7,689 research outputs found

    Iterated Sumsets and Subsequence Sums

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    Let GZ/m1Z××Z/mrZG\cong \mathbb Z/m_1\mathbb Z\times\ldots\times \mathbb Z/m_r\mathbb Z be a finite abelian group with m1mr=exp(G)m_1\mid\ldots\mid m_r=\exp(G). The Kemperman Structure Theorem characterizes all subsets A,BGA,\,B\subseteq G satisfying A+B<A+B|A+B|<|A|+|B| and has been extended to cover the case when A+BA+B|A+B|\leq |A|+|B|. Utilizing these results, we provide a precise structural description of all finite subsets AGA\subseteq G with nA(A+1)n3|nA|\leq (|A|+1)n-3 when n3n\geq 3 (also when GG is infinite), in which case many of the pathological possibilities from the case n=2n=2 vanish, particularly for large nexp(G)1n\geq \exp(G)-1. The structural description is combined with other arguments to generalize a subsequence sum result of Olson asserting that a sequence SS of terms from GG having length S2G1|S|\geq 2|G|-1 must either have every element of GG representable as a sum of G|G|-terms from SS or else have all but G/H2|G/H|-2 of its terms lying in a common HH-coset for some HGH\leq G. We show that the much weaker hypothesis SG+exp(G)|S|\geq |G|+\exp(G) suffices to obtain a nearly identical conclusion, where for the case HH is trivial we must allow all but G/H1|G/H|-1 terms of SS to be from the same HH-coset. The bound on S|S| is improved for several classes of groups GG, yielding optimal lower bounds for S|S|. We also generalize Olson's result for G|G|-term subsums to an analogous one for nn-term subsums when nexp(G)n\geq \exp(G), with the bound likewise improved for several special classes of groups. This improves previous generalizations of Olson's result, with the bounds for nn optimal.Comment: Revised version, with results reworded to appear less technica

    On a Conjecture of Hamidoune for Subsequence Sums

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    Let G be an abelian group of order m, let S be a sequence of terms from G with k distinct terms, let m ∧ S denote the set of all elements that are a sum of some m-term subsequence of S, and let |S| be the length of S. We show that if |S| ≥ m + 1, and if the multiplicity of each term of S is at most m − k + 2, then either |m ∧ S| ≥ min{m, |S| − m + k − 1}, or there exists a proper, nontrivial subgroup Ha of index a, such that m ∧ S is a union of Ha-cosets, Ha ⊆ m ∧ S, and all but e terms of S are from the same Ha-coset, where e ≤ min{|S|−m+k−2 |Ha| − 1, a − 2} and |m ∧ S| ≥ (e + 1)|Ha|. This confirms a conjecture of Y. O. Hamidoune

    Monochromatic and Zero-Sum Sets of Nondecreasing Modified Diameter

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    Let m be a positive integer whose smallest prime divisor is denoted by p, and let Zm denote the cyclic group of residues modulo m. For a set B = {x1, x2, ..., xm} of m integers satisfying x1 {0, 1} (every coloring Delta : {1, ..., N} -> Zm), there exist two m-sets [see Abstract in the PDF]

    The Large Davenport Constant I: Groups with a Cyclic, Index 2 Subgroup

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    Let GG be a finite group written multiplicatively. By a sequence over GG, we mean a finite sequence of terms from GG which is unordered, repetition of terms allowed, and we say that it is a product-one sequence if its terms can be ordered so that their product is the identity element of GG. The small Davenport constant d(G)\mathsf d (G) is the maximal integer \ell such that there is a sequence over GG of length \ell which has no nontrivial, product-one subsequence. The large Davenport constant D(G)\mathsf D (G) is the maximal length of a minimal product-one sequence---this is a product-one sequence which cannot be factored into two nontrivial, product-one subsequences. It is easily observed that d(G)+1D(G)\mathsf d(G)+1\leq \mathsf D(G), and if GG is abelian, then equality holds. However, for non-abelian groups, these constants can differ significantly. Now suppose GG has a cyclic, index 2 subgroup. Then an old result of Olson and White (dating back to 1977) implies that d(G)=12G\mathsf d(G)=\frac12|G| if GG is non-cyclic, and d(G)=G1\mathsf d(G)=|G|-1 if GG is cyclic. In this paper, we determine the large Davenport constant of such groups, showing that D(G)=d(G)+G\mathsf D(G)=\mathsf d(G)+|G'|, where G=[G,G]GG'=[G,G]\leq G is the commutator subgroup of GG

    Arithmetic-Progression-Weighted Subsequence Sums

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    Let GG be an abelian group, let SS be a sequence of terms s1,s2,...,snGs_1,s_2,...,s_{n}\in G not all contained in a coset of a proper subgroup of GG, and let WW be a sequence of nn consecutive integers. Let WS={w1s1+...+wnsn:  wiatermofW,wiwjforij},W\odot S=\{w_1s_1+...+w_ns_n:\;w_i {a term of} W,\, w_i\neq w_j{for} i\neq j\}, which is a particular kind of weighted restricted sumset. We show that WSmin{G1,n}|W\odot S|\geq \min\{|G|-1,\,n\}, that WS=GW\odot S=G if nG+1n\geq |G|+1, and also characterize all sequences SS of length G|G| with WSGW\odot S\neq G. This result then allows us to characterize when a linear equation a1x1+...+arxrαmodn,a_1x_1+...+a_rx_r\equiv \alpha\mod n, where α,a1,...,arZ\alpha,a_1,..., a_r\in \Z are given, has a solution (x1,...,xr)Zr(x_1,...,x_r)\in \Z^r modulo nn with all xix_i distinct modulo nn. As a second simple corollary, we also show that there are maximal length minimal zero-sum sequences over a rank 2 finite abelian group GCn1Cn2G\cong C_{n_1}\oplus C_{n_2} (where n1n2n_1\mid n_2 and n23n_2\geq 3) having kk distinct terms, for any k[3,min{n1+1,exp(G)}]k\in [3,\min\{n_1+1,\,\exp(G)\}]. Indeed, apart from a few simple restrictions, any pattern of multiplicities is realizable for such a maximal length minimal zero-sum sequence