173 research outputs found

    The Indian-Atlantic Ocean gateway during the Pliocene: current dynamics and changing sediment provenance

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    The Pliocene epoch represents a discrete interval which reversed a long-term trend of late Neogene cooling and is also the most recent geological interval in which global temperatures were several degrees warmer than today. It is therefore often considered as the best analogue for a future anthropogenic greenhouse world. However, there is growing evidence that the Pliocene was not a stable period but can rather be subdivided in several distinct climate phases. Our understanding of Pliocene climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere, and especially in the Atlantic-Indian ocean gateway, is limited by scarce marine records and poor age control on existing terrestrial climate archives. At five from six drilling locations of IODP Exp. 361 (Jan. – March 2016) high resolution complete Plio-/Pleistocene sections have been recovered (see IODP Expedition 361 – Southern African Climates and Agulhas LGM Density Profile by Gruetzner et al., this Volume). Our new research proposal focuses on three of these sites forming a latitudinal transect in the Atlantic-/Indian Ocean gateway and combines chemical, physical property and seismic methods. Primary site for our investigations is Site U1475 with the focus on the interplay between northern and southern sourced deep water masses at the Agulhas Plateau. This will be augmented by investigations at Sites U1479 (Cape Basin) and U1474 (Natal Valley), both located in the pathway of modern NADW. Our research is driven by three main working hypotheses: Seismic stratigraphies for the last 6 Ma and sediment drift growth in the Atlantic-Indian gateway are mainly controlled by bottom water flow changes Using the new sediment archives and physical property records from IODP Exp. 361 (Hall et al., 2016) we aim to construct detailed seismic stratigraphies for the Agulhas Plateau, the Natal valley and the Cape basin for the last 6 Ma. At all Exp. 361 sites P-wave velocity and density records are of sufficient quality to enable detailed correlations of drilling results and site survey data through the calculation of synthetic seismograms. Our working hypothesis implies that seismic reflection patterns and sediment accumulation during the Pliocene are closely linked to deep water circulation changes associated with climate Pliocene phases. Furthermore four distinct high latitude Pliocene glaciation events have been identified. We speculate that these phases and events have led to deep water circulation changes in Agulhas region, have altered the sediment physical properties and thus may be recognized as reflectors in the seismic profiles. How did the sediment input of terrigenous vs. biogenic sediment components in the gateway change during these events? Are these changes driven by dilution, dissolution, or productivity? We strive to answer these questions by interpreting the physical and chemical (XRF) core scanning records. Trajectories and intensities of deep water masses in the Agulhas region during the Pliocene were influenced by Antarctic ice volume rather than by the closure of the Central American Seaway. The Exp. 361 drill sites offer the possibility to inter-correlate different flow speed proxies and to derive a detailed picture of flow changes during the Pliocene. By comparing core-measurements of sortable silt (S̅S̅), physical properties and XRF-core scanning data with seismic features we will tie the major flow speed changes to our seismic grid covering the Agulhas Plateau such that changing current intensities and pathways can be mapped together. Here we hypothesize that these changes are mainly driven by climate (Antarctic ice volume). What were the main changes associated with the Pliocene instability of Antarctic ice sheets and was the production of Antartic Bottom Water (AABW) reduced or enhanced during these intervals? How have the sedimentation patterns changed under the growing influence of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW)? Was there also a potential influence of tectonic processes on the flow changes in the Agulhas region? Especially the closure of the Centarl American Seaway CAS between ~14 and ~2.7 Ma is thought to have had a profound impact on climate. The Pliocene variability in sediment provenance on millennial timescales is subdued when compared to the Pleistocene. Understanding the mechanisms and causes of abrupt climate change is one of the major challenges in global climate change research today and there is growing evidence that millennial scale climate variability was enhanced during times when a critical threshold in continental ice volume was surpassed. Dramatic millennial scale climate shifts are well documented for the “glacial world” of the late Pleistocene but are examined to a much lesser extent for earlier time periods. We suggest testing the potential threshold behaviour for the Atlantic-Indian gateway by comparing short term fluctuations in sediment composition and siliciclastic provenance in the Agulhas region before and after the onset of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation (NHG) at ~2.7 Ma. Time series of sediment provenance dated by “orbital tuning” will be analysed in the time and frequency domain to investigate at what times during the interval 2 – 6 Ma millennial scale climate variability was enhanced or subdued

    A New Seismic Stratigraphy in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway Resembles Major Paleo-Oceanographic Changes of the Last 7 Ma

