7 research outputs found

    Изменчивость течений Карского моря

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    To study the water dynamics of the Kara Sea in the prospective areas of shelf development, the instrumental measurements of currents speeds were made at 6 submerged autonomous buoy stations with about a year duration for 5 of them and about half a year duration for 1.A spectral analysis of implementations of these measurements allowed to determine, that characteristic currents feature is a presence of annual, tidal and synoptical components of currents speeds variability. The contribution estimate of each of these components into the total process variance using the method of vector variance analysis was performed in the work.Estimates of currents speeds show almost the same character of variability at all submerged autonomous buoy stations  by all parameters. It is appearing in the numerical values of main parameters of variability, profiles shape of their vertical distribution, evolution of these profiles in the annual course and in the correlations of summary current characteristic and its nonperiodical component. At all 6 submerged autonomous buoy stations  along all depths, mean currents are directed to N-NNE-NE and values of mean scalar speed of summary current and maximum at upper horizons are changing within relatively small limits of 10,5–1,5 cm/s and 65–80 cm/s correspondingly. For vertical distribution, it is typical a decrease with a depth the values of speeds and their variability when the direction of mean transfer and relative proximity to it of maximum variability direction is preserved. The annual course is well-defined and becomes apparent in increase of current speeds and their variability in case of simultaneous strengthening of vertical contrast in spring and summer. The variability of nonperiodical current at all depths and corresponding vertical contrasts are weakened in comparison with summary current and ellipses shape of standard drviation is more elongate.Для изучения динамики вод Карского моря в перспективных районах хозяйственного освоения шельфа были сделаны инструментальные измерения скорости течений на 6 плавучих автономных буйковых станциях, продолжительностью около года на 5 из них и около полугода на Викуловской.Спектральный анализ реализаций этих измерений позволил установить, что характерной особенностью течений является наличие годовой, приливной и синоптической составляющих изменчивости скорости течения. В работе выполнена оценка вклада каждой из этих составляющих в общую дисперсию процесса методом векторного дисперсионного анализа.Оценки скоростей течений демонстрируют практически одинаковый характер изменчивости на всех плавучих автономных буйковых станциях по всем параметрам. Это проявляется в числовых значениях основных параметров изменчивости, форме профилей их вертикального распределения, эволюции этих профилей в годовом ходе и в соотношениях характеристик суммарного течения и его непериодической составляющей. На всех шести плавучих автономных буйковых станциях на всех глубинах средние течения направлены на С-ССВ-СВ, а значения средней скалярной скорости суммарного течения и максимума на верхних горизонтах изменяются в относительно узких пределах 10,5–1,5 см/с и 65–80 см/с соответственно. Для вертикального распределения характерно уменьшение с глубиной величин самих скоростей и их изменчивости при сохранении направления среднего переноса и относительной близости к нему направления максимальной изменчивости. Годовой ход хорошо выражен и проявляется в увеличении весной и летом скоростей течения и их изменчивости при одновременном усилении вертикальных контрастов. Изменчивость непериодического течения на всех глубинах и соответствующие вертикальные контрасты ослаблены сравнительно с суммарным течением, а форма эллипсов СКО более вытянутая

    Ледотехнические аспекты создания объектов транспортной инфраструктуры и разведочного бурения в Арктике

