3 research outputs found

    Towards a broker agent in the semantic services environment

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    International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing - Agents, Semantics, and Engineering (SOCASE 2008) -- MAY 12, 2008 -- Estoril, PORTUGALWOS: 000255926900003Brokers provide important discovery and synchronization mechanisms among autonomous agents. Their mediation and coordination properties make brokers natural candidate components for the semantic services environment where each service is described, discovered and accessed semantically. However, brokers with rich functionality of discovery and mediation are not part of the current semantic services environment. This paper discusses the design considerations of a broker agent in the semantic services environment. In this context, the required services of this broker agent are analyzed, a multi-agent system infrastructure including such a broker agent for the semantic services environment is proposed and an interaction protocol, based on FIPA specifications, for brokerage in this environment is given

    A planner infrastructure for semantic web enabled agents

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    OTM Confederated International Conference and Workshop -- NOV 25-30, 2007 -- Vilamoura, PORTUGALWOS: 000251389500029Web services and agents are two important software development technologies that are affected from the semantic web innovation. Researches for attuning these topics to the semantic web prepare a ground for integration of them. In this paper, a planner infrastructure(1) is introduced that provides the integration of these two topics on the semantic web ground. Our approach is to support the semantic web service usage during agent planning process. Hence, agent can select required external semantic services to satisfy a goal and can interact with the selected services during the plan execution.The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBiTAK) Electric, Electronic and Informatics Research Group (EEEAG) [106E008]This work is supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBiTAK) Electric, Electronic and Informatics Research Group (EEEAG) under grant 106E008

    Engineering an MAS platform for semantic service integration based on the SWSA

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    OTM Confederated International Conference and Workshop -- NOV 25-30, 2007 -- Vilamoura, PORTUGALWOS: 000251389500028In this paper, a Multi-Agent System (MAS) platform for semantic service integration based on the Semantic Web Services Initiative Architecture (SWSA) is discussed. We define a software architecture in order to provide concrete realization of the SWSA. The architecture fullfills fundamental requirements of the SWSA's sub-processes. Software agents are employed in automatic discovery and execution of the Semantic Web Services within this architecture. We also elaborate implementation of SWSA's sub-processes (service advertisement, discovery, engagement and enactment) taking the main components of the defined architecture and their interactions into consideration. Hence, the developers can easily utilize semantic web service technologies by using this flexible and extensible platform.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Electrical, Electronics and Informatics Research Group (EEEAG) [106E008]This work is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Electrical, Electronics and Informatics Research Group (EEEAG) under grant 106E008