594 research outputs found

    Graph based Platform for Electricity Market Study, Education and Training

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    With the further development of deregulated electricity market in many other countries around the world, a lot of challenges have been identified for market data management, network topology processing and fast market-clearance mechanism design. In this paper, a graph computing framework based on TigerGraph database is proposed to solve a security constrained unit commitment (SCUC) and security constrained economic dispatch (SCED) problem, with parallelized graph power flow (PGPF) and innovative LU decomposition techniques, for electricity market-clearance. It also provides a comprehensive visualization platform to demonstrate the market clearing results vividly, such as locational marginal price (LMP), and is able to be utilized for electricity market operators' education and training purpose.Comment: To be published (Accepted) in: Proceedings of the Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, 201

    Power Flow Analysis Using Graph based Combination of Iterative Methods and Vertex Contraction Approach

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    Compared with relational database (RDB), graph database (GDB) is a more intuitive expression of the real world. Each node in the GDB is a both storage and logic unit. Since it is connected to its neighboring nodes through edges, and its neighboring information could be easily obtained in one-step graph traversal. It is able to conduct local computation independently and all nodes can do their local work in parallel. Then the whole system can be maximally analyzed and assessed in parallel to largely improve the computation performance without sacrificing the precision of final results. This paper firstly introduces graph database, power system graph modeling and potential graph computing applications in power systems. Two iterative methods based on graph database and PageRank are presented and their convergence are discussed. Vertex contraction is proposed to improve the performance by eliminating zero-impedance branch. A combination of the two iterative methods is proposed to make use of their advantages. Testing results based on a provincial 1425-bus system demonstrate that the proposed comprehensive approach is a good candidate for power flow analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2018

    Full-Duplex Cellular Networks: It Works!

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    Full-duplex (FD) communications with bidirectional transmitting and receiving at the same time and frequency radio resource have long been deemed a promising way to boost spectrum efficiency, but hindered by the techniques for self-interference cancellation (SIC). Recent breakthroughs in analog and digital signal processing yield the feasibility of beyond 100100 dB SIC capability and make it possible for FD communications to demonstrate nearly doubled spectrum efficiency for point-to-point links. Now it is time to shift at least partial of our focus to full duplex networking, such as in cellular networks, since it is not straightforward but demanding novel and more complicated interference management techniques. Before putting FD networking into practice, we need to understand that what scenarios FD communications should be applied in under the current technology maturity, how bad the performance will be if we do nothing to deal with the newly introduced interference, and most importantly, how much improvement could be achieved after applying advanced solutions. This article will shed light on these questions

    Induced radioactivity analysis for the NSRL Linac in China using Monte Carlo simulations and gamma-spectroscopy

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    The 200-MeV electron linac of the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) located in Hefei is one of the earliest high-energy electron linear accelerators in China. The electrons are accelerated to 200 MeV by five acceleration tubes and are collimated by scrapers. The scraper aperture is smaller than the acceleration tube one, so some electrons hit the materials when passing through them. These lost electrons cause induced radioactivity mainly due to bremsstrahlung and photonuclear reaction. This paper describes a study of induced radioactivity for the NSRL Linac using FLUKA simulations and gamma-spectroscopy. The measurements showed that electrons were lost mainly at the scraper. So the induced radioactivity of the NSRL Linac is mainly produced here. The radionuclide types were simulated using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code and the results were compared against measurements made with a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma spectrometer. The NSRL linac had been retired because of upgrading last year. The removed components were used to study induced radioactivity. The radionuclides confirmed by the measurement are: 57^{57}Ni, 52^{52}Mn, 51^{51}Cr, 58^{58}Co, 56^{56}Co, 57^{57}Co, 54^{54}Mn, 60^{60}Co and 22^{22}Na, the first eight nuclides of which are predicted by FLUKA simulation. The research will provide the theoretical basis for the similar accelerator decommissioning plan, and is significant for accelerator structure design, material selection and radiation protection design.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to the Chinese Physics

    A High-Performance Energy Management System based on Evolving Graph

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    As the fast growth and large integration of distributed generation, renewable energy resource, energy storage system and load response, the modern power system operation becomes much more complicated with increasing uncertainties and frequent changes. Increased operation risks are introduced to the existing commercial Energy Management System (EMS), due to its limited computational capability. In this paper, a high-performance EMS analysis framework based on the evolving graph is developed. A power grid is first modeled as an evolving graph and then the power system dynamic analysis applications, like network topology processing (NTP), state estimation (SE), power flow (PF), and contingency analysis (CA), are efficiently implemented on the system evolving graph to build a high-performance EMS analysis framework. Its computation performance is field tested using a 2749-bus power system in Sichuan, China. The results illustrate that the proposed EMS remarkably speeds up the computation performance and reaches the goal of real-time power system analysis.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Brief

