195 research outputs found
Sustainability Analysis on a Small Farm with Crop and Livestock
A small farm affiliated to a credit-and-service cooperative collective venture in Camagüey, Cuba, was studied to determine its sustainability under a system integrating cattle raising and agronomy. Data from January 2009 to April 2010 were collected and the Logical Operation Schedule for Sustainability Evaluation (ECOFAS) by Funes-Monzote et al. (2002) was applied. Findings indicate an increase in incomes from sales compared to expenses. This evidence, therefore, shows that sustainability can be attained at short and median terms, but not at a long term, by implement- ing this system. Energy, nitrogen, and phosphorus balances confirm these results
Pastoreo racional Voisin para la producción bovina sostenible (artículo reseña, primera parte)
Restricted grazing main principles, grouped into four universal laws firmly stated by Voisin (1963) in his book Grass Productivity, are here in explained. Voisin himself applied such principles to his own farm, including not only European and some other countries scientists’ and farmers’ experiences, but also his own conclusions. An adequate grass resting time is essential in guaranteeing the highest biomass production with an acceptable quality, so once the grass is grazed by cattle either under natural grazing conditions or supplied to the animals after cutting it, it can be turned into high quality milk, meat, and other products for human consumption, without affecting grazing endurance and the ruminant nutrient requirements. Several examples on how to apply these principles to the grass and animal law effects are discussed. Therefore, any animal grazing on anoptimum quality grassland during a proper time attains a reasonable milk production or weight gain without negatively impacting the grassland, if grass resting time is taking into account as well as some other factors such as season, species and agricultural resources.En esta reseña se explican los principios básicos del pastoreo racional, enmarcados en las cuatro leyes universales que enunciara acertadamente Voisin (1963) en su obra Productividad de la hierba y que pusiera en práctica en su propia finca, retomando las diversas experiencias de los campesinos científicos europeos y de otras latitudes y por supuesto sus propias conclusiones. El adecuado tiempo de reposo de la hierba es esencial para garantizar la máxima producción de biomasa con calidad suficiente para que una vez cosechada por el animal o por el órgano de corte de la segadora, sea convertida en leche, carne y otros productos con alto valor para el consumo humano, sin comprometer la persistencia del pastizal y los requerimientos nutricionales del rumiante. Se discuten varios ejemplos de la aplicación de estos principios a los efectos de las leyes de la hierba y del animal. Se concluye que un rumiante que consuma un pasto de calidad logra una producción razonable de leche o incremento de peso sin deteriorar el pasto, si se respetan los tiempos de reposo, acorde con varios factores como epoca, especies y nivel de insumos agrícolas aplicados
Pastoreo racional Voisin para la producción bovina sostenible. (Articulo reseña, segundaI parte)
The effects of the application of rational grazing on the processes that govern the recycling of nutrients are summarizedin the soil-plant-animal trinomial. Livestock soils develop in flat relief and wavy-alomado, theycharacterized by a savanna vegetation; slopes and tropical forests in smaller amounts; generally do not possesshigh fertility and also its physical and hydrological properties, its susceptibility to erosion and fertilityrelatively low natural, they can influence imbalances of mineral nutrients. In this regard to applytechnologies to grazing systems, the level of inputs and outputs of nutrients to the system should be considered,process that may be influenced by various factors such as soil type, form and intensity of exploitation of thepasture, fertilizers, resting time, presence of legumes and especially the degree of rationality of the use ofgrasses These effects were reviewed for rational grazing methods.Se resumen los efectos de la aplicación del pastoreo racional sobre los procesos que rigen el reciclaje de nutrientesen el trinomio suelo-planta-animal. Los suelos de ganadería se desarrollan en relieve llano y ondulado-alomado, secaracterizan por una vegetación de sabana; laderas y bosques tropicales en menor cuantía; generalmente no poseenuna gran fertilidad y además sus propiedades físicas e hidrológicas, su susceptibilidad a la erosión y la fertilidadnatural relativamente baja, pueden influir en desbalances de nutrientes minerales. En este sentido para aplicartecnologías a los sistemas de pastoreo, debe considerarse el nivel de entradas y salidas de nutrientes al sistema,proceso que puede estar influido por diversos factores como el tipo de suelo, forma e intensidad de explotación delpastizal, fertilizantes, tiempo de reposo, presencia de leguminosas y sobre todo el grado de racionalidad de uso de lospastos. Se revisaron estos efectos para los métodos de pastoreo racional
Modelo experimental de granja lechera diversificada. Análisis y evaluación de su puesta en práctica
