1,191 research outputs found

    The Meson Production in Proton-Proton Collisions in Next-To-Leading Order and Infrared Renormalons

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    In this article, we investigate the next-to-leading order contribution of the higher-twist Feynman diagrams to the large-pTp_T inclusive pion production cross section in proton-proton collisions and present the general formulae for the higher-twist differential cross sections in the case of the running coupling and frozen coupling approaches. We compared the resummed next-to-leading order higher-twist cross sections with the ones obtained in the framework of the frozen coupling approach and leading-twist cross section. The structure of infrared renormalon singularities of the higher twist subprocess cross section and it's resummed expression (the Borel sum) are found. It is shown that the resummed result depends on the choice of the meson wave functions used in the calculations. We discuss the phenomenological consequences of possible higher-twist contributions to the meson production in proton-proton collisions in next-to-leading order at RHIC.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, 4 table

    Fixing the renormalisation scheme in NNLO perturbative QCD using conformal limit arguments

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    We discuss how the renormalisation scheme ambiguities in QCD can be fixed, when two observables are related, by requiring the coefficients in the perturbative expansion relating the two observables to have their conformal limit values, i.e. to be independent of the β\beta-function of the renormalised coupling. We show how the next-to-leading order BLM automatic scale fixing method can be extended to next-to-next-to-leading order to fix both the renormalisation scale and β2\beta_2 in a unique way. As an example we apply the method to the relation between Bjorken's sum rule and Re+eR_{e+e-} and compare with experimental data as well as other scheme fixing methods.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, uses revtex.sty, 1 encapsulated PostScript figur

    Relating Physical Observables in QCD without Scale-Scheme Ambiguity

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    We discuss the St\"uckelberg-Peterman extended renormalization group equations in perturbative QCD, which express the invariance of physical observables under renormalization-scale and scheme-parameter transformations. We introduce a universal coupling function that covers all possible choices of scale and scheme. Any perturbative series in QCD is shown to be equivalent to a particular point in this function. This function can be computed from a set of first-order differential equations involving the extended beta functions. We propose the use of these evolution equations instead of perturbative series for numerical evaluation of physical observables. This formalism is free of scale-scheme ambiguity and allows a reliable error analysis of higher-order corrections. It also provides a precise definition for ΛMS\Lambda_{\overline{\rm MS}} as the pole in the associated 't Hooft scheme. A concrete application to R(e+ehadrons)R(e^+e^- \to {\rm hadrons}) is presented.Comment: Plain TEX, 4 figures (available upon request), 22 pages, DOE/ER/40322-17

    Infrared renormalons and analyticity structure in pQCD

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    Relation between the infrared renormalons, the Borel resummation prescriptions, and the analyticity structure of Green functions in perturbative QCD (pQCD) is investigated. A specific recently suggested Borel resummation prescription resulted in the Principal Value and an additional power-suppressed correction that is consistent with the Operator Product Expansion. Arguments requiring the finiteness of the result for any power coefficient of the leading infrared renormalon, and the consistency in the case of the absence of that renormalon, require that this prescription be modified. The apparently most natural modification leads to the result represented by the Principal Value. The analytic structure of the amplitude in the complex coupling plane, obtained in this way, is consistent with that obtained in the literature by other methods.Comment: 6 pages, revtex4, 1 eps-figure; improved version - the paragraph containing Eqs.(18) and (19) is new, as well as the next paragraph; the Title modified; some references added; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Why Pad\'e Approximants reduce the Renormalization-Scale dependence in QFT?

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    We prove that in the limit where the beta function is dominated by the 1-loop contribution (``large beta_0 limit'') diagonal Pad\'e Approximants (PA's) of perturbative series become exactly renormalization scale (RS) independent. This symmetry suggest that diagonal PA's are resumming correctly contributions from higher order diagrams that are responsible for the renormalization of the coupling-constant. Non-diagonal PA's are not exactly invariant, but generally reduce the RS dependence as compared to partial-sums. In physical cases, higher-order corrections in the beta function break the symmetry softly, introducing a small scale and scheme dependence. We also compare the Pad\'e resummation with the BLM method. We find that in the large-N_f limit using the BLM scale is identical to resumming the series by a x[0/n]x[0/n] non-diagonal PA.Comment: 25 pages, LateX. Replaced so that the figures would fit into the page siz

    Scale-independent mixing angles

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    A radiatively-corrected mixing angle has to be independent of the choice of renormalization scale to be a physical observable. At one-loop in MS-bar, this only occurs for a particular value, p*, of the external momentum in the two-point functions used to define the mixing angle: p*^2=(M1^2+M2^2)/2, where M1, M2 are the physical masses of the two mixed particles. We examine two important applications of this to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: the mixing angle for a) neutral Higgs bosons and b) stops. We find that this choice of external momentum improves the scale independence (and therefore provides a more reliable determination) of these mixing angles.Comment: 14 pages, 11 ps figures Version to appear in PR

    Non-Abelian Dipole Radiation and the Heavy Quark Expansion

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    Dipole radiation in QCD is derived to the second order in αs\alpha_s. A power-like evolution of the spin-singlet heavy quark operators is obtained to the same accuracy. In particular, O(αs2){\cal O}(\alpha_s^2) relation between a short-distance low-scale running heavy quark mass and the \barMS mass is given. We discuss the properties of the effective QCD coupling \aw(E) which governs the dipole radiation. This coupling is advantageous for heavy quark physics.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Commensurate Scale Relations in Quantum Chromodynamics

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    We use the BLM method to show that perturbatively-calculable observables in QCD can be related to each other without renormalization scale or scheme ambiguity. We define and study the commensurate scale relations. We show that the commensurate scales satisfy the renormalization group transitivity rule which ensures that predictions in PQCD are independent of the choice of an intermediate renormalization scheme. We generalize the BLM procedure to higher order. The application of this procedure to relate known physical observables in QCD gives surprisingly simple results. In particular, the annihilation ratio Re+eR_{e^+e^-} and the Bjorken sum rule for polarized electroproduction are related through simple coefficients, which reinforces the idea of a hidden symmetry between these two observables.Comment: 35 pages (RevTeX), one PostScript figure included at the end. SLAC-PUB-6481, UMD Preprint #94-13

    Inclusive B-Meson Production in e^+ e^- and p p-bar Collisions

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    We provide nonperturbative fragmentation functions for B mesons, both at leading and next-to-leading order in the MS-bar factorization scheme with five massless quark flavors. They are determined by fitting the fractional energy distribution of B mesons inclusively produced in e^+ e^- annihilation at CERN LEP1. Theoretical predictions for the inclusive production of B mesons with high transverse momenta in p p-bar scattering obtained with these fragmentation functions nicely agree, both in shape and normalization, with data recently taken at the Fermilab Tevatron.Comment: 20 pages (Latex), 6 figures (Postscript