158 research outputs found

    Erbium-based magnetic refrigerant (regenerator) for passive cryocooler

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    A two stage Gifford-McMahon cryocooler having a low temperature stage for reaching approximately 10K, wherein the low temperature stage includes a passive magnetic heat regenerator selected from the group consisting of Er.sub.6 Ni.sub.2 Sn, Er.sub.6 Ni.sub.2 Pb, Er.sub.6 Ni.sub.2 (Sn.sub.0.75 Ga.sub.0.25), and Er.sub.9 Ni.sub.3 Sn comprising a mixture of Er.sub.3 Ni and Er.sub.6 Ni.sub.2 Sn in the microstructure

    Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in Gd and (Er 1-xDyx)Al2: Does a universal curve exist?

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    The field dependence of the magnetic entropy change of ferromagnetic lanthanide- based materials has been studied. The recently proposed master curve for the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect of Fe-based amorphous alloys can also be constructed for these lanthanide-based crystalline materials, suggesting a universal behavior. The exponent n controlling the field dependence of the magnetic entropy change can be used for the interpretation of results in the case of multiple magnetic ordering phenomena

    Combined local-density and dynamical mean field theory calculations for the compressed lanthanides Ce, Pr, and Nd

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    This paper reports calculations for compressed Ce (4f^1), Pr (4f^2), and Nd (4f^3) using a combination of the local-density approximation (LDA) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), or LDA+DMFT. The 4f moment, spectra, and the total energy among other properties are examined as functions of volume and atomic number for an assumed face-centered cubic (fcc) structure.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Complex magnetism of lanthanide intermetallics unravelled

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    We explain a profound complexity of magnetic interactions of some technologically relevant gadolinium intermetallics using an ab-initio electronic structure theory which includes disordered local moments and strong ff-electron correlations. The theory correctly finds GdZn and GdCd to be simple ferromagnets and predicts a remarkably large increase of Curie temperature with pressure of +1.5 K kbar1^{-1} for GdCd confirmed by our experimental measurements of +1.6 K kbar1^{-1}. Moreover we find the origin of a ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic competition in GdMg manifested by non-collinear, canted magnetic order at low temperatures. Replacing 35\% of the Mg atoms with Zn removes this transition in excellent agreement with longstanding experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spatiotemporal Response of Crystals in X-ray Bragg Diffraction

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    The spatiotemporal response of crystals in x-ray Bragg diffraction resulting from excitation by an ultra-short, laterally confined x-ray pulse is studied theoretically. The theory presents an extension of the analysis in symmetric reflection geometry [1] to the generic case, which includes Bragg diffraction both in reflection (Bragg) and transmission (Laue) asymmetric scattering geometries. The spatiotemporal response is presented as a product of a crystal-intrinsic plane wave spatiotemporal response function and an envelope function defined by the crystal-independent transverse profile of the incident beam and the scattering geometry. The diffracted wavefields exhibit amplitude modulation perpendicular to the propagation direction due to both angular dispersion and the dispersion due to Bragg's law. The characteristic measure of the spatiotemporal response is expressed in terms of a few parameters: the extinction length, crystal thickness, Bragg angle, asymmetry angle, and the speed of light. Applications to self-seeding of hard x-ray free electron lasers are discussed, with particular emphasis on the relative advantages of using either the Bragg or Laue scattering geometries. Intensity front inclination in asymmetric diffraction can be used to make snapshots of ultra-fast processes with femtosecond resolution

    Large magnetic entropy change near room temperature in antipervoskite SnCMn3

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    We report the observation of large magnetocaloric effect near room temperature in antipervoskite SnCMn3. The maximal magnetic entropy change at the first-order ferrimagnetic-paramagnetic transition temperature (TC 279 K) is about 80.69mJ/cm3 K and 133mJ/cm3 K under the magnetic field of 20 kOe and 48 kOe, respectively. These values are close to those of typical magnetocaloric materials. The large magnetocaloric effect is associated with the sharp change of lattice, resistivity and magnetization in the vicinity of TC. Through the measurements of Seebeck coefficient and normal Hall effect, the title system is found to undergo a reconstruction of electronic structure at TC. Considering its low-cost and innocuous raw materials, Mn-based antiperovskite compounds are suggested to be appropriate for pursuing new materials with larger magnetocaloric effect.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Comparison of the pressure dependences of Tc in the trivalent d-electron superconductors

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    Whereas dhcp La superconducts at ambient pressure with Tc = 5 K, the other trivalent d-electron metals Sc, Y, and Lu only superconduct if high pressures are applied. Earlier measurements of the pressure dependence of Tc for Sc and Lu metal are here extended to much higher pressures. Whereas Tc for Lu increases monotonically with pressure to 12.4 K at 174 GPa (1.74 Mbar). Tc for Sc reaches 19.6 K at 107 GPa, the 2nd highest value observed for any elemental superconductor. At higher pressures a phase transition occurs whereupon Tc drops to 8.31 K at 111 GPa. The Tc(P) dependences for Sc and Lu are compared to those of Y and La. An interesting correlation is pointed out between the value of Tc and the fractional free volume available to the conduction electrons outside the ion cores, a quantity which is directly related to the number of d electrons in the conduction band

    Specific heat study of single crystalline Pr0.63_{0.63} Ca0.37_{0.37} MnO3_{3} in presence of a magnetic field

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    We present the results of a study of specific heat on a single crystal of Pr0.63_{0.63}Ca0.37_{0.37}MnO3_3 performed over a temperature range 3K-300K in presence of 0 and 8T magnetic fields. An estimate of the entropy and latent heat in a magnetic field at the first order charge ordering (CO) transition is presented. The total entropy change at the CO transition which is \approx 1.8 J/mol K at 0T, decreases to \sim 1.5 J/mol K in presence of 8T magnetic field. Our measurements enable us to estimate the latent heat LCOL_{CO} \approx 235 J/mol involved in the CO transition. Since the entropy of the ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) state is comparable to that of the charge-ordered insulating (COI) state, a subtle change in entropy stabilises either of these two states. Our low temperature specific heat measurements reveal that the linear term is absent in 0T and surprisingly not seen even in the metallic FMM state.Comment: 8 pages (in RevTEX format), 12 figures (in postscript format) Submitted to Phys. Rev.