1,745 research outputs found

    A Creative “Nanotown”. Framing Sustainable Development Scenarios with Local People in Calabria

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    During a two-year research programme from 2016 to 2018, scholars and students from diferent disciplinary backgrounds engaged with the local community of the town of Gagliato in Calabria, Italy, to co-produce future scenarios of local development. The aim was to enable a transition towards sustainability for a town afected by economic and demographic decline, like many other rural areas of southern Italy, but also be the protagonist of a promising annual summer science festival which had contributed to raising some expectations of change. The research has been designed to enable transdisciplinary knowledge production in the urban feld that could matter for the local community and would ultimately produce a real, positive impact on people’s lives. Despite its broad premises to test innovative learning practices with participating students for an ideal future academia, its concrete outcomes have been deeply ingrained in the local community, becoming part of their discussions of daily life and even informing their political agenda

    Impact of different nitrogen emission sources on tree physiology as assessed by a triple stable isotope approach

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    The importance that nitrogen (N) deposition has in driving the carbon (C) sequestration of forests has recently been investigated using both experimental and modeling approaches. Whether increased N deposition has positive or negative effects on such ecosystems depends on the status of the N and the duration of the deposition. By combining d13C, d18O, d15N and dendrochronological approaches, we analyzed the impact of two different sources of NOx emissions on two tree species, namely: a broadleaved species (Quercus cerris) that was located close to an oil refinery in Southern Italy, and a coniferous species (Picea abies) located close to a freeway in Switzerland. Variations in the ci/ca ratio and the distinction between stomatal and photosynthetic responses to NOx emissions in trees were assessed using a conceptual model, which combines d13C and d18O. d15N in leaves, needles and tree rings was found to be a bioindicator of N input from anthropogenic emissions, especially at the oil refinery site.We observed that N fertilization had a stimulatory effect on tree growth near the oil refinery, while the opposite effect was found for trees at the freeway site. Changes in the ci/ca ratio were mostly related to variations in d13C at the freeway site and, thus, were driven by photosynthesis. At the oil refinery site they were mainly related to stomatal conductance, as assessed using d18O. This study demonstrates that a single method approach does not always provide a complete picture of which physiological traits are more affected by N emissions. The triple isotope approach combined with dendrochronological analyses proved to be a very promising tool for monitoring the ecophysiological responses of trees to long-term N deposition

    Natural enemies of armored scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and soft scales (Hemiptera: Coccoidae) in Chile: molecular and morphological identification.

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    Scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccomorpha) are key pests of agricultural crops and ornamental plants worldwide. Their populations are difficult to control, even with insecticides, due to their cryptic habits. Moreover, there is growing concern over the use of synthetic pesticides for their control, due to deleterious environmental effects and the emergence of resistant populations of target pests. In this context, biological control may be an effective and sustainable approach. Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea includes natural enemies of scale insects that have been successfully used in many biological control programs. However, the correct identification of pest scale species and their natural enemies is particularly challenging because these insects are very small and highly specialized. Integrative taxonomy, coupling DNA barcoding and morphological analysis, has been successfully used to characterize pests and natural enemy species. In this study, we performed a survey of parasitoids and predators of armored and soft scales in Chile, based on 28S and COI barcodes. Fifty-three populations of Diaspididae and 79 populations of Coccidae were sampled over the entire length of the country, from Arica (18ËšS) to Frutillar (41ËšS), between January 2015 and February 2016. The phylogenetic relationships obtained by Bayesian inference from multilocus haplotypes revealed 41 putative species of Chalcidoidea, five Coccinellidae and three Neuroptera. Species delimitation was confirmed using ABGD, GMYC and PTP model. In Chalcidoidea, 23 species were identified morphologically, resulting in new COI barcodes for 12 species and new 28S barcodes for 14 species. Two predator species (Rhyzobius lophantae and Coccidophilus transandinus) were identified morphologically, and two parasitoid species, Chartocerus niger and Signiphora bifasciata, were recorded for the first time in Chile

    The First Vega Ride-Share Mission Flight

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    The first European ride-share mission will be carried out by the Vega launch system in September 2019. The VEGA PoC (Proof of Concept) flight using the SSMS (Small Satellite Mission Service) hardware was conceived in the context of ESA LLL Initiative. This paper reports on the highlights of the preparation of the first European rideshare mission with Vega launcher and on the development of the related launch system. Based on Vega flights accumulated experience, the development of multi-Payload mission concept started from analysis of the activities currently foreseen to fly a single payload mission adapted to the needs of multi payload rideshare missions. After evaluation of impacts in terms of technical feasibility, missioning schedule and related programmatic and cost elements for the missioning of the Light Sats launch service, the implementation phase was initiated and description of its major tasks is the focus of this paper. The described hardware development and processes to reach SSMS PoC flight using the Vega launch system, are the first step towards the ultimate goal of a finally optimized process for Light Sats ride-share missions applicable to all European launchers

    Collagen Type IV Alpha 5 Chain in Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome After Lung Transplant: The First Evidence

