3 research outputs found
Expression of cyclin B1 after induction of senescence and cell death in non-small cell lung carcinoma A549 cells
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of mitotic cyclin B1 in the context of senescence and cell death in A549 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. This was performed through analysis of the cell cycle, the percentage of SA-尾-galactosidase-positive, as well as TUNEL-positive cells. Morphological alterations were studied using a transmission electron microscope. Changes in聽 the intracellular level and the presence of cyclin B1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm areas were detected by flow cytometry and confocal fluorescence microscopy, respectively. In the cells exposed to various concentrations of doxorubicin, different kinds of cell death and senescent phenotype were observed. Alterations in the cell cycle and increased polyploidy may be indicative of mitotic catastrophe execution. Changes in cyclin B1 may also be strictly related to its different regulation at mitotic catastrophe and senescence programs
Cykliny jako markery chor贸b nowotworowych
Markery stosowane w onkologii stanowi膮 niejednorodn膮 grup臋 czynnik贸w umo偶liwiaj膮cych diagnoz臋 lub ocen臋inwazyjno艣ci nowotworu. Wyr贸偶nia si臋 trzy grupy marker贸w prognostycznych, w艣r贸d kt贸rych wa偶ne miejsce zajmuj膮markery biologii nowotworu. Czynniki prognostyczne nale偶膮ce do tej grupy obrazuj膮 mi臋dzy innymi zdolno艣膰 kom贸rekdo przerzutowania oraz odpowiedzi na zastosowan膮 terapi臋. Do marker贸w biologii nowotworu zaliczane s膮 bia艂kareguluj膮ce progresj臋 cyklu kom贸rkowego, m.in. cykliny. Cykliny s膮 kluczowymi regulatorami cyklu kom贸rkowego,kt贸rych st臋偶enie jest zale偶ne od fazy cyklu. Zmiany ekspresji cykliny (g艂贸wnie cyklin typu A, B, D oraz E) wp艂ywaj膮 naaktywno艣膰 proliferacyjn膮 kom贸rek i maj膮 zwi膮zek z rozwojem r贸偶nych nowotwor贸w. Sugeruje si臋, 偶e badanie profiluekspresji poszczeg贸lnych cyklin w kom贸rkach nowotworowych mo偶e dostarcza膰 cennych informacji prognostycznychoraz diagnostycznych. Praca ta przedstawia obecny stan wiedzy na temat potencjalnego wykorzystania cyklinw diagnostyce chor贸b nowotworowych
Expression of cyclin B1 after induction of senescence and cell death in non-small cell lung carcinoma A549 cells
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of mitotic cyclin B1 in the context of senescence and cell death in A549 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. This was performed through analysis of the cell cycle, the percentage of SA-尾-galactosidase-positive, as well as TUNEL-positive cells. Morphological alterations were studied using a transmission electron microscope. Changes in聽 the intracellular level and the presence of cyclin B1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm areas were detected by flow cytometry and confocal fluorescence microscopy, respectively. In the cells exposed to various concentrations of doxorubicin, different kinds of cell death and senescent phenotype were observed. Alterations in the cell cycle and increased polyploidy may be indicative of mitotic catastrophe execution. Changes in cyclin B1 may also be strictly related to its different regulation at mitotic catastrophe and senescence programs