4 research outputs found

    Smart specialization concept and its implication for regional development in non-eu countries

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    The main objective of this research is to analyze the smart specialization approach of the European Union and the innovation policy approach of China. Through an analysis of publications, as well as official documents of the European Community, it was possible to identify milestones and key factors that influenced innovation policy in Europe. Smart specialization is a place-based approach, which means that it draws on the assets and resources available to regions and Member States and their specific socio-economic challenges to identify unique opportunities for development and growth (JRC, 2018).The study analyzes the challenges Ukraine faced in the first stage of smart implementation of specialization, such as misunderstanding of the concept by different Ministries, low innovation policy creation capacities, lack of relevant data and lack of will. of the business sector. At the same time reviewing the concept of specialization in China deducing that there is a certain degree of overlap of specific industries in the provinces. The provinces tend to choose between as many priorities as possible and this can lead to duplication of efforts, contradicting the idea of smart specialization. Therefore, greater coordination between the provinces is needed to better explore their strengths and improve the allocation of money in R&D and innovation infrastructure and to achieve more synergies in China's development. The research concludes that one of the keypoints of the smart specialization process is the enterprise discovery process. However, implementing smart specialization throughout the European region reveals challenges for many less developed regions, which lack excellent research facilities and the necessary skills.El objetivo principal de esta investigaci贸n es analizar el enfoque de especializaci贸n inteligente de la Uni贸n Europeay el enfoque de la pol铆tica de innovaci贸n de China.A trav茅s de un an谩lisis de publicaciones, as铆 como de documentos oficiales de la Comunidad Europea, se logr贸 identificar hitos y factores clave que influyeron en la pol铆tica de innovaci贸n en Europa. La especializaci贸n inteligente es un enfoque basado en el lugar, lo que significa que se basa en los activos y recursos disponibles para las regiones y los Estados miembros y en sus desaf铆os socioecon贸micos espec铆ficos con el fin de identificar oportunidades 煤nicas de desarrollo y crecimiento (JRC, 2018). El estudio analiza los desaf铆os que enfrent贸 Ucrania en la primera etapa de la implementaci贸n inteligente de la especializaci贸n, como lo fue el malentendido del concepto por parte de diferentes Ministerios, capacidades de creaci贸n de pol铆ticas de innovaci贸n bajas, falta de datos pertinentes y falta de voluntad del sector empresarial. Al mismo tiempo revisar el concepto de especializaci贸n en China deduciendo que hay cierto grado de superposici贸n de industrias espec铆ficas en las provincias. Las provincias tienden a elegir entre prioridades tantos como sea posible y esto puede conducir a la duplicaci贸n de esfuerzos, lo que contradice la idea de especializaci贸n inteligente. Por lo tanto, se necesita una mayor coordinaci贸n entre las provincias para explorar mejor sus fortalezas y mejorar la asignaci贸n de dinero en infraestructura de I+D e innovaci贸n y para lograr m谩s sinergias en el desarrollo de China.La investigaci贸n concluye que uno de los puntos clave del proceso de especializaci贸n inteligente es el proceso de descubrimiento empresarial. Sin embargo, la implementaci贸n de una especializaci贸n inteligente en toda la regi贸n europea revela desaf铆os para muchas regiones menos desarrolladas, que carecen de excelentes instalaciones de investigaci贸n y de las habilidades necesarias


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    The novelty of the paper consists in the importance of poverty phenomenon, which has become a serious problem both at national and regional levels in recent years. The main paper objective consists in researching of poverty eradication, which is possible just by finding multilateral and complex solutions, because of the complicated nature of this scourge of society. In this case, the involvement of international organizations has a major importance. According to the EU commitments and of international community, public assistance for development should be increased as soon as possible. But, beneficiary countries, must improve their economic and institutional governance. Thus, the Republic Moldova has aligned itself along with other countries in achieving these objectives. There where used the following research methods: systematic analysis, synthesis, logic, etc. The main scientific results of the authors in this paper are the identification, analysis and systematization of the central elements in fighting with poverty phenomenon in our country taking into account its international character


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    Abstract The SME sector covers economic operators that substantially differ by many parameters: size of enterprises, types of activity, etc., including entrepreneurs' characteristics -their ethnic, gender, ag

    Evaluating Science - a German-Ukrainian experience

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    This final document of the research project "Eval-Science", funded by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) and the Ukrainian Ministry of Research and Education, summarizes the rationale and main results