378 research outputs found

    Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks: Optimal Design and Communications Strategies

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    This thesis conducts an extensive analysis within the mobile telecommunications sub-field of the ultra-dense mobile networks, in which a massive deployment of network’s pieces of equipment is assumed. Future cache-enabled mobile networks are expected to meet most of the generated content demands directly at the edge, where each node has the availability to proactively store a set of contents in a local memory. This thesis makes several important contributions. The research being presented in this thesis proposes new analytical expressions to modeling the performance associated to the network’s edge. Base-stations’ idling technologies are also investigated to temporarily turn off some network nodes, saving energy and, in some circumstances, improving the overall performance by contributing less interference at the network’s edge. On the other hand, making use of fewer base-stations however reduces the amount of available resources at the network’s edge. A trade-off is investigated, which balances among interference saturation and available resources to increase the average user’s quality of experience. In this work, we treat the edge node density as a variable of the problem. This greatly increases the difficulty of obtaining analytical expressions, but also offers a direct access for optimizing the users’ average performance and network’s energy consumptions. An energy-focused performance metric is subsequently proposed, with the intention to highlight an interesting duality within the same network’s tier, which can transition from a better efficient to a more performing state, according to the energy expenses from the operators. Nonetheless, under an ultra-dense scenario, line-of-sight wireless links between the user and the nodes become more likely. The introduction of a main component of the multi-path propagated copies of a signal involves analytical complications. A feasible approximation is proposed and validated through a set of computer simulations. The scalability of the proposed technique allows to generalise existing results in the literature

    On LOS Contribution to Ultra-Dense Network

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    Ultra-dense networks (UDNs) are widely considered as an effective solution to greatly improve coverage by shortening the communication distance between user equipments (UEs) and base stations (BSs). The reality of UDN is that line-of-sight (LOS) communication becomes more likely to occur but this desirable result also complicates the performance analysis of random UDNs and puts an obstacle on the design and optimization of UDNs. The aim of this paper is to derive analytical results that take into account the phenomenon of having mixed LOS and non line-of-sight (NLOS) links in UDNs. In particular, the use of an arbitrary shaped thinning process to model the LOS wireless links allowed us to investigate a wide set of scenarios for what concerns the desired and interfering power levels. Our contribution is an accurate approximation in closed form for the success content delivery probability (SCDP) that decouples the contribution from LOS and NLOS links. Simulation results corroborate the accuracy of the proposed approximation

    Innovazione e brand: dalla tutela dell'innovazione al valore di mercato

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    L’innovazione, sia essa tecnologica, di prodotto/servizio o, più in generale, di business è sicuramente riconosciuta oggi come uno dei principali strumenti di vantaggio competitivo a disposizione delle aziende. È per questa ragione che l’intero sistema sta attualmente indirizzando il proprio impegno nel diffondere il più possibile l’introduzione di strumenti volti a tutelare i diritti di proprietà industriale di tali innovazioni. Un’innovazione dotata di un elevato grado di novità tecnologica e di una massima protezione dal punto di vista della proprietà intellettuale, potrebbe però generare scarso valore economico se il suo utilizzo restasse limitato in termini di mercato (replicabilità) e di posizionamento del proprio prezzo rispetto al valore generato (prezzo vs. valore). Durante il seminario è stato affrontato il tema della trasformazione dell’innovazione in valore economico attraverso le attività di marketing strategico. Tali attività strategiche rappresentano infatti un supporto sostanziale per la creazione e la valorizzazione del brand, ovvero dello strumento di attivazione del circuito virtuoso “innovazione” - “valore di mercato”.2014-10-03Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), Aula Magna - Viale Trento 39, CagliariDall'idea al mercato: ciclo di seminari su come realizzare un'ide
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