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    The exchange of water masses between the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic constitutes an integral interocean link in the global thermohaline circulation. Long‐term changes in deep water flow have been studied using seismic reflection profiles but the seismic stratigraphy was poorly constrained and not resolved for the time period from the late Miocene onward. Here we present results from International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1475 (Agulhas Plateau) located over a sediment drift proximal to the entrance of North Atlantic Deep Water into the Southern Ocean and South Indian Ocean. Site U1475 comprises a complete carbonate‐rich stratigraphic section of the last ~7 Ma that provides an archive of climate‐induced variations in ocean circulation. Six marker reflectors occurring in the upper 300 m of the drift are identified here for the first time. The formation of these reflectors is mainly due to density changes that are mostly caused by changes in biogenic versus terrigenous sediment deposition. Synthetic seismograms allow age assignments for the horizons based on biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Prominent reflectors are related to late Pleistocene glacial/interglacial variability, the middle and early Pleistocene transitions, and the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation. A peculiar early Pliocene interval (~5.3–4.0 Ma) bounded by two reflectors is characterized by fourfold elevated sedimentation rates (>10 cm/kyr) and the occurrence of sediment waves. We argue that this enhanced sediment transport to the Agulhas Plateau was caused by a reorganization of the bottom current circulation pattern due to maximized inflow of North Atlantic Deep Water

    A New Seismic Stratigraphy in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway Resembles Major Paleo-Oceanographic Changes of the Last 7 Ma

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    The exchange of water masses between the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic constitutes an integral interocean link in the global thermohaline circulation. Long‐term changes in deep water flow have been studied using seismic reflection profiles but the seismic stratigraphy was poorly constrained and not resolved for the time period from the late Miocene onward. Here we present results from International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1475 (Agulhas Plateau) located over a sediment drift proximal to the entrance of North Atlantic Deep Water into the Southern Ocean and South Indian Ocean. Site U1475 comprises a complete carbonate‐rich stratigraphic section of the last ~7 Ma that provides an archive of climate‐induced variations in ocean circulation. Six marker reflectors occurring in the upper 300 m of the drift are identified here for the first time. The formation of these reflectors is mainly due to density changes that are mostly caused by changes in biogenic versus terrigenous sediment deposition. Synthetic seismograms allow age assignments for the horizons based on biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Prominent reflectors are related to late Pleistocene glacial/interglacial variability, the middle and early Pleistocene transitions, and the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation. A peculiar early Pliocene interval (~5.3–4.0 Ma) bounded by two reflectors is characterized by fourfold elevated sedimentation rates (>10 cm/kyr) and the occurrence of sediment waves. We argue that this enhanced sediment transport to the Agulhas Plateau was caused by a reorganization of the bottom current circulation pattern due to maximized inflow of North Atlantic Deep Water

    The Indian-Atlantic Ocean gateway during the Pliocene: current dynamics and changing sediment provenance

