32 research outputs found

    Pojsvlenie Melophagus ovinus (L.) u ovec vo vroclavskom voevodstve

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    Povedenie RH Toxoplasma gondii posle passazhejj na krysakh

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    Evaluation of drugs used to control nematods and ectoparasites of animals

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    Toksoplazmoznaja reakcija svjazyvanija komplementa u sobak v Vroclave

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    In the years of 1961-1963 serologic examinations were made in 270 dogs with various diseases. In 62 animals there was a positive complement fixation reaction (1:10) with Toxoplasma gondii antigen, the reaction being negative in 173 cases (64%) ; in the remaining dogs (13%) the serum proved to be anticomplementary, even after 3-fold reinactivation at 63°. Most dogs with positive reactions were in the age group of 1-15 years. When passaged in mice, brain cultures from 11 sacrificed dogs with distemper or distemper-like symptoms failed to show the presence of Toxoplasma gondii. Further studies are being led

    Mass infestation of Bdellonyssus bacoti Hirst on man

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    Kongress Antropozoonozov

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    Issledovanija toksoplazmoza domashnejj pticy. II. Mestnye ehpizootiologicheskie issledovanija

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    Serologic examinations were performed in 1605 birds (1200 hens, 200 geese, 100 ducks, 100 turkeys and 5 guinea fowls), healthy from the clinical point of view, of varying race, age and sex; 700 hens came from 8 farms of Wrocław voivodeship, the remaining birds (905) from slaughter-house. The birds killed at slaughter-house were also examined for the presence of parasite by means of passages on mice. Positive serologic reactions (CFT and DT) were obtained only in 11 out of 1200 examined hens and in 2 out of 200 geese (DT). The titres were, however, low amounting to 1:5 or 1:10 in hens and to 1:40 and 1:80 in geese. Attempts at the isolation of Toxoplasma strain were unsuccessful

    Veterinarnaja akaroehntomologija v Pol'she v 1945-1971 gg.

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