240 research outputs found


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    1. Current flow outward through the caudal, reactive membrane of the cell causes direct stimulation of the electroplaque. The electrical response in denervated as well as in normal preparations recorded with internal microelectrodes is first local and graded with the intensity of the stimulus. When membrane depolarization reaches about 40 mv. a propagated, all-or-nothing spike develops. 2. Measured with internal microelectrodes the resting potential is 73 mv. and the spike 126 mv. The latter lasts about 2 msec. and is propagated at approximately 1 M.P.S. 3. The latency of the response decreases nearly to zero with strong direct stimulation and the entire cell may be activated nearly synchronously. 4. Current flow inward through the caudal membrane of the cell does not excite the latter directly, but activation of the innervated cell takes place through stimulation of the nerve terminals. This causes a response which has a latency of not less than 1.0 msec. and up to 2.4 msec. 5. The activity evoked by indirect stimulation or by a neural volley includes a prefatory potential which has properties different from the local response. This is a postsynaptic potential since it also develops in the excitable membrane which produces the local response and spike. 6. On stimulation of a nerve trunk the postsynaptic potential is produced everywhere in the caudal membrane, but is largest at the outer (skin) end of the cell. The spike is initiated in this region and is propagated at a slightly higher rate than is the directly elicited response. Strong neural stimulation can excite the entire cell to simultaneous discharge. 7. The postsynaptic potential caused by neural or indirect stimulation may be elicited while the cell is absolutely refractory to direct excitation. 8. The postsynaptic potential is not depressed by anodal, or enhanced by cathodal polarization. 9. It is therefore concluded that the postsynaptic potential represents a membrane response which is not electrically excitable. Neural activation of this therefore probably involves a chemical transmitter. 10. The nature of the transmitter is discussed and it is concluded that this is not closely related to acetylcholine. 11. Paired homosynaptic excitation discloses facilitation which is not present when the conditioning stimulus is direct or through a different nerve trunk. These results may be interpreted in the light of the existence of a neurally caused chemical transmitter or alternatively as due to presynaptic potentiation. 12. The electrically excitable system of the electroplaque has two components. In the normal cell a graded reaction of the membrane develops with increasing strength of stimulation until a critical level of depolarization, which is about 40 mv. 13. At this stage a regenerative explosive reaction of the membrane takes place which produces the all-or-nothing spike and propagation. 14. During early relative refractoriness or after poisoning with some drugs (eserine, etc.) the regenerative process is lost. The membrane response then may continue as a graded process, increasing proportionally to the stimulus strength. Although this pathway is capable of producing the full membrane potential the response is not propagated. 15. Propagation returns when the cell recovers its regenerative reaction and the all-or-nothing response is elicited. 16. Excitable tissues may be classified into three categories. The axon is everywhere electrically excitable. The skeletal muscle fiber is electrically excitable everywhere except at a restricted region (the end plate) which is only neurally or chemically excitable. The electroplaque of the eel, and probably also cells of the nervous system have neurally and electrically excitable membrane components intermingled. The electroplaques of Raia and probably also of Torpedo as well as frog muscle fibers of the "slow" system have membranes which are primarily neurally and chemically excitable. Existence of a category of invertebrate muscle fibers with graded electrical excitability is also considered. 17. In the eel electroplaque and also probably in the cells of neurons, tests of the mode of neural activation carried out by direct or antidromic stimulation cannot reveal the neurally and chemically activated component. The data of such tests though they appear to prove electrical transmission are therefore inadequate for the detection and study of the chemically initiated process

    CORRELATED MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON ISOLATED SINGLE MUSCLE FIBERS : II. The Properties of the Crayfish Transverse Tubular System: Localization of the Sites of Reversible Swelling