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    The Pliocene epoch represents a discrete interval which reversed a long-term trend of late Neogene cooling and is also the most recent geological interval in which global temperatures were several degrees warmer than today. It is therefore often considered as the best analogue for a future anthropogenic greenhouse world. However, there is growing evidence that the Pliocene was not a stable period but can rather be subdivided in several distinct climate phases. Our understanding of Pliocene climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere, and especially in the Atlantic-Indian ocean gateway, is limited by scarce marine records and poor age control on existing terrestrial climate archives. At five drilling locations IODP Exp. 361 recovered high resolution complete late Miocene to Pleistocene sections (Hall et al., 2017). Our research proposal is based on the Sites U1474 (Natal Valley), U1475 (Agulhas Plateau), and U1479 (Cape Basin) forming a latitudinal transect. The main focus is on the interplay between northern and southern sourced deep water masses in the Atlantic-/Indian Ocean gateway during the Pliocene and combines chemical, physical property and seismic methods. Our research is driven by three working hypotheses: Seismic stratigraphies for the last 6 Ma and sediment drift growth in the Atlantic-Indian gateway are mainly controlled by bottom water flow changes Using the sediment archives and physical property records from IODP Exp. 361 we aim to construct and compare detailed seismic stratigraphies for the Agulhas Plateau, the Natal valley and the Cape basin for the last 6 Ma. At all Exp. 361 sites P-wave velocity and density records enable detailed correlations of drilling results and site survey data through the calculation of synthetic seismograms. Our working hypothesis implies that seismic reflection patterns and sediment accumulation during the Pliocene are closely linked to deep water circulation changes associated with climate Pliocene phases. Furthermore four distinct high latitude Pliocene glaciation events have been identified. We speculate that these phases and events have led to deep water circulation changes in Agulhas region, have altered the sediment physical properties and thus may be recognized as reflectors in the seismic profiles. How did the sediment input of terrigenous vs. biogenic sediment components in the gateway change during these events? Are these changes driven by dilution, dissolution, or productivity? We strive to answer these questions by interpreting edited and in-situ corrected physical core scanning records in combination major element variabilty derived from post cruise XRF-scanning. Trajectories and intensities of deep water masses in the Agulhas region during the Pliocene were influenced by Antarctic ice volume rather then by the closure of the Central American Seaway. The Exp. 361 drill sites offer the possibility to inter-correlate different flow speed proxies and to derive a detailed picture of flow changes during the Pliocene. By comparing core-measurements of sortable silt (S̅S̅), physical properties and XRF-core scanning data with seismic features we will tie the major flow speed changes to our seismic grid covering the Agulhas Plateau such that changing current intensities and pathways can be mapped together. Here we hypothesize that these changes are mainly driven by climate (Antarctic ice volume). How have the sedimentation patterns changed under the growing influence of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) during the Pliocene? What were the main changes associated with the instability of Antarctic ice sheets and was the production of Antartic Bottom Water (AABW) reduced or enhanced during these intervals? Was there also a potential influence of tectonic processes on the flow changes in the Agulhas region? Especially the closure of the Centarl American Seaway (CAS) in various phases between ~14 and ~2.7 Ma is thought to have had a profound impact on climate. Changes in physical and chemical sediment properties in the Agulhas region are largely controlled by earth’s orbital variations and allow a significant improvement of age models by cyclostratigraphy. Another primary objective of our research is the detection and characterization of orbital and sub-orbital cycles in the Agulhas sedimentary environment in relation to paleoceanographic changes. The presence of orbital cycles in ocean sediments has widely been used to derive high resolution age models in Cenozoic sediments. Typically orbital chronologies are based on benthic oxygen isotope records (ÎŽ18O) that are correlated to astronomical forcing functions (“orbital tuning”). However, the generation of such records at high resolution over long time intervals is time consuming and will likely not be completed for the Exp. 361 sites over the next years. In the absence of ÎŽ18O records cyclic changes in high resolution measurements of physical (e.g. density, colour reflectance, magnetic susceptibility) and chemical (major elements from XRF core scanning) parameters have been successfully used for orbital tuning. At the Exp. 361 Sites very regular cyclic amplitude changes are evident in the Pliocene sections, but up to now have not been further investigated. Which orbital frequency do these cycles represent and how do the dominent frequencies change over time? What is the potential of the observed cycles for stratigraphic purposes? We will analyse those cyclicities in the depth and time domain and strive to generate orbitally tuned time series of sediment provenance

    A revised core-seismic integration in the Molloy Basin (ODP Site 909): Implications for the history of ice rafting and ocean circulation in the Atlantic-Arctic gateway

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    Today's cryosphere reflects an extreme climate state that developed through stepwise global Cenozoic cooling. In this context the opening of the Fram Strait, the Atlantic-Arctic Gateway (AAG), enabled deep-water exchange between the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean and thereby influenced global ocean circulation and climate. Here we present a new age model for Ocean Drilling Program Site 909 located in the Molloy Basin, a key site to investigate the late opening phase of the central Fram Strait and the early history of oceanic circulation in the AAG. Our results are based on a revised magnetostratigraphy calibrated by new palynomorph bioevents, which shifts previously used stratigraphies for Site 909 to significantly younger ages in the time interval from c. 15 Ma to 3 Ma. The revised late Miocene to present chronology combined with an improved core-log-seismic integration leads to a new high-resolution seismic stratigraphy for the central Fram Strait that allows a more comprehensive correlation with seismic markers from the western Barents Sea margin and also the adjacent Yermak Plateau. The new stratigraphy implies that prominent maxima in coarse sand particles and kaolinite, often interpreted as evidence for ice rafting in the Fram Strait occur at c. 10.8 Ma, c. 3 Myr later as previously inferred and thus well after the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (c. 15–13 Ma). In the late Tortonian (<7.5 Ma), sediment transport became current controlled, mainly through a western, recirculating branch of the West Spitsbergen Current. This transport was strongly enhanced between c. 6.4 and 4.6 Ma and likely linked to the subsiding Hovgaard (HovgĂ„rd) Ridge and the widening of the AAG. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene seismic reflectors correlate with episodes of elevated ice-rafted detritus input related to major steps in Northern Hemisphere ice sheet growth such as the prominent glacial inception MIS M2 that predates the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation starting at c. 2.7 Ma. At the beginning of the Mid Pleistocene Transition (c. 1.2–0.8 Ma), sediment accumulation in the Fram Strait significantly decreased

    Slowdown of Circumpolar Deepwater flow during the Late Neogene: Evidence from a mudwave field at the Argentine continental slope

