and Methods: We have tried to find out the accuracy, precision and cost effectiveness of the newer RIC technique. Mean CO, bias and precision were compared for each pair i.e.TD-CO and RIC-CO as recommended by Bland and Altman. The Sensitivity and specificity of cutoff value to predict change in TD-CO was used to create a Receiver operating characteristic or ROC curve. Results: Mean TD-CO values were around 4.52 ± 1.09 L/min, while mean RIC- CO values were around 4.77± 1.84 L/min. The difference in CO change was found to be statistically not significant (p value 0.667). The bias was small (-0.25). The Bland Altman plot revealed a mean difference of -0.25 litres. The RIC method had a sensitivity of 55.56 % and specificity of 33.33 % in predicting 15% change in CO of TD method and the total diagnostic accuracy was 46.67%. Conclusion: A fair correlation was found between the two techniques. The RIC method may be considered as a promising noninvasive, potentially low cost alternative to the TD technique of hemodynamic measurement

    Ellis van creveld syndrome: Cardiac anomalies and anesthetic implications

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    Ellis–Van Creveld syndrome (EVC), also known as mesoectodermal dysplasia, is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with a tetrad of clinical features, comprising dwarfism, polydactyly, ectodermal dysplasia with sparse hair, hypoplastic nails and enamel, hypodontia and conical teeth and congenital heart disease (CHD). We report an 18-year-old girl with short stature and polydactyly, who got admitted to our hospital with shortness of breath on exertion for the last 2 years. On echocardiography, a partial atrioventricular canal (AV canal) defect was diagnosed, which was repaired surgically. The patient had an uneventful perioperative period

    Apparent diffusion coefficient agreement and reliability using different region of interest methods for the evaluation of head and neck cancer post chemo-radiotherapy

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    OBJECTIVES: Post chemoradiotherapy (CRT) interval changes in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) have prognostic value in head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). The impact of using different region of interest (ROI) methods on interobserver agreement and their ability to reliably detect the changes in the ADC values was assessed. METHODS: Following ethical approval, 25 patients (mean age 59.5 years, 21 male) with stage 3–4 HNSCC undergoing CRT were recruited for this prospective cohort study. Diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) was performed pre-treatment and at 6 and 12 weeks following CRT. Two radiologists independently delineated ROIs using whole volume (ROI(v)), largest area (ROI(a)) or representative area (ROI(r)) methods at primary tumour (n = 22) and largest nodal (n = 24) locations and recorded the ADC(mean). When no clear focus of increased DWI signal was evident at follow-up, a standardised ROI was placed (non-measurable or NM). Bland-Altman plots and interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were assessed. Paired t-tests evaluated interval changes in pre- and post-treatment ADC(mean) at each location, which were compared to the smallest detectable difference (SDD). RESULTS: Excellent agreement was obtained for all ROI methods at pre-treatment (ICC 0.94–0.98) and 6-week post-treatment (ICC 0.94–0.98). At 12-week post-treatment, agreement was excellent (ICC 0.91–0.94) apart from ROI(r) (ICC 0.86) and the NM nodal disease (ICC 0.87). There were significant interval increases in ADC(mean) between pre-treatment and post-treatment studies, which were greater than the SDD for all ROIs. CONCLUSIONS: ADC(mean) values can be reproducibly obtained in HNSCC using the different ROI techniques on pre- and post-CRT MRI, and this reliably detects the interval changes

    Endovascular Stent Graft for Post-traumatic Superficial Femoral Artery Pseudoaneurysms with Arteriovenous Fistula: 6 Months Follow-Up of 2 Cases

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    Pseudoaneurysms are common vascular abnormalities due to disruption of the vessel wall. Pseudoaneurysm with arteriovenous fistula is a rare presentation. Complications associated with them develop unpredictably and carry a high mortality rate. Traditionally pseudoaneurysms have been treated surgically. However, with the advent of new interventional techniques, management using endovascular approach have gained popularity in treating pseudoaneurysms. Here, we present two cases of large pseudoaneurysms with arteriovenous fistula treated by percutaneous stent graft. Present studies on pseudoaneurysms are all either iatrogenic or secondary to nephrologic dialysis treatment and only few present studies exist describing such large post-traumatic femoral pseudoaneurysms with arteriovenous fistulas were treated successfully by stent grafting through femoral approach, with good patency at 6 months follow up

    The impact of human papilloma virus status on the prediction of head and neck cancer chemoradiotherapy outcomes using the pre-treatment apparent diffusion coefficient

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) status on the prediction of head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) chemoradiotherapy (CRT) outcomes with pre-treatment quantitative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI). METHODS: Following ethical approval, 65 participants (53 male, age 59.9 ± 7.86) underwent pre-treatment DW-MRI in this prospective cohort observational study. There were 46 HPV OPC and 19 other HNSCC cases with Stage III/IV HNSCC. Regions of interest (ROIs) (volume, largest area, core) at the primary tumour (n = 57) and largest pathological node (n = 59) were placed to analyse ADC(mean) and ADC(min). Unpaired t-test or Mann–Whitney test evaluated the impact of HPV OPC status and clinical parameters on their prediction of post-CRT 2 year locoregional and disease-free survival (LRFS and DFS). Multivariate logistic regression compared significant variables with 2 year outcomes. RESULTS: On univariate analysis of all participants, the primary tumour area ADC(mean) was predictive of 2 year LRFS (p = 0.04). However, only the HPV OPC diagnosis (LFRS p = 0.03; DFS p = 0.02) predicted outcomes on multivariate analysis. None of the pre-treatment ADC values were predictive of 2 year DFS in the HPV OPC subgroup (p = 0.21–0.68). Amongst participants without 2 year disease-free survival, HPV-OPC was found to have much lower primary tumour ADC(mean) values than other HNSCC. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of HPV OPC status is required in order to determine the impact of the pre-treatment ADC values on post-CRT outcomes in HNSCC. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: Pre-treatment ADC(mean) and ADC(min) values acquired using different ROI methods are not predictive of 2 year survival outcomes in HPV OPC

    Evaluation of an Objective MRI-Based Tumor Regression Grade (mrTRG) Score and a Subjective Likert Score for Assessing Treatment Response in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancers—A Retrospective Study

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    Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the help of MRI-based tumor regression grade (mrTRG) score has been used as a tool to predict pathological tumor regression grade (pTRG) in patients of rectal cancer post-neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Our study aims to evaluate the ability of MRI in assessing treatment response comparing an objective mrTRG score and a subjective Likert score, with a focus on the ability to predict pathologic complete response (pCR)