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    Living muscle fibers of crayfish become dark during efflux of Cl-. This change in appearance is correlated with occurrence of vacuolation in the fixed fibers. The vacuoles begin at and are mainly confined to the terminals of the transverse tubular system (TTS) which are in diadic contact with the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In electron micrographs swellings more than 1 µ in diameter may be seen connected to the sarcolemma or sarcolemmal invaginations by relatively unswollen tubules about 300–500 A wide. Darkening of the living fibers can be reversed by causing an influx of Cl-. Vacuoles are then absent in the fixed preparations. These findings accord with the conclusion that the membrane of the TTS is anion permselective. Localization of the selectivity to the membrane of the terminals of the TTS strengthens the hypothesis that a channeling of current flow is responsible for initiation of excitation-contraction coupling. During the swelling, and upon its reversal, the area of the membrane of the terminals must change reversibly by about two to four orders of magnitude. The absence of changes in the dimensions of the unit membrane indicates that the expansion of the membrane and its subsequent shrinkage involve reversible incorporation of cytoplasmic material into the membrane phase


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    Effects of drugs on resting potential, membrane resistance, and excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.'s and i.p.s.p.'s) of lobster muscle fibers were studied using intracellular microelectrodes Acetylcholine, d-tubocurarine, strychnine, and other drugs of respectively related actions on vertebrate synapses were without effects even in 1 per cent solutions (10- w/v). Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) acted powerfully and nearly maximally at 10-7 to 10-6 w/v. Membrane resistance fell two- to tenfold, the resting potential usually increasing slightly. This combination of effects, which indicates activation of inhibitory synaptic membrane, was also produced by other short chain ω-amino acids and related compounds that inactivate depolarizing axodendritic synapses of cat. The conductance change, involving increased permeability to Cl-, by its clamping action on membrane potential shortened as well as decreased individual e.p.s.p.'s. Picrotoxin in low concentration (ca. 10-7 w/v) and guanidine in higher (ca. 10-3 w/v) specifically inactivate inhibitory synapses. GABA and picrotoxin are competitive antagonists. The longer chain ω-amino acids which inactivate hyperpolarizing axodendritic synapses of cat are without effect on lobster neuromuscular synapse. However, one member of this group, carnitine (β-OH-GABA betaine), activated the excitatory synapses, a decreased membrane resistance being associated with depolarzation. The pharmacological properties of lobster neuromuscular synapses and probably also of other crustacean inhibitory synapses appear to stand in a doubly inverted relation to axodendritic synapses of cat

    Calcium Binding and Tension Development in Detergent-Treated Muscle Fibers

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    The nonionic detergent Brij 58 eliminates irreversibly the capability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skinned crayfish muscle fibers to sequester Ca and to release it under appropriate stimulation. In contrast to deoxycholate (DOC) which causes an irreversible diminution of tension as well, Brij 58 does not affect the contractile proteins. Comparison of the time-course of tension development before and after Brij treatment demonstrates that Ca is accessible to the contractile proteins more rapidly after the SR is destroyed but, nevertheless, much more slowly than is predicted for free diffusion of Ca in the myoplasm. Slowing apparently results because of the presence of ca 1 mmol/kg fiber of myoplasmic Ca-binding sites that remain after Ca uptake of the SR is eliminated. A theoretical model is presented which allows for the effects of binding sites and of an unstirred layer in the vicinity of the fiber on Ca diffusion into the myoplasm

    Evidence for Anion-Permselective Membrane in Crayfish Muscle Fibers and Its Possible Role in Excitation-Contraction Coupling

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    Under certain conditions only, isolated crayfish skeletal muscle fibers change in appearance, becoming grainy, darkening, and seemingly losing their striations. These changes result from development of large vesicles on both sides of the Z-line. The longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum remains unaffected. The vesicles are due to swelling of a transverse tubular system (TTS) which is presumably homologous with the T-system tubules of other muscle fibers. The vesiculations occur during efflux of water or on reducing external K or Cl, but only when KCl can leave the fiber. They never result from osmotic, ionic, or electrical changes when KCl cannot leave. Inward currents, applied through a KCl-filled intracellular cathode, also cause the vesiculations. These are not produced when the cathode is filled with K-propionate, nor by outward or longitudinal currents. Thus the transverse tubules swell only when Cl leaves the cell. Accordingly, their membrane is largely or exclusively anion-permselective. These findings also indicate that the TTS forms part of a current loop, connecting with the exterior of the fiber probably through radial tubules (RT) possessing membrane of low conductivity. Thus, part of the current flowing inward across the sarcolemma during activity can return to the exterior through the membrane of the TTS. The structure and properties of the latter offer the possibility for an efficient electrical mechanism to initiate excitation-contraction coupling

