2 research outputs found

    RS-enabled EBV Road Map

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    The ESA funded GlobDiversity project was the first large-scale project explicitly designed to develop and engineer Remote Sensing enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables (RS-enabled EBVs) and ended in June 2020. The project also aimed to contribute with the documents and procedures generated to the development of a workflow starting from user requirements to final products that can be used for policy relevant global biodiversity monitoring and assessments. As a final step, the project developed a road map discussing the project’s outputs, e.g., strategic documents, processing chain and data products derived when focusing on particular RS-enabled EBVs, in the context of the overall EBV framework with and in context of relevant players such as the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), CBD, IPBES, CEOS, the EBV user community and decision makers, Copernicus Services and the space agencies. We will thus present this RS-enabled EBV road map strategic document with the aim to put in place the project’s output into the EBV frame work. The proposed workflow includes discussions about the involvement of different users from the very beginning, to the development of any EBV data set, as well as to the implementation and use in the framework of the indictors. In addition, we will discuss the project’s experiences gained while developing biodiversity products based on remote sensing. In particular, we will present knowledge gaps and recommendations when evaluating the proposed road map. Thus, we will present this strategic document, so that the biodiversity community can most benefit from GlobDiversity’s outcome