11 research outputs found

    Koinwazje larw tasiemcow Sobolevicanthus gracilis [Zeder, 1803] i Fimbriaria czaplinskii Grytner-Ziecina, 1994 w Heterocypris incongruens [Ostracoda]

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    In subsequent co-infections of Sobolevicanthus gracilis and Fimbriaria czaplinskii an elimination of the majority of specimens of the first species by the next one has been found at the early stage of development. This did not depend on the fact, which species was the first. In concurrent control co-infections of larvae of both species mentioned above developed simultaneously and correctly. It seems to testify the existence of interspecific competition expressed by a peculiar sensibility of larvae at their early stages of development (3rd to 5th day post infection). The longer the larvae of the first species develop the fewer of them become eliminated by the next one

    Prof. dr hab. Teresa Sulgostowska - nestorka polskiej parazytologii

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    Biologiczne i anatomo-morfologiczne wlasciwosci tasiemcow Hymenolepis diminuta wms il1 i wms "strain"

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    Crowded infrapopulations of H. diminuta obtained from the WMS i11 inbred line resembled those of the potentially non-inbred WMS strain in not showing either the abrupt reductions in the numbers of worms or the destrobilation described by other autors. Denser populations of both types of tapeworm have a greather abundance of 4 - testis proglottids of the lp3a type (having 1 testis on the poral side and three on the aporal), and fewer of type 0p3a. Changes in the positioning of genital ducts and pores show a marked positive correlation with the abundance of type 2pla proglottids. Strobilae of H. diminuta WMS i11 contain a relatively greather number of type 0p3a proglottids and fewer of type 1p3a, than those of the WMS „strain"; something which is probably linked with the respective selection of the maternal Tapeworms

    Badania nad ultrastruktura otoczek onkosfer Taenia saginata pochodzacych od pacjenta leczonego niklosamidem

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    The gravid proglottids of Taenia saginata from human infection before and after treatment of patient with niclosamide (Yomesan) were used for studies on oncosphere envelope ultrastructure. The envelopes examined were intact after drug treatment. The samples from niclosamide-treated and untreated patients were similar with respect to number and kinds of the protective structures surrounding the oncospheres inside gravid proglottids. Their morphology was generally similar to this described earlier for other taeniid species. Details of the ultrastructure of oncospheral envelopes from niclosamide-treated patients are presented in the paper. Contamination of the environment with eggs from treated patients, particularly in poor sanitary conditions, is discussed

    Diagnostyka parazytologiczna bablowcowatych torbieli watroby

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    Liver cysts taken from 9 patients, operated on in the Medical Academy Clinic in 2000, have been examined. Cyst layers, their thickness and content have been analysed. We have searched for the cestoid scolexes and rostellar hooks. In 6 patients Echinococcus granulosus larvae have been found. In 4 cases there have been protoscolexes discovered, however with some signs of degeneration of the larva. In one case dead larva has been diagnosed on the basis of the presence of single hooks and in one patient one larva alive with unchanged structures has been revealed. Profound parasitological examination is a good supplement to the examination of the histopathological slides, especially in the case of degenerating larvae, when the tissues of the parasite lose their contact with the connective tissue layer of the host. Separated layer fragments, as well as protoscolexes and rostellar hooks need not be exposed to histological cutting

    The antioxidant defence mechanisms of parasite and host after chronic Hymenolepis diminuta infestation of the rat

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    The aim of the present study was to determine antioxidant defence mechanisms in the rat and Hymenolepis diminuta after long-term infestation. We determined levels of oxidative stress markers, and activity of antioxidant enzymes in the rat small intestine and in particular parts of H. diminuta. Observed changes in antioxidant enzymes activity in H. diminuta and the rat intestine indicate the defence against parasitic infestation and probably allowed parasite to adapt and live in oxidative stress