    No-Reference Color Image Quality Assessment: From Entropy to Perceptual Quality

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    This paper presents a high-performance general-purpose no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) method based on image entropy. The image features are extracted from two domains. In the spatial domain, the mutual information between the color channels and the two-dimensional entropy are calculated. In the frequency domain, the two-dimensional entropy and the mutual information of the filtered sub-band images are computed as the feature set of the input color image. Then, with all the extracted features, the support vector classifier (SVC) for distortion classification and support vector regression (SVR) are utilized for the quality prediction, to obtain the final quality assessment score. The proposed method, which we call entropy-based no-reference image quality assessment (ENIQA), can assess the quality of different categories of distorted images, and has a low complexity. The proposed ENIQA method was assessed on the LIVE and TID2013 databases and showed a superior performance. The experimental results confirmed that the proposed ENIQA method has a high consistency of objective and subjective assessment on color images, which indicates the good overall performance and generalization ability of ENIQA. The source code is available on github https://github.com/jacob6/ENIQA.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Exploration of Graph Computing in Power System State Estimation

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    With the increased complexity of power systems due to the integration of smart grid technologies and renewable energy resources, more frequent changes have been introduced to system status, and the traditional serial mode of state estimation algorithm cannot well meet the restrict time-constrained requirement for the future dynamic power grid, even with advanced computer hardware. To guarantee the grid reliability and minimize the impacts caused by system status fluctuations, a fast, even SCADA-rate, state estimator is urgently needed. In this paper, a graph based power system modeling is firstly explored and a graph computing based state estimation is proposed to speed up its performance. The power system is represented by a graph, which is a collection of vertices and edges, and the measurements are attributes of vertices and edges. Each vertex can independently implement local computation, like formulations of the node-based H matrix, gain matrix and righthand-side (RHS) vector, only with the information on its connected edges and neighboring vertices. Then, by taking advantages of graph database, these node-based data are conveniently collected and stored in the compressed sparse row (CSR) format avoiding the complexity and heaviness introduced by the sparse matrices. With communications and synchronization, centralized computation of solving the weighted least square (WLS) state estimation is completed with hierarchical parallel computing. The proposed strategy is implemented on a graph database platform. The testing results of IEEE 14-bus, IEEE 118-bus systems and a provincial system in China verify the accuracy and high-performance of the proposed methodology.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proc. of 2018 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meetin

    Graph Computing based Fast Screening in Contingency Analysis

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    During last decades, contingency analysis has been facing challenges from significant load demand increase and high penetrations of intermittent renewable energy, fluctuant responsive loads and non-linear power electronic interfaces. It requires an advanced approach for high-performance contingency analysis as a safeguard of the power system operation. In this paper, a graph-based method is employed for N-1 contingency analysis (CA) fast screening. At first, bi-directional breadth-first search (BFS) is proposed and adopted on graph model to detect the potential shedding component in contingency analysis. It implements hierarchical parallelism of the graph traverse and speedup its process. Then, the idea of evolving graph is introduced in this paper to improve computation performance. For each contingency scenario, N-1 contingency graph quickly derives from system graph in basic status, and parallelly analyzes each contingency scenario using graph computing. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach have been tested and verified by IEEE 118-bus system and a practical case SC 2645-bus system.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, accepted by IEEE PES ISGT ASIA 201

    Simplify Power Flow Calculation Using Terminal Circuit and PMU Measurements

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    Power flow calculation methods have been developed in decades using power injections and Newton-Raphson method. The nonlinear characteristics of the power flow to the bus voltage require Jacobian matrix reformation and refactorization in each iteration. Power network is composed by resistors, reactors, and capacitors which is a linear circuit when investigating the node voltages with the node current injections. To take the advantage of the linearity, this paper proposed to use terminal circuit model and PMU voltage phase angle measurements to simplify power flow calculation. When updating current injections at the righthand side of power flow equations and using PMU voltage phase angle measurements representing PV buses voltage phase angle, the Jacobian matrix is constant during the iteration. The simplification reduces the computational efforts and improves the computation efficiency. The proposed method is tested on the IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 118-bus standard systems. The results are validated by traditional power flow solution and the computation efficiency is demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meetin

    Graph Based Power Flow Calculation for Energy Management System

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    Power flow calculation in EMS is required to accommodate a large and complex power system. To achieve a faster than real-time calculation, a graph based power flow calculation is proposed in this paper. Graph database and graph computing advantages in power system calculations are presented. A linear solver for power flow application is formulated and decomposed in nodal parallelism and hierarchical parallelism to fully utilize graph parallel computing capability. Comparison of the algorithm with traditional sequential programs shows significant benefits on computation efficiency. Case studies on practical large-scale systems provide supporting evidence that the new algorithm is promising for online computing for EMS.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Proc. of 2018 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meetin