62 research outputs found

    The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database and related tools 2005 update

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    The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND) (http://bind.ca) archives biomolecular interaction, reaction, complex and pathway information. Our aim is to curate the details about molecular interactions that arise from published experimental research and to provide this information, as well as tools to enable data analysis, freely to researchers worldwide. BIND data are curated into a comprehensive machine-readable archive of computable information and provides users with methods to discover interactions and molecular mechanisms. BIND has worked to develop new methods for visualization that amplify the underlying annotation of genes and proteins to facilitate the study of molecular interaction networks. BIND has maintained an open database policy since its inception in 1999. Data growth has proceeded at a tremendous rate, approaching over 100 000 records. New services provided include a new BIND Query and Submission interface, a Standard Object Access Protocol service and the Small Molecule Interaction Database (http://smid.blueprint.org) that allows users to determine probable small molecule binding sites of new sequences and examine conserved binding residues

    EU Directive, ICNIRP Guidelines and Polish Legislation on Electromagnetic Fields

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    This review describes the general provisions of and the philosophy behind European Directive 2004/40/EC and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines. As an example of national legislation on the protection of workers against excessive electromagnetic field exposure, regulations established in Poland are summarized. The problems of a practical implementation of the Directive’s provisions are discussed

    Query Rewriting with Symmetric Constraints

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    We address the problem of answering queries using expressive symmetric inter-schema constraints which allow to establish mappings between several heterogeneous information systems. This problem is of high relevance to data integration, as symmetric constraints are essential for dealing with true concept mismatch and are generalizations of the kinds of mappings supported by both local-as-view and global-as-view approaches that were previously studied in the literature. Moreover, the flexibility gained by using such constraints for data integration is essential for virtual enterprise and e-commerce applications. We first discuss resolution-based methods for computing maximally contained rewritings and characterize computability aspects. Then we propose an alternative but semantically equivalent perspective based on a generalization of results relating to the database-theoretic problem of answering queries using views. This leads to a fast query rewriting algorithm, which has been implemented and experimentally evaluated

    Prevention of electromagnetic hazards - numerical simulations and an experimental study

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    Ekranowanie elektromagnetyczne jest jedną z bardziej skutecznych metod technicznych ograniczania zagrożeń elektromagnetycznych w środowisku pracy. W artykule omówiono metody ograniczania zagrożeń oraz zaprezentowano możliwości stosowania symulacji numerycznych, na przykładzie obliczeń i pomiarów parametrów prostych ekranów wykonanych z różnych materiałów. W podsumowaniu stwierdzono, że symulacje numeryczne mogą być wygodnym narzędziem doboru i projektowania właściwych rozwiązań osłon ekranujących.Electromagnetic shielding is one of the more effective technical methods of reducing electromagnetic hazards in the working environment. Methods of hazards reduction are discussed and the possibility of using numerical simulations is presented, with sample calculations and measurements of characteristics of simple shields made from different materials. Numerical calculations can be a convenient tool for selecting and designing suitable shields

    Assessment of the exposure to electromagnetic fields of dielectric heaters - a comparative analysis of the requirements established in Poland by occupational regulations and by Directive 2004/40/EC

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    Na podstawie wyników pomiarów oraz obliczeń numerycznych pola elektromagnetycznego wytwarzanego przez zgrzewarki dielektryczne przedstawiono analizę porównawczą różnych zasad ograniczania i oceny ekspozycji pracowników, według wymagań aktualnych krajowych przepisów bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz dyrektywy 2004/40/WE. Wykazano, że w przypadku uwzględnienia realistycznej charakterystyki zmienności pól elektromagnetycznych oddziałujących na pracowników w czasie ekspozycji oraz w przestrzeni stanowiska pracy odmienne zasady ograniczania i oceny ekspozycji dają porównywalne wyniki. Uzyskana zgodność wyników pomiarów i symulacji numerycznych z zastosowaniem różnych metod numerycznych i uproszczonego modelu geometrycznego zgrzewarki dowodzi praktycznej przydatności tych metod do oceny ekspozycji pracowników na pola elektromagnetyczne z zakresu średniej częstotliwości.The results of measurements and numerical calculations of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields from dielectric heaters are discussed and used for a comparative analysis of various principles of limitation and assessment of workers' exposure, according to Directive 2004/40/EC and Polish occupational regulations. Both sets of regulations result in comparable exposure assessment when electromagnetic fields are considered in realistic time variability during workers' exposure and spatial distribution in the workplace. The obtained results of measurements and numerical simulations of spatial distribution of electric fields from dielectric heaters made with various kinds of software and with a simplified model of a dielectric heater are in step. The practical usefulness of various calculations methods for assessing exposure to intermediate frequency electromagnetic fields is proven