    Regulation of Tension in the Skinned Crayfish Muscle Fiber : II. Role of Calcium

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    Tension outputs were measured in skinned crayfish muscle fibers exposed to solutions variously buffered for both Mg-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and Ca. Two types of data are shown, relating tension and substrate concentration with different levels of Ca present, or tension and calcium concentration at different levels of substrate. The data are fitted by curves calculated from a general equation for substrate inhibition. The equation is based on the schema that both tension and relaxation are induced by the substrate and that the relaxing effect of excess substrate is repressed by calcium. The physiological findings of the present work are similar to data obtained by others on biochemical model systems of the contractile proteins

    Osmometrically Determined Characteristics of the Cell Membrane of Squid and Lobster Giant Axons

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    Lobster and squid giant nerve fibers respond differently when subjected to osmotic challenges. The axons proper, as distinct from the total (fiber) complex formed by the axon and connective sheath, both behave as "fast" osmometers for changes in the concentration of NaCl, but the maximum degree of swelling in hyposmotic media is by about 60% in lobster and only by 20% in squid. The relative volume intercepts of the van't Hoff relation are about 0.2 for lobster and 0.4 for squid. The sheaths of both axons undergo only small, apparently passive changes in volume. Lobster axons are permeable to Cl, but squid axons are impermeable to this anion. Lobster axons are also permeable to glycerol. The implications of the data as to the nature of volume regulation of cells are discussed

    Biomechanical modeling of the small intestine as required for the design and operation of a robotic endoscope

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    This paper discusses biomechanical issues that are related to the locomotion of a robotic endoscope in the human small intestine. The robot propels itself by pushing against the intestinal walls, much like a pipe crawler. However, the small intestine is not a rigid pipe; and locomotion in it is further complicated by the fact that the bowel is susceptible to damage. With the goal of engineering a safe and reliable machine, the biomechanical properties of the small bowel are studied and related to the mechanics of robotic endoscope locomotion through the small intestine


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    Conductance changes associated with the response of the squid giant axon have been studied at two temperature ranges (26–27°C.; 9–10°C.) and with modified concentrations of sodium and potassium in the medium. The phase of "initial after-conductance," during which the membrane resistance increases above the resting value, is smaller at the lower temperature. At both temperature ranges it is diminished by doubling K+ in the medium and enhanced by removal of K+. Halving the Na+ of the medium also enhances this phase when K+ is absent, but not otherwise. The time course of the conductance changes alters in form with changes of the external medium. These changes indicate independent changes in the complex of ionic events associated with the response. The experiments therefore confirm the reality of the phase of increased membrane resistance. The magnitude of this change appears to be considerable and requires a transient decrease in the mobility and/or concentration of ions in the membrane. The possible cause of this decrease is discussed

    Regulation of Tension in the Skinned Crayfish Muscle Fiber : I. Contraction and relaxation in the absence of Ca (pCa > 9)

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    In isolated skinned crayfish muscle fibers bathed in solutions that were buffered to be virtually free of Ca2+ (pCa 8–10) the substrate for both contraction and relaxation is the MgNTP complex. Tension increased up to 50% of the maximum capability of the fiber as the substrate MgATP increased to an optimum (pMgATP = 5.5). Relaxation was induced by further increases in MgATP. Similar bell-shaped curves of tension vs. pMgNTP were obtained with UTP and ITP, but optimum pMgUTP was about 4.5 and optimum pMgITP was about 2.6. The relation between equilibrium tension and pMgNTP is described by an equation analogous to that for the kinetics of enzymes regulated by substrate inhibition
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