This research was carried out on a dairy farm located in a typical livestock region from Jimaguayú municipality in Camagüey province. This farm diversity in production was experimentally studied to evaluate bio-economic and sustainability indicators. Energy inputs and outputs were estimated by the energy equivalent coefficient for vegetable and livestock products for human consumption (Funes Monzote, 2003). Sustainability indicators evaluated were energy balance and economic efficiency. More than thirty species and varieties —selected according to edaphicclimatic conditions and the species productive performance— had been introduced as dairy farm production alternatives. Evaluation of average production and energy efficiency per hectare showed higher values for annual energy and protein production due to an increase in production numbers and diversity. Energy expenses and energy rate (produced calories vs. invested calories) exhibited a remarkable annual increase when compared to the first and third years. Improvement in dairy farm conditions evidenced a rise in expenses; however, this system implementation generated the economic resources needed to enhance production. In 1998, a net profit of 24 315 pesos (national currency) with a cost of 0,36 cents per peso invested was obtained.El trabajo se ejecutó en una unidad ubicada dentro de una zona típica ganadera del municipio Jimaguayú, provincia de Camagüey, con el objetivo de hacer la evaluación bio-económica y de sostenibilidad de un modelo de finca lechera diversificada a nivel experimental. Se calcularon las entradas y salidas de energía, mediante el coeficiente equivalente de energía para productos vegetales y pecuarios destinados al consumo humano propuesto por Funes Monzote (2003). Los indicadores de sostenibilidad determinados fueron el balance de energía y la eficiencia económica. Se introdujeron más de 30 especies y variedades de viandas, hortalizas, granos y frutales, cuya selección se realizó teniendo en cuenta las condiciones edafoclimáticas, así como las potencialidades productivas de las especies seleccionadas. La evaluación productiva y la eficiencia energética por hectárea promedio, mostró un incremento en la producción de energía y proteína por año debido al aumento y diversidad de las producciones. Los gastos energéticos del sistema y la relación energética (calorías producidas/calorías invertidas) mostraron un incremento considerable por año, al comparar el I Año con el III Año. Los resultados económicos evidenciaron un incremento de los gastos debido a las mejoras en la finca; no obstante, el sistema generó los recursos económicos necesarios para continuar produciendo, y aportar una ganancia en el año1998 de 24 315,81 pesos, con un costo por peso de 0,36 centavos
Análisis de sostenibilidad de una finca pequeña con integración ganadería-agricultura
A small farm affiliated to a credit-and-service cooperative collective venture in Camagüey, Cuba, was studied to determine its sustainability under a system integrating cattle raising and agronomy. Data from January 2009 to April 2010 were collected and the Logical Operation Schedule for Sustainability Evaluation (ECOFAS) by Funes-Monzote et al. (2002) was applied. Findings indicate an increase in incomes from sales compared to expenses. This evidence, therefore, shows that sustainability can be attained at short and median terms, but not at a long term, by implement- ing this system. Energy, nitrogen, and phosphorus balances confirm these results.Se analizó la sostenibilidad de una finca pequeña perteneciente a una cooperativa de créditos y servicios, en Ca- magüey, Cuba, donde se desarrolla un sistema integrado de producción ganadería-agricultura. Los datos se tomaron desde enero de 2009 hasta abril de 2010. Se utilizó el Esquema Operativo Lógico para Evaluación de Sostenibilidad (ECOFAS), propuesto por Funes-Monzote et al. (2002). Los ingresos por concepto de ventas superaron los gastos, por tanto, el sistema es sostenible a corto y mediano plazo, no así a largo plazo; esto se corroboró con los resultados de los balances de energía, nitrógeno y fósforo
Uso estratégico de la base forrajera en la producción estacional de leche bovina en la zona centro-oriental de Cuba.
Background: The central-eastern region of Cuba has been the scene of several studies to find solutions to the availability deficit and the inadequate management of the forage base, as they are determining factors in the productive results and the sustainability of the systems. Objective. Consider changes in the forage base management strategies based on a milk production model in the central-eastern region of Cuba.Development: Some important arguments based on previous studies about the advantages of the change in the perspective of management of grazing areas are summarized, so that their higher biomass production is used more efficiently, making this behavior coincide with the peaks of milk production, particularly in the months of April-August. Different scenarios and forms of production were taken into account, where they all agree that they work on the basis of minimal resources and their greatest perspective is to improve the exploitation and rational use of their natural and local resources.Conclusions: Taking into account such real possibilities of the livestock systems in the central-eastern territory of Cuba, it may be that, when implementing a seasonal strategy, the bio-economic efficiency of milk production is increased, with limited dependence on inputs. external.