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    Introduction: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is the most common form of CLAD and is characterized by airflow limitation and an obstructive spirometry pattern without parenchymal opacities. The protein signature of BOS lesions concerns extracellular matrix organization and aberrant basement membrane composition. In this pilot study, we investigated the presence of COL4A5 in the serum of patients with BOS. Methods: 41 patients who had undergone LTX were enrolled. Of these, 27 developed BOS and 14 (control group) were considered stable at the time of serum sampling. Of BOS patients, serum samples were analysed at the time of BOS diagnosis and before the clinical diagnosis (pre-BOS). COL4A5 levels were detected through the ELISA kit. Results: Serum concentrations of COL4A5 were higher in pre-BOS than in stable patients (40.5 ± 13.9 and 24.8 ± 11.4, respectively, p = 0.048). This protein is not influenced by comorbidities, such as acute rejection or infections, or by therapies. Survival analysis also reveals that a higher level of COL4A5 was also associated with less probability of survival. Our data showed a correlation between concentrations of COL4A5 and FEV1 at the time of diagnosis of BOS. Conclusion: Serum concentrations of COL4A5 can be considered a good prognostic marker due to their association with survival and correlation with functional parameters

    Ground effects induced by the 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia: implications for seismic hazard assessment in the Po Plain

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    Since May 16, 2012, a seismic sequence has affected a wide portion of the Emilia Region (northern Italy), chiefly for the Modena and Ferrara Provinces. The first mainshock (Ml 5.9; focal depth, ca. 6 km) occurred on May 20, 2012, with the epicenter located a few kilometers north of Finale Emilia. A second main shock (Ml 5.8; focal depth, ca. 10 km) occurred on May 29, 2012, about 12 km west of the first earthquake, with the epicenter near Medolla. The seismic sequence has been characterized by five other Ml 655 events, and more than 2,300 aftershocks of lower magnitude, until the end July 2012. The distribution of the aftershocks identifies a WNW-ESE-trending zone ca. 40 km long that is characterized by NNE-SSW nearly pure compression, as indicated by the focal mechanisms. This report focuses on the many ground effects that were induced by this seismic sequence, as mainly cracks, liquefaction-type phenomena, and hydrological anomalies. The aim is to provide a complete representation of such effects, to: illustrate their type, size and areal distribution; identify the zones in the affected area that were most prone to the occurrence of ground effects (i.e., more susceptible to local geological instability in the case of earthquake occurrence); carry out an independent assessment of the intensities of the earthquakes through the ESI 2007 intensity scale, which is based only on coseismic effects on the natural environment

    Age is not the only risk factor in COVID-19: the role of comorbidities and of long staying in residential care homes

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    Background: The actual SARS-CoV-2 outbreak caused a highly transmissible disease with a tremendous impact on elderly people. So far, few studies focused on very elderly patients (over 80 years old). In this study we examined the clinical presentation and the outcome of the disease in this group of patients, admitted to our Hospital in Rome. Methods: This is a single-center, retrospective study performed in the Sant’Andrea University Hospital of Rome. We included patients older than 65 years of age with a diagnosis of COVID-19, from March 2020 to May 2020, divided in two groups according to their age (Elderly: 65–80 years old; Very Elderly > 80 years old). Data extracted from the each patient record included age, sex, comorbidities, symptoms at onset, the Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), the ratio of the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) to the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) (P/F) on admission, laboratory tests, radiological findings on computer tomography (CT), length of hospital stay (LOS), mortality rate and the viral shedding. The differences between the two groups were analyzed by the Fisher’s exact test or the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for categorical variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables. To assess significance among multiple groups of factors, we used the Bonferroni correction. The survival time was estimated by Kaplan-Meier method and Log Rank Test. Univariate and Multivariate logistic regression were performed to estimate associations between age, comorbidities, provenance from long-stay residential care homes (LSRCH) s and clinical outcomes. Results: We found that Very Elderly patients had an increased mortality rate, also due to the frequent occurrence of multiple comorbidities. Moreover, we found that patients coming from LSRCHs appeared to be highly susceptible and vulnerable to develop severe manifestations of the disease. Conclusion: We demonstrate that there were considerable differences between Elderly and Very Elderly patients in terms of inflammatory activity, severity of disease, adverse clinical outcomes. To establish a correct risk stratification, comorbidities and information about provenience from LSRCHs should be considered

    Agronomical valorization of eluates from the industrial production of microorganisms: Chemical, microbiological, and ecotoxicological assessment of a novel putative biostimulant

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    Plant Biostimulants (BSs) are a valid supplement to be considered for the integration of conventional fertilization practices. Research in the BS field keeps providing alternative products of various origin, which can be employed in organic and conventional agriculture. In this study, we investigated the biostimulant activity of the eluate obtained as a by-product from the industrial production of lactic acid bacteria on bare agricultural soil. Eluates utilization is in line with the circular economy principle, creating economical value for an industrial waste product. The research focused on the study of physical, chemical, biochemical, and microbiological changes occurring in agricultural soil treated with the biowaste eluate, applied at three different dosages. The final aim was to demonstrate if, and to what extent, the application of the eluate improved soil quality parameters and enhanced the presence of beneficial soil-borne microbial communities. Results indicate that a single application at the two lower dosages does not have a pronounced effect on the soil chemical parameters tested, and neither on the biochemical proprieties. Only the higher dosage applied reported an improvement in the enzymatic activities of β-glucosidase and urease and in the chemical composition, showing a higher content of total, nitric and ammonia N, total K, and higher humification rate. On the other hand, microbial communities were strongly influenced at all dosages, showing a decrease in the bacterial biodiversity and an increase in the fungal biodiversity. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that some Operative Taxonomic Units (OTUs) promoted by the eluate application, belong to known plant growth promoting microbes. Some other OTUs, negatively influenced were attributed to known plant pathogens, mainly Fusarium spp. Finally, the ecotoxicological parameters were also determined and allowed to establish that no toxic effect occurred upon eluate applications onto soil
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