10,858 research outputs found

    Deep Room Recognition Using Inaudible Echos

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    Recent years have seen the increasing need of location awareness by mobile applications. This paper presents a room-level indoor localization approach based on the measured room's echos in response to a two-millisecond single-tone inaudible chirp emitted by a smartphone's loudspeaker. Different from other acoustics-based room recognition systems that record full-spectrum audio for up to ten seconds, our approach records audio in a narrow inaudible band for 0.1 seconds only to preserve the user's privacy. However, the short-time and narrowband audio signal carries limited information about the room's characteristics, presenting challenges to accurate room recognition. This paper applies deep learning to effectively capture the subtle fingerprints in the rooms' acoustic responses. Our extensive experiments show that a two-layer convolutional neural network fed with the spectrogram of the inaudible echos achieve the best performance, compared with alternative designs using other raw data formats and deep models. Based on this result, we design a RoomRecognize cloud service and its mobile client library that enable the mobile application developers to readily implement the room recognition functionality without resorting to any existing infrastructures and add-on hardware. Extensive evaluation shows that RoomRecognize achieves 99.7%, 97.7%, 99%, and 89% accuracy in differentiating 22 and 50 residential/office rooms, 19 spots in a quiet museum, and 15 spots in a crowded museum, respectively. Compared with the state-of-the-art approaches based on support vector machine, RoomRecognize significantly improves the Pareto frontier of recognition accuracy versus robustness against interfering sounds (e.g., ambient music).Comment: 29 page

    Towards Quantifying Complexity with Quantum Mechanics

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    While we have intuitive notions of structure and complexity, the formalization of this intuition is non-trivial. The statistical complexity is a popular candidate. It is based on the idea that the complexity of a process can be quantified by the complexity of its simplest mathematical model - the model that requires the least past information for optimal future prediction. Here we review how such models, known as ϵ\epsilon-machines can be further simplified through quantum logic, and explore the resulting consequences for understanding complexity. In particular, we propose a new measure of complexity based on quantum ϵ\epsilon-machines. We apply this to a simple system undergoing constant thermalization. The resulting quantum measure of complexity aligns more closely with our intuition of how complexity should behave.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure, Published in the Focus Point on Quantum information and complexity edition of EPJ Plu

    Advertising Effectiveness of Different Social Appeals through Microblog

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    In today’s interactive marketplace,microblog has become a powerful social marketing and advertising platform. An important type of information in microblog is consumer generated and forwarded advertising. In our study, we explore advertising effects of different social appeals through microblog. We find that oriented appeals (i.e., other-oriented and self-oriented appeals) are more effective than non-oriented appeals. But the difference between other-oriented appeal and self-oriented appeal is insignificant. The relationship between sender and receiver moderate the result. Other-oriented appeal is more effective than self-oriented appeal for dyads with offline relationship, while self-oriented appeal is more effective for dyads of online-only relationship

    Overarching framework between Gaussian quantum discord and Gaussian quantum illumination

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    We cast the problem of illuminating an object in a noisy environment into a communication protocol. A probe is sent into the environment, and the presence or absence of the object constitutes a signal encoded on the probe. The probe is then measured to decode the signal. We calculate the Holevo information and bounds to the accessible information between the encoded and received signal with two different Gaussian probes---an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) state and a coherent state. We also evaluate the Gaussian discord consumed during the encoding process with the EPR probe. We find that the Holevo quantum advantage, defined as the difference between the Holevo information obtained from the EPR and coherent state probes, is approximately equal to the discord consumed. These quantities become exact in the typical illumination regime of low object reflectivity and low probe energy. Hence we show that discord is the resource responsible for the quantum advantage in Gaussian quantum illumination.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure