42 research outputs found

    Modelling of propeller shaft dynamics at pulse load

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    The article discusses a method of modelling of propeller shaft dynamics at the presence of virtually introduced underwater detonation effects. The propeller shaft model has four degrees of freedom, which provides opportunities for introducing shaft displacements and rotations similar to those observed in a real object. The equations of motion, taking into account the action of external agents, were implemented to the Matlab SIMULINK environment. The obtained time-histories and their spectra were compared with the experimental results of the tests performed on the marine testing ground. The performed model identification confirmed its sensitivity to changing parameters of motion and external actions

    Problemy diagnozowania nap臋du jacht贸w motorowo-偶aglowych

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    The paper presents operational problems in diagnosing the propulsion system of motor-sail yachts. The advantages and operational problems are presented in the paper and the specificity of use of the propulsion systems. It is shown here solutions to meet the requirements of the marine environment. There are shown exemplary damages resulting from operational errors of crew use. It is proposed program of sea trials, which further operation would be an indispensable diagnostic tool supporting the reliability and safety of the yacht at sea.Artyku艂 przedstawia problem dotycz膮cy diagnozowania nap臋du jacht贸w motorowo-偶aglowych. Zalety wykorzystania diagnostyki w procesie eksploatacji zosta艂y odniesione do specyfiki u偶ytkowania jacht贸w. Przedstawione rozwi膮zania s膮 艣ci艣le zwi膮zane z wymaganiami morskimi, a jako przyk艂ad przedstawiono awari臋 spowodowan膮 przez b艂膮d ludzki. Proponowany program pr贸b oraz zalecenia mog膮 by膰 narz臋dziem diagnostycznym wspieraj膮cym bezpiecze艅stwo eksploatacji na morzu

    Dynamic problems of propulsion system of naval vessels

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    Ship propulsion systems are subjected to specific sea loads due to waving and dynamical impacts associated with mission of a given ship. Sea waving can be sufficiently exactly modelled by means of statistical methods. Knowledge of a character of impulse loading which affects ship shaft line can makes possible identifying potential failures by means of on-line vibration measuring systems. The modelling of impulse impact form and next its identification makes possible identification of explosion power, distance from explosion epicentre, a kind of explosion, elastic or plastic deformation of shaft line. The presented results related to the performed experimental test do not make possible assigning unambiguously the modelled signal features to those of the recorded ones during the real test. Analysis of forces acting on shaft-line bearings, problems of underwater explosion, and models of excitation due to underwater explosion has been described in the paper. In particularly simulated static bending stresses in propeller shaft due to weight of propeller, a simplified shaft-line model for critical speed calculation, run of changes of shock wave pressure and ship hull acceleration measured on hull surface during underwater explosion, schematic diagram of the performed experimental test, run of the assumed vibration acceleration model, spectrum of the assumed vibration acceleration model are represented

    Dynamic model of gas generator with faults' simulations

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    W artykule przedstawiono metod臋 modelowania wirnika wytwornicy spalin silnika turbinowego wraz z wprowadzonymi obci膮偶eniami pochodz膮cymi m.in. od niewyr贸wnowa偶enia wirnika. Model umo偶liwia wprowadzenie wirtualnego przemieszczenia osi wa艂u wirnika, statycznego i dynamicznego niewyr贸wnowa偶enia w zakresie parametr贸w eksploatacyjnych charakterystycznych dla rzeczywistego silnika. R贸wnania ruchu uwzgl臋dniaj膮ce oddzia艂ywania zewn臋trzne zaimplementowano do 艣rodowiska Matlab Simulink. Model wirnika pozwala na transmisj臋 momentu nap臋dowego zar贸wno w symulowanym procesie rozruchu zimnego jak i gor膮cego. Podstawowymi oddzia艂ywaniami dynamicznymi wyst臋puj膮cymi w modelu s膮: moment nap臋dowy, aerodynamiczne momenty oporowe, pionowe i poziome si艂y dzia艂aj膮ce na wsporniki 艂o偶ysk, oddzia艂ywania wynikaj膮ce z niewyr贸wnowa偶enia maj膮cego swoje 藕r贸d艂o w zmianie stanu technicznego wirnika. Uzyskane wyniki przebieg贸w czasowych parametr贸w drganiowych oraz ich widma zosta艂y zidentyfikowane z wynikami bada艅 rzeczywistego silnika pracuj膮cego na okr臋cie, co by艂o jednym z g艂贸wnych cel贸w bada艅. Wyniki wykaza艂y wysok膮 zgodno艣膰 oraz wra偶liwo艣膰 na wprowadzane warto艣ci brzegowe potwierdzaj膮ce przydatno艣膰 modelu w diagnostyce technicznej. Wa偶nym atutem modelu jest brak jego wra偶liwo艣ci na zewn臋trzne oddzia艂ywania zak艂贸caj膮ce 艣rodowiska morskiego. Uzyskany model podczas identyfikacji potwierdzi艂 swoj膮 wra偶liwo艣膰 zar贸wno na zmienne parametry ruchu jak i zadane oddzia艂ywania zmieniaj膮ce jego stan techniczny.The paper presents a method of modelling of gas generator rotors at the presence of virtually introduced dynamics loads, like unbalancing effects. The rotors model provides opportunities for introducing shaft displacements, static and dynamic unbalancing and rotations similar to those observed in a real object. The equations of motion, taking into account the action of external agents, were implemented to the Matlab Simulink software. In the rotors model, the driving torque is transmitted from the cold and hot start processes. The following actions were introduced to the proposed dynamic model: main engine driving torque, aeorodynamic antitorques, horizontal and vertical forces, the action resulting from changes in relative positions of load-carrying bearings and thrust bearings in the rotors line, the action of the unbalancing coming from changes of technical state. The obtained time-histories and their spectra were compared with the experimental results of the tests performed on the marine testing ground. A basic goal of modelling is the identification of the diagnostic model. In the reported case, comparing the results of the empirical studies and the simulations has proved good applicability of the proposed model. The obtained results confirmed model sensitivity to changes of technical state of the object and varying input parameters. A vital property of the model was the insensibility of the unbalancing symptom to the action of assumed environmental disturbances, such as sea environment forces. The performed model identification confirmed its sensitivity to changing parameters of motion and external actions

    Dynamic analyses of ships shafts lines

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    Ships' propulsion plant usually works in a hard environment caused by static forces and permanent dynamic loads. Exciding of tolerated values of shaft alignments causes a damage of radial and thrust bearings in relative short time. Modelling of dynamical reactions could bring information to the designer for recognizing the level of hazard for propulsion system. Knowledge of a character of dynamic loading which affects ship shaft line can make it possible to identify potential failures by means of on-line vibration measuring systems. This way elimination of costly and time-consuming overhauls on dock leads to lowering operational costs and increasing ship fighting merits. A paper presents a proposal of identification of a degree of hazard to ship shaft line due to forces of shafts misalignment. A theoretical analysis was made of influence of changes in co - axiality of shafts resulting from elastic deformations of hull structure in vicinity of shaft bearing foundations. The main problem of naval vessels is a lack of dynamical requirements of stiffness of the hull. Modelled signals were recognized within sensitive symptoms of two sub models: model of propulsion system and model of shaft's misalignment. Both sub models allow testing forces and their responses in vibration spectrum using SIMULINK software

    Analysis of the use of polymer materials for naval shipbuilding in terms of rules of classification societies

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    Zastosowanie materia艂贸w polimerowych w konstrukcjach okr臋t贸w wojennych rozpocz臋艂o si臋 w latach 70-tych XX wieku. Zasadniczo materia艂y polimerowe zosta艂y wdro偶one w konstrukcjach kad艂ub贸w, struktur wewn臋trznych oraz w fundamentach maszyn okr臋towych. Podstawowym ograniczeniem w zastosowaniu materia艂贸w polimerowych by艂y cechy, kt贸re eliminowa艂y je z uwagi na restrykcyjne przepisy towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych i norm obronnych. Referat przedstawia zakres przepis贸w, kt贸re eliminuj膮 lub ograniczaj膮 zastosowanie polimer贸w w konstrukcjach okr臋t贸w wojennych. Dodatkowo w referacie przedstawiono dyskusj臋 nad potrzeb膮 zmian przepis贸w, kt贸re nie spe艂niaj膮 ju偶 kryterium aktualno艣ci.Applications of laminate materials in the construction of warships began generally in the 70s of the twentieth century. Generally, polymeric materials have been implemented in the construction of hulls, internal structures and foundations of ship engines. The primary limitation to the use of polymeric materials have features that eliminated them because of restrictive rules of classification societies and standardization. The paper presents the scope of the rules of classification societies, that eliminates the use of polymers in the construction of warships. In addition, the paper presents a discussion on the need for amendments to the rules, which do not meet the updates

    Diagnosing of rotor systems of marine gas turbine engines in nonstationary states

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    Vibration tests of marine gas turbine engines are performed as researches on-line and off-line types. Systems on-line type generally monitored one or two vibration symptoms, which asses the limited and/or the critical values of parameters and they potentially can warn and/or shutdown engines. Systems off-line types are usually used for vibration analyzing during non-steady state of work. The paper presents comparison of different methods of analyzing vibration symptoms measured under run-up and shut-down processes of marine gas turbine engines. Results of tests were received on gas turbine engine DR76 type of the COGAG type propulsion system. The engine was not fitted with vibration monitoring system. Main goal of researches was qualified of help fulness and unequivocally results received by methods of synchronous measurement, order tracking and auto tracking. All vibration symptoms were chosen from the methodology of the diagnosing gas turbine engines operated in the Polish Navy, called BDS (Base Diagnosing System). Second purpose was estimation of the possibility of implementation presented methods of vibration analyses of gas turbine engines for on-line monitoring system. Application of periodical or on-line diagnostic procedures makes it possible to operate ship propulsion systems in accordance with their current technical state. The realization of the investigations made reliable verification of the investigation results possible

    A model of dynamic effect of underwater explosion

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    Analiza obci膮偶e艅 wyst臋puj膮cych w okr臋towych liniach wa艂贸w wskazuje na obecno艣膰 istotnych oddzia艂ywa艅 dynamicznych wp艂ywaj膮cych na niezawodno艣膰 uk艂adu nap臋dowego. Oddzia艂ywanie wybuchu podwodnego mo偶e spowodowa膰 powstanie nieoczekiwanych wymusze艅 w obliczeniach projektowych. W artykule przedstawiono propozycje modelu dynamicznego oddzia艂ywania podwodnej detonacji. Zaprezentowany model matematyczny umo偶liwia kszta艂towanie podstawowych parametr贸w wybuchu podwodnego. Warto艣ci parametr贸w wsp贸艂osiowo艣ci mog膮 zosta膰 przekroczone chwilowo, a nawet trwale. Pojawiaj膮ce si臋 drgania powoduj膮 zmiany w zakresie dynamiki oraz powstanie pr臋dko艣ci krytycznych drugiego rodzaju, kt贸re w efekcie s膮 w stanie szybko zniszczy膰 uk艂ady 艂o偶yskowe. Modelowanie oddzia艂ywa艅 dynamicznych mo偶e dostarczy膰 informacji niezb臋dnych w procesie projektowania dla rozpoznania wyst臋puj膮cych zagro偶e艅 w uk艂adzie nap臋dowym niszczyciela min.Analysis of loads appearing in ship shaft lines indicates presence of significant dynamic effects on reliability of the propulsion system. An underwater explosion can lead to unexpected forces affecting design calculations. The paper presents some proposals for a model of dynamic effect of underwater explosion. The mathematical model presented makes it possible to shape basic underwater explosion parameters. The values of shafting alignment can temporarily, or even permanently, be exceeded. The resultant vibrations cause changes in dynamics and creation of second critical mode, which as a result can quickly destroy bearing systems. Modeling dynamic effects can provide information necessary, in the designing process, to recognize hazards for the propulsion system installed in a mine hunter

    Analysis of dynamics gas turbines rotor systems using Order Tracking procedure

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    W artykule przedstawiono ocen臋 przydatno艣ci metod Order Tracking i Autotracking w analizie sygna艂贸w drganiowych dla diagnozowania uk艂ad贸w wirnikowych okr臋towych turbinowych silnik贸w spalinowych w procesie zimnego rozruchu i wybiegu. Na podstawie uzyskanych rezultat贸w przedstawiono wnioski dotycz膮ce metodologii drganiowych bada艅 diagnostycznych silnik贸w typu DR oraz zakresu przydatno艣ci prezentowanych metod w diagnostyce technicznej.The article presents comparison of Order Tracking and Autotracking methods of vibration signals analysis for assessing a technical condition of the rotors system of marine gas turbine engines. Results of tests were registered in run-up and shut-down processes of the turning of rotors system. Comparisons of results enable to present conclusions for application both methods for diagnosing marine gas turbine engines DR type in non-steady states

    Determining vibration characteristics in marine turbine engines in transients conditions

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    W artykule przedstawiono metod臋 wyznaczania charakterystyk drganiowych okr臋towych turbinowych silnik贸w spalinowych. Zaproponowano spos贸b akwizycji danych z pomiar贸w w stanach nieustalonych oraz metodyk臋 bada艅 proces贸w drganiowych zachodz膮cych w procesach zimnego i gor膮cego rozruchu oraz wybiegu wirnika wytwornicy spalin.The paper presents a method for determining vibration characteristics in marine turbine engines. It proposes a way of data acquisition from measurements in transient conditions, as well as methodology for investigating vibration processes occurring under run-up and shut-down engine processes and rotor coasting of gas generator