Keywords: season, pasture, animal production, efficiency (Source: AIMS)Antecedentes: La región centro-oriental de Cuba ha sido escenario de diversos estudios para encontrar soluciones al déficit de disponibilidad y el manejo inadecuado de la base forrajera, por ser factores determinantes en los resultados productivos y la sostenibilidad de los sistemas. Objetivo. Considerar cambios en las estrategias de manejo de la base forrajera a partir de un modelo de producción lechera en la región centro-oriental de Cuba.
Desarrollo: Se resumen algunos argumentos importantes basados en estudios previos acerca de las ventajas que reporta el cambio en la perspectiva de manejo de las áreas de pastoreo, de manera que su mayor producción de biomasa se utilice más eficientemente, haciendo coincidir este comportamiento con los picos de producción de leche, particularmente en los meses de abril-agosto. Se tuvieron en cuenta diferentes escenarios y formas de producción, donde todos ellos coinciden en que funcionan sobre la base de mínimos recursos y su mayor perspectiva es la de mejorar el aprovechamiento y uso racional de sus recursos naturales y locales.
Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta tales posibilidades reales de los sistemas ganaderos en el territorio centro-oriental de Cuba, puede resultar que, al lograr implementar una estrategia estacional, se incremente la eficiencia bio-económica de la producción de leche, con limitada dependencia de insumos externos.
Palabras claves: época, pasto, producción animal, eficiencia (Fuente: AIMS
Introduction of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú for Milk Production, and Economic Results of a Buffalo Dairy
The effect of introducing Brachiaria brizanta cv. Marandú for forage upon milk production and economic results was evaluated on Tayabito buffalo dairy farm affiliated to Maraguán Livestock Center in Camagüey municipality, Cuba. To this purpose, a two-hectare B. brizanta grazing ground was introduced and its effect on milk production and quality was estimated by a Switch Back design with two treatments and six replicas each. Initially, female buffaloes lactation span was 122 ± 5,7 days. Forage balances were performed on native pastures and half the area with B. brizanta grassland. This new species proved its suitability by spreading over 80 % of the 2 ha area after being planted. Concerning milk production during dry and rainy seasons, a significant increase was registered for B. brizanta compared to native pastures (over 0,54 and 0,83 l/animal/day for each season, respectively). Milk quality was not affected in either case. This farm forage production could supply current herd feeding needs by introducing 50 % grazing grounds of B. brizanta; besides, productive indexes could significantly improve
Análisis del efecto bioeconómico de la inclusión de cultivos de ciclo corto como integración al sistema de producción lechera
Bioeconomic possibilities by integrating short-cycle cultures (Vigna sinensis, Sorghum vulgare, and Sesamum indicum) into a Leucaena leucocephala area were evaluated in a livestock production system established on an experimental farm from the Study Center for Animal Production Development affiliated to Camagüey University, Cuba. A simulation of a dairy farm comprising a 100 ha grazing ground and 1,2 cattle heads/ha was performed. In this area, 30 ha were sown with Leucaena leucocephala vs. Peru. Treatments assessed were Vigna sinensis + Leucaena leucocephala, Sorghum vulgare + Leucaena leucocephala, Sesamum indicum + Leucaena leucocephala, and Leucaena leucocephala (control treatment). Forage balances including yields of pasture, Leucaena leucocephala, and grains from the intercalated cultures were performed. Potential energy and protein supply was determined. Utility net changes per treatment were estimated through a partial budget analysis. Social and environmental benefits due to the treatments application were also estimated. It was proved that these grains supplementation to cattle directly affected by Leucaena leucocephala as an only feeding source was profitable in satisfying dry matter needs in 48,2 %, 40,1 %, and 32,0 % for Vigna sinensis, Sorghum vulgare, and Sesamum indicum, respectively. Besides, protein (0,74 t/ha, 0,55 t/ha, and 1,21 t/ha) and metabolical energy (6 646,6 Mcal/ha, 6 138,4 Mcal/ha, and 7 580,2 Mcal/ha) supply reached significant values for the three treatments in order already mentioned. Utility net changes reported economic advanteges for the three assessed culture variantes, i.e., 6 088,26 for Sorghum vulgare, and 7 087,80, sorgo: 11 194,88. Estos cultivos aportan beneficios ambientales y sociales
Resources, Reproductive Performance, and Animal Management on Equine Breeding Farms in Azuay, Ecuador
Background: The general operations of horse breeding systems are seldom studied. The aim of this paper was to carry out a thorough characterization of horse farms in the province of Azuay, Ecuador.
