17 research outputs found

    Human intestinal parasites in the past: new findings and a review

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    Issledovanija toksoplazmoza domashnejj pticy. II. Mestnye ehpizootiologicheskie issledovanija

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    Serologic examinations were performed in 1605 birds (1200 hens, 200 geese, 100 ducks, 100 turkeys and 5 guinea fowls), healthy from the clinical point of view, of varying race, age and sex; 700 hens came from 8 farms of Wrocław voivodeship, the remaining birds (905) from slaughter-house. The birds killed at slaughter-house were also examined for the presence of parasite by means of passages on mice. Positive serologic reactions (CFT and DT) were obtained only in 11 out of 1200 examined hens and in 2 out of 200 geese (DT). The titres were, however, low amounting to 1:5 or 1:10 in hens and to 1:40 and 1:80 in geese. Attempts at the isolation of Toxoplasma strain were unsuccessful

    Parazitologicheskie analizy fekalijj, prinadlezhashhikh k razkopkam

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    The author investigated 167 samples of faeces found during research excavations of cultural soil layers in a Slav settlement (Ostrówek Opole) from the 10th-13th century. On base of an exterior aspect and of microscopic examination (fragments of plant tissues, quantity found, fragments of bone tissues) the kind of animals, to whom above faeces might have belonged, has been approximatively stated as fellows: 55 samples were probably faeces of big ruminants, 44 probably belonged to pigs, 12 samples were presumed to be faeces of small ruminants (ewe, goat). 8 samples of faeces were supposed to be those of a horse, 7 sampless have been classified as being most likely remnants of dog faeces, 16 samples were composed of compact animal manure together with litter, whereas 25 samples were found to be patrification, fragments of bones, carth. In 7 faeces invcstigated, eggs of Fasciola hepatica have been found. Those ova were yellowish in colour, without opercula, hollow inside, with sheli partly broken or defective (fig. 1-4). It should be emphasized that the eggs from faeces (inventory No 1808/54 and 3333/54) dated from the second half of the 10th century, thus belong to a still carlier period than the eggs which the author described in his farmer report (Grzywiński. 1954, 1952-60). Beside that, in the faeces, inventory No 300, 55, dating from the second part of the 11th century, the author has found 4 pieces of remnants looking like parasite ova (fig. 5-8), their dimantions being: length 56μ-63μ; width 37,5μ-45μ. Those segments have on one pole a damage, perhaps formerly an operculum; they are hollow inside with a shell fairly well conserved, light-yellow in colour. Those segments couln't be determined in a more precise way and some doubt exists whether they are eggs altogether

    Report on the activities of PPS in September 1984 - September 1987

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    Popytka primenenija mikroprecipitacionnojj peaqkcii dlja opredelenija lichinok nematod roda Strongylus

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    Adult forms of Strongylus equinus, S. edentatus and S. vulgaris were used for preparing extracts in physiological salt solution as antigens. Rabbits were immunized with them and (weak) antibodies obtained, which could be discovered in the precipitation test. Because in this test as well as in the microprecipitation test with live larvae (obtained from eggs of parasites taken from the uterus) cross reactions appeared between all three immune sera and all aintigens, it was concluded that by means of the immunobiological methods used as above, it is not possible to determine the larva species of nematodes of the genus Strongylus

    III S'ezd Pol'skogo Obshhestva Veterinarnykh Nauk

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    Issledovanija toksoplazmoza domashnejj pticy. I. Tok ehksperimental'nojj invazii u kuric s osobennym uchetom puti infehcii per os

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    The experiments were made on 180 hens aged from 1 day to 10 weeks. The animals were infected peroral, subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. The material for infection (RH strain) was used as exudate of mice (trophozoite) or as organs of rats or rabbits infected a year ago (cysts). Investigated was also the possibility of infection in healthy hens through direct contact with diseased ones. The items taken in consideration were as follows: (1) clinical picture, (2) hematologic examinations includimg number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, white cell count, (3) serologic studies using complement fixation and dye tests, (4) effect of food on the mechanism by which hens get infected per os (alkaline, neutral or acid reaction), (5) anatomo-pathologic, microscopic studies and isolation of strain. The results obtained prompt the following conclusions: (1) experimental toxoplasmosis of hens is difficult to induce and the moment of infection food seems to play a major role in the mechanism of infection. The mortality of hens is lower than in other animals infected in the same way and conditions, and even spontaneous cure may occasionally take place; (2) in peroral infection food seems to play a major role in the mechanism of infection. The administration of alkaline food increases the chance of infection; (3) in experimental conditions healthy hens may contract infection from diseased ones through direct contact; (4) hematologic studies do not seem to be of important diagnostic value, whereas the reduction in the number of erythrocytes may indieate an evolution of pathologic process; (5) Serologically (CFT and DT) the presence of antibodies is not an invariable finding, the positive reactions showing comparatively low titres

    Toksoplazmoznaja reakcija svjazyvanija komplementa u sobak v Vroclave

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    In the years of 1961-1963 serologic examinations were made in 270 dogs with various diseases. In 62 animals there was a positive complement fixation reaction (1:10) with Toxoplasma gondii antigen, the reaction being negative in 173 cases (64%) ; in the remaining dogs (13%) the serum proved to be anticomplementary, even after 3-fold reinactivation at 63°. Most dogs with positive reactions were in the age group of 1-15 years. When passaged in mice, brain cultures from 11 sacrificed dogs with distemper or distemper-like symptoms failed to show the presence of Toxoplasma gondii. Further studies are being led