3 research outputs found
Balloon-assisted Coil Placement in Wide-necked Cerebral Aneurysms. Preliminary Clinical Experience.
- Author
- Casasco AE Aymard A, Gobin P, Houdart E, Rogopoulos A, George B, Hodes JE, Cophignon J, Merland JJ
- Eskridge JM Song JK
- Gobin YP Vinuela F, Gurian JH, Guglielmi G, Duckwiler GR, Massound TF, Martin NA
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Dion J, Duckwiler G
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Duckwiler G, Dion J, Lylyk P, Berenstein A, Strother C, Graves V, Halbach V, Nichols D, Hopkins N, Ferguson R, Septka I
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Sepetka I, Macellari V
- Levy DI
- Levy DI Ku A
- Mathis JM Barr JD, Jungreis CA, Yonas H, Sekhar LN, Vincent D, Pentheny SL, Horton JA
- McDougall CG Halbach VV, Dowd CF, Higashida RT, Larsen DW, Hieshima GB
- Mericle RA Wakhlood AK, Rodriguez R, Guterman LR, Hopkins LN
- Moret J Cognard C, Weill A, Castaings L, Rey A
- Vinuela F Duckwiler G, Maward M
- Zubillaga AF Guglielmi G, Vinuela F, Duckwiler GR
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Neurosurgical Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Predictors of Angiographic Changes in Neck Remnants of Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Treated With Guglielmi Detachable Coils
- Author
- Baldi S Mounayer C, Piotin M, Spelle L, Moret J
- Borchers DJ Wakhloo AK, Guterman LR, Hopkins LN
- Burleson AC Strother CM, Turitto VT
- Drake CG
- Gobin YP Vinuela F, Gurian JH, Guglielmi G, Duckwiller GR, Massoud TF, Martin N
- Graves VB Strother CM, Rappe AH
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Dion J, Duckwiler G
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Duckwiler G, Dion J, Lylyk P, Berenstein A, Strother C, Graves V, Halbach V, Nichols D, Hopkins N, Ferguson R, Sepetka I
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Sepetka I, Macellari V
- Hayakawa M Murayama Y, Duckwiler GR, Gobin YP, Guglielmi G, Vinuela F
- Hoi Y Meng H, Woodward SH, Bendok BR, Hanel RA, Guterman LR, Hopkins LN
- Hope JK Byrne JV, Molyneux AJ
- Kiyosue H Tanoue S, Okahara M, Hori Y, Nakamura T, Nagatomi H, Mori H
- Mawad ME Mawad JK, Cartwright J, Gokaslan Z
- Moret J Cognard C, Weil A, Castsings L, Rey A
- Murayama Y Nien YL, Duckwiler G, Gobin YP, Jahan R, Franzee J, Martin N, Vinuela F
- Murayama Y Suzuki Y, Vinuela F, Kurotobi K, Iwaki M, Abe T
- Murayama Y Vinuela F, Suzuki Y, Akiba Y, Ulihoa A, Duckwiller GR, Gobin YP, Vinter HV, Iwaki M, Abe T
- Murayama Y Vinuela F, Tateshima S, Gonzalez NR, Song JK, Mahdavieh H, Iruela-Arispe L
- Nakai Y Sonobe M, Takigawa T, Yamazaki T, Okamoto S, Sugita K, Matsumaru Y, Sugita K
- Nelson PK Levy DI
- Strother CM Graves VB, Rappe A
- Tamatani S Ito Y, Abe H, Koike T, Takeuchi S, Tanaka R
- Turjman F Massoud TF, Sayre J, Vinuela F
- Vinuela F Duckwiler GR, Mawad M
- Yoshino Y Niimi Y, Song JK, Silane M, Bernstein A
- Zubillaga AF Guglielmi G, Vinuela F, Duckwiler GR
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Neurosurgical Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Aneurysms Associated With Fenestrated Basilar Artery-Two Case Reports-
- Author
- Bavinzski G Killer M, Gruber A, Reinprecht A, Gross CE, Richling B
- Becker DH Hamilton RD
- Campos J Fox AJ, Vinuela F, Lylyk P, Ferguson GG, Drake CG, Peerless SJ
- De Caro R Parenti A, Munari PF
- Drake CG
- Eskridge JM Song JK
- Graves VB Strother CM, Weir B, Duff TA
- Guglielmi G Vinuela F, Duckwiler G, Dion J, Lylyk P, Berenstein A, Strother C, Graves V
- Hernesniemi J Vapalahti M, Niskanen M, Kari A
- Hoffman WF Wilson CB
- Islak C Kocer N, Kantarci F, Saatci I, Uzma O, Canbaz B
- Kanematsu M Satoh K, Nakajima N, Hamasaki F, Nagahiro S
- Matricali B van Dulken H
- Nagashima H Okudera H, Orz Y, Kobayashi S, Nakagawa F
- Nichols DA Brown RD Jr, Thielen KR, Meyer FB, Atkinson JL, Piepgras DG
- Sugita K Kobayashi S, Takemae T, Tada T, Tanaka Y
- Tasker AD Byrne JV
- Yoon SM Chun YI, Kwon Y, Kwun BD
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Neurosurgical Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study