Methods: Out of the 63 breeding farms authorized by the state agency of Azuay with more than five animals, and operational for over two years, 45 were chosen for sample collection. The information considered variables area, pasture, animals, zootechniques, reproduction, health, and expenses. The analysis showed the basic statigraphs, principal components with Varimax rotation and k-mean cluster analysis, and the statistics for each cluster.
Results: The first component explained more than a third of total variation, and related the determining variables of infrastructure, total area, pasture, and area for facilities. The second component is co-related to the number of parturitions and estrus repetition. The third component is co-related to management and greater animal wellbeing. Two clusters with differences in terms of area, number of animals, availability of resources, and reproductive performance, were found.
Conclusions: Today, the main factors to tackle horse system improvements in the province of Azuay are grassland improvements, animal management, and reproductive performance.Background: The general operations of horse breeding systems are seldom studied. The aim of this paper was to carry out a thorough characterization of horse farms in the province of Azuay, Ecuador.
Methods: Out of the 63 breeding farms authorized by the state agency of Azuay with more than five animals, and operational for over two years, 45 were chosen for sample collection. The information considered variables area, pasture, animals, zootechniques, reproduction, health, and expenses. The analysis showed the basic statigraphs, principal components with Varimax rotation and k-mean cluster analysis, and the statistics for each cluster.
Results: The first component explained more than a third of total variation, and related the determining variables of infrastructure, total area, pasture, and area for facilities. The second component is co-related to the number of parturitions and estrus repetition. The third component is co-related to management and greater animal wellbeing. Two clusters with differences in terms of area, number of animals, availability of resources, and reproductive performance, were found.
Conclusions: Today, the main factors to tackle horse system improvements in the province of Azuay are grassland improvements, animal management, and reproductive performance
Evaluación bioeconómica de alternativas ganaderas a la producción de leche en las sabanas infértiles del norte de Camagüey
Livestock alternatives to milk production were evaluated with the improvement of the native pasture from an association of Andropogon gayanus cv. CIAT 621 and Centrosema pubescens, which had shown good adaptation to the edaphic and climatic conditions of the savannas in the north of the province of Camagüey, Cuba, where Fersialitic Red Parduzco Mullido Ferromagnesial soils predominate, with low fertility. The alternatives were bovine fattening and dairy accompanied by sheep farming. The stage was a farm located in the area with typical characteristics of that place. Forage and food balances were carried out to obtain the productive response to the planting of grass and supplementation and the partial budget analysis for the net change of utilities of each variant. The calculations were made in USD according to the costs and prices in force in 2003. Within the variants of fattening the planting of the association in 25 and 40% of the area with or without supplement achieved the greatest net changes in profits with respect to Dairy activity, while in the case of diversified dairy with sheep farming, the greatest advantages are obtained for the 40% improvement of the native pasture in both cases. According to the results, for the region the best options of livestock exploitation and improvement of the native pasture from the association with respect to the dairy would be the bovine fattening with 25 and 40% improvement with and without supplementation and the diversified dairy with sheep breeding with a 40% improvement.Se evaluaron alternativas ganaderas a la producción de leche con la mejora del pastizal nativo a partir de una asociación de Andropogon gayanus cv. CIAT 621 y Centrosema pubescens, que había mostrado buena adaptación a las condiciones edáficas y climáticas de las sabanas del norte de la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba, donde predominan los suelos Fersialítico Rojo Parduzco Mullido Ferromagnesial, de baja fertilidad. Las alternativas fueron la ceba bovina y la lechería acompañada de la cría ovina. El escenario fue una finca ubicada en la zona con características típicas de ese lugar. Se realizaron los balances de forrajes y alimentarios para obtener la respuesta productiva a la siembra de pasto y suplementación y el análisis de presupuesto parcial para el cambio neto de utilidades de cada variante. Los cálculos se hicieron en USD de acuerdo a los costos y precios vigentes en 2003. Dentro de las variantes de ceba la siembra de la asociación en el 25 y 40 % del área con o sin suplemento lograron los mayores cambios netos de utilidades con respecto a la actividad lechera, mientras que en el caso de la lechería diversificada con la cría ovina las mayores ventajas se obtienen para el 40 % de mejora del pastizal nativo en ambos casos. De acuerdo con los resultados, para la región las mejores opciones de explotación ganadera y mejora del pastizal nativo a partir de la asociación con respecto a la lechería serían la ceba bovina con 25 y 40 % de mejora con y sin suplementación y la lechería diversificada con la cría de ovinos con un 40 % de mejora
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