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    Starting from the mid 2000-s the increase of sustained development of the Russian Arctic is observed, in many cases the technologies using the ice cover as an infrastructure element and the ice as the construction materials are used. In the present time the different approaches of use of natural and artificial ice for applied tasks on the Arctic offshore exist. For example, the clearance of the upper surface of ice from snow and ridges is used for the purposes of the vessel unloading on the fast ice or constructing the airstrips on the drifting ice cover. In case of insufficient thickness of the level ice the latter is increased by the means of preliminary freezing (natural on the bottom side of ice and artificial by pouring the fresh or saline water on the upper surface). By constructing the artificial ice islands the ice body is made by spraying the sea water with the partial freezing of the water drops in the air and further freezing of the 2-phase elements (i.e. ice crystals in the liquid film) on the surface of the ice cover. The problem of cracks in the ice cover is solved by different means according to the proper task. When it is possible, the cracks are “healed”— i.e. are filled with the snow and ice gravel and then freezed. In case of impossibility of use of such method (for example — presence of tidal cracks or relatively high air temperature) the cracks are overlapped with the help of different covers made of different materials and of different sizes. The promising trend of ice technology is involving the reinforced or composite ice, having the increased strength, into the ice engineering practice. By unloading the cargo ships on the fast ice the ice strength is decreased locally for the purpose of easy berthing of the vessel with safekeeping the original strength of the surrounding ice for the aims of the vessel unloading. This problem is solved by creating the system of notches in the ice cover according to the vessel dimensions. The specialized hydrometeorological support on every stage of the ice engineering operation is an essential element of the ice engineering activities on the ice cover of lakes, rivers and seas.Рассматриваются направления ледотехники, связанные с использованием ледяного покрова природных водоемов как несущей площадки для создания транспортной инфраструктуры (ледовые причалы, аэродромы, искусственные ледяные острова и т.п.). Обсуждаются общие вопросы организации и проведения инженерно-технических работ на льду и некоторые частные проблемы, связанные с решением отдельных конкретных задач. Особое внимание уделено специальному гидрометеорологическому обеспечению операций как неотъемлемой части ледотехнических работ

    Исследования ледового режима на акватории Хатангского залива в море Лаптевых

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    The study was carried out to reveal characteristics of the ice regime of poorly explored water area of the Khatanga Bay in the South-Western part of the Laptev Sea. Actuality of the research is due to the high potential of hydrocarbon reserves in the license area «Khatangsky» of the PAO «NK «Rosneft Currently available methods of monitoring ice cover and hydrometeorological conditions throughout the year were used. The main features of the hydrological regime of the region in the ice-free period, reflected in the spatial distribution of thermohaline characteristics and sea level fluctuations, are shown. The area under investigation has specific features of the conditions for the formation of ice cover: the entire area is covered with the fast ice; the winter fresh water infl w from Khatanga and Anabar rivers results in the desalination of sea water, and this promotes formation of ice cover, which differs in crystal structure and texture from both fresh and sea ices. These factors do influence on the mechanical properties of ice, including its strength. It was found that the average and maximum values of strength of the smooth and deformed ice of the Khatanga Gulf are approximately twice as high as the similar values of the sea ice strength in the southern part of the Laptev Sea. The basic features of the spatial distribution of different types of deformations of the ice cover such as lines of ice hummocks, zones of homogeneous ice hummocking, and stamukhas had been determined.Цель исследований – выявить особенности ледового режима малоизученной акватории Хатангского залива в море Лаптевых. На основе круглогодичных исследований на стационаре «Хастыр» и весенних исследований с использованием вертолёта обнаружены новые особенности формирования ледяного покрова, связанные с притоком пресных вод и большого количества примесей, которые приводят к повышенной прочности льда. Установлено пространственное распределение различных видов деформированного льда

    Studies of the ice regime in the waters of the Gulf of Khatanga in the Laptev Sea

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    The study was carried out to reveal characteristics of the ice regime of poorly explored water area of the Khatanga Bay in the South-Western part of the Laptev Sea. Actuality of the research is due to the high potential of hydrocarbon reserves in the license area «Khatangsky» of the PAO «NK «Rosneft Currently available methods of monitoring ice cover and hydrometeorological conditions throughout the year were used. The main features of the hydrological regime of the region in the ice-free period, reflected in the spatial distribution of thermohaline characteristics and sea level fluctuations, are shown. The area under investigation has specific features of the conditions for the formation of ice cover: the entire area is covered with the fast ice; the winter fresh water infl w from Khatanga and Anabar rivers results in the desalination of sea water, and this promotes formation of ice cover, which differs in crystal structure and texture from both fresh and sea ices. These factors do influence on the mechanical properties of ice, including its strength. It was found that the average and maximum values of strength of the smooth and deformed ice of the Khatanga Gulf are approximately twice as high as the similar values of the sea ice strength in the southern part of the Laptev Sea. The basic features of the spatial distribution of different types of deformations of the ice cover such as lines of ice hummocks, zones of homogeneous ice hummocking, and stamukhas had been determined