388 research outputs found

    Virtuous globalization, the three-zeros policy, and China’s choice

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    © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Economic globalization is generally desirable and beneficial to a great extent, but not necessarily virtuous. Modern history has proven time and again that economic globalization may go astray if rivalry among big powers are not coordinated and regulated in a timely manner. Thorny issues arise inevitably when globalization involves big economies such as China, whose resource allocation mechanisms deviate significantly from that of a typical market economy. This paper will focus on: 1) What is virtuous globalization? 2) Why should big powers adopt the goal of three-zeros (zero tariff, zero barrier, and zero subsidy) as a necessary condition for achieving the goal of virtuous globalization? 3) Why should China in particular set a leading example to adopt and implement this policy to make a real contribution to the building of global institutions that are conducive to virtuous globalization as well as its domestic economic reforms

    Why Was China Trapped in an Agrarian Society? An Economic Geographical Approach to the Needham Puzzle [post-print]

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    This paper argues that before the world started to globalize, the differences in the geographical endowments that different populations faced were the most important constraints to their long-term production and consumption. The paper uses this central hypothesis to explain the sharp contrast between the flourishing Song and the stagnant Ming and Qing. During the Song dynasty, despite the fact that China lost a significant amount of arable land to invading nomads as its population peaked, China witnessed a higher urbanization level, more prosperous commerce and international trade, and an explosion of technical inventions and institutional innovations. However, after having significantly improved its man-to-land ratio in the period after the Song China only found itself induced deeper into the agrarian trap, resulting in reduced urbanization, withering foreign trade, a declining division of labor, and stagnant in technology

    Derandomization of quantum algorithm for triangle finding

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    Derandomization is the process of taking a randomized algorithm and turning it into a deterministic algorithm, which has attracted great attention in classical computing. In quantum computing, it is challenging and intriguing to derandomize quantum algorithms, due to the inherent randomness of quantum mechanics. The significance of derandomizing quantum algorithms lies not only in theoretically proving that the success probability can essentially be 1 without sacrificing quantum speedups, but also in experimentally improving the success rate when the algorithm is implemented on a real quantum computer. In this paper, we focus on derandomizing quanmtum algorithms for the triangle sum problem (including the famous triangle finding problem as a special case), which asks to find a triangle in an edge-weighted graph with nn vertices, such that its edges sum up to a given weight.We show that when the graph is promised to contain at most one target triangle, there exists a deterministic quantum algorithm that either finds the triangle if it exists or outputs ``no triangle'' if none exists. It makes O(n9/7)O(n^{9/7}) queries to the edge weight matrix oracle, and thus has the same complexity with the state-of-art bounded-error quantum algorithm. To achieve this derandomization, we make full use several techniques:nested quantum walks with quantum data structure, deterministic quantum search with adjustable parameters, and dimensional reduction of quantum walk search on Johnson graph

    Adverse Mental Health of Juvenile Delinquency and Suicide: A Bibliometrics Study and Visualization Analysis via CiteSpace

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    Juvenile delinquency and suicide have been growing worldwide, behind which mental health issues cannot be ignored. Research status, hotspots, and frontiers in this field were mined in this study. Based on 4681 related publications from the Web of Science Core Collection, collaboration, hotspots, and frontiers were revealed via CiteSpace (from January 1st, 2000 to July 19, 2022). There is a continuous growth of relevant research, especially in the last five years. Alan Apter from Tel Aviv University in Israel was the author who published the most articles in the field (49 articles). The USA and University of California System were the leading country and institution with 2603 and 222 articles cited 88964 and 7891 times, respectively. There was active collaboration between institutions, countries, and authors on conducting research on the issues. Hot topics focused on mental health, behavior, depression, prevalence, ideation, suicide, substance use, psychiatric disorder, reliability, intervention, and risk factors. Research frontiers include adverse childhood experience, gay, and stigma. Healthy family dynamics (harmonious marital relationship, stable family structure, and correct parenting style) is the first layer of defense against juvenile delinquency and suicide. And the second layer is positive social determinants (neighbor influence, social support, stigma, and minority stress)

    Super-exponential quantum advantage for finding the center of a sphere

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    This article considers the geometric problem of finding the center of a sphere in vector space over finite fields, given samples of random points on the sphere. We propose a quantum algorithm based on continuous-time quantum walks that needs only a constant number of samples to find the center. We also prove that any classical algorithm for the same task requires approximately as many samples as the dimension of the vector space, by a reduction to an old and basic algebraic result -- Warning's second theorem. Thus, a super-exponential quantum advantage is revealed for the first time for a natural and intuitive geometric problem

    Deterministic quantum search with adjustable parameters: implementations and applications

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    Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speedup over classical algorithms to search for marked elements in an unstructured database. The original algorithm is probabilistic, returning a marked element with bounded error. There are several schemes to achieve the deterministic version, by using the generalized Grover's iteration G(α,β):=Sr(β) So(α)G(\alpha,\beta):=S_r(\beta)\, S_o(\alpha) composed of phase oracle So(α)S_o(\alpha) and phase rotation Sr(β)S_r(\beta). However, in all the existing schemes the value range of α\alpha and β\beta is limited; for instance, in the three early schemes α\alpha and β\beta are determined by the proportion of marked states M/NM/N. In this paper, we break through this limitation by presenting a search framework with adjustable parameters, which allows α\alpha or β\beta to be arbitrarily given. The significance of the framework lies not only in the expansion of mathematical form, but also in its application value, as we present two disparate problems which we are able to solve deterministically using the proposed framework, whereas previous schemes are ineffective.Comment: The title and the abstract have been slightly revise

    Which Type of Urbanization Better Matches China’s Factor Endowment: A Comparison of Population-intensive Old Puxi and Land-Capital-intensive New Pudong [post-print]

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    Based on a comparative study of New-Pudong (East Shanghai) and Old-Puxi (West Shanghai) in their respective ability to absorb rural migrants, the very essence of urbanization, this paper finds that, constrained by the current hukou (household registration) system and land tenure system, although New-Pudong has emerged as one of the most modernized urban areas in the world, it did so under an urbanization model that is government-dominant and characterized by high land-intensity and capital-intensity. This model represents a serious mismatch in terms of China’s factor endowment that is characterized with a large but relatively poor rural population. In sharp contrast, guided by the market mechanism under private land ownership and free migration, Old-Puxi emerged as an urbanization model that was very adaptable to China’s factor endowment and stage of development. Therefore, as a model of endogenous urbanization, Old-Puxi is more efficient and inclusive, at the same time more sustainable economically and environmentally, and for this reason more applicable to China at a time when China needs to urbanize most of its rural population urgently to avoid the further worsening of the rural/urban divide and income disparity
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