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    Geochemical evidence from boreholes suggests enhanced transport of Northern Component Water (NCW) to southern latitudes from about 6 Ma onwards. However, information on how this change in transport influenced the intensity and position of current systems is sparse. Here we use seismic reflection profiles interpreted together with bathymetric data to investigate current derived deposits at the central Argentine Margin. Upslope migrating mudwaves overlying a late Miocene erosional unconformity provide evidence that Circumpolar Deepwater (CDW) flow slowed down with the onset of NCW inflow. During the last ~3 Ma changes in dimensions and migration rates of the waves are small indicating continuous bottom current flow conditions similar to today with only minor variations in flow speed, suggesting that the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) in the western south Atlantic as observed today, has been a pervasive feature of the global thermohaline circulation system during the Plio-/Pleistocene

    A new seismic stratigraphy for the Agulhas Plateau resembles major paleo-oceanographic changes in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean gateway since the late Miocene

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    The exchange of shallow and deep water masses between the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic constitutes an integral inter-ocean link in the global thermohaline circulation. In the gateway south of South Africa long-term changes in deep water flow during the Cenozoic have been initially studied using seismic reflection profiles. But the seismic stratigraphy was poorly constrained and not further resolved within the time period from the late Miocene to present. In particular, there were limited Pliocene records that could be used to investigate the influence of climatic (e.g. Antarctic ice volume) and tectonic (e.g. closure of the Central American seaway) on the deep-water variability. In 2016 the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 361 (“SAFARI”) recovered complete high-resolution Plio-/Pleistocene sediment sections at six drilling locations on the southeast African margin and in the Indian-Atlantic ocean gateway. Here, we present results from Site U1475 (Agulhas Plateau), a location proximal to the entrance of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) to the Southern Ocean and South Indian Ocean. The site is located over a sediment drift in 2669 m water depth and comprises a complete carbonate rich (74 – 85%) stratigraphic section of the last ~7 Ma. We edited high-resolution data sets of density, velocity and natural gamma radiation measured at Site U1475 and corrected them to in-situ conditions. Cross correlations show that acoustic impedance contrasts and thus the formation of seismic reflectors are mainly due to density changes that are caused by climate-induced variations in biogenic vs. terrigenous sediment input. The calculated synthetic seismograms show an excellent correlation of drilling results with the site survey seismic field record, provide an accurate traveltime to depth conversion, and allow preliminary age assignments (± 0.3 Ma) based on the shipboard bio- and magnetostratigraphy. The most prominent reflectors are associated with compositional changes related to late Pleistocene glacial/interglacial variability, the middle Pleistocene transition, and the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation. Furthermore, a peculiar early Pliocene interval (~ 5.3 – 4.0 Ma) bounded by two reflectors is characterized by 3-fold elevated sedimentation rates (> 10 cm/ka) and the occurrence of sediment waves. We argue that this enhanced sediment transport to the Agulhas Plateau was caused by a reorganization of the bottom current circulation pattern due to maximized inflow of NADW. Rhythmic bedding within the Pliocene sediment wave sequence likely reflects the 100-kyr orbital cycle. On the other hand, colour reflectance and natural gamma radiation show highest variability in the precession band. The very regular response of the core logging data to orbital forcing suggests that the shipboard age model can be significantly improved by cyclostratigraphy

    Changing sediment physical properties at the Agulhas Plateau (IODP Site U1475): indications for the long-term variability of deepwater circulation over the last 7 Ma

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    The gateway south of South Africa constitutes an integral inter-ocean link in the global thermohaline circulation (THC) since it allows the exchange of shallow- and deepwater masses between the Indian and the Atlantic. Thus understanding past variations of this current system is important for improving our knowledge of the global climate. The long-term changes in deepwater flow in the Atlantic-Indian gateway during the Cenozoic have been initially studied using reflection seismic profiles. But in many cases the seismic stratigraphy is poorly constrained and not further resolved within the time period from the late Miocene to present. In particular, there are limited Pliocene records that can be used to investigate the influence of climatic (e.g. Antartic ice volume) and tectonic (e.g. closure of the central American seaway) on the deep-water variability. Here we focus on the bottom water flow around the Agulhas Plateau, a location proximal to the entrance of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) to the Southern Ocean and South Indian Ocean. IODP Expedition 361 (SAFARI) Site U1475 was drilled in 2669 m water depth into a sediment drift that is deposited on the southwestern flank of Agulhas Plateau and comprises a complete stratigraphic section of the last ∌7 Ma. We present cleaned, edited, and spliced high-resolution data sets of sediment physical properties measured at Site U1475. Synthetic seismograms generated from the velocity and bulk density core scanning records allow a detailed correlation oft the drilling results with the Site survey seismic reflection profiles. Seismic reflectors at 3.75 and 3.87 s (two-way-traveltime) correspond to major increases in acoustic impedance at ∌110 and ∌216 meters below seafloor. Based on the preliminary shipboard biostratigraphic age model sediments at these depths have ages of ∌4.0 and ∌5.1 Ma, respectively. Furthermore spectral analyses of physical property records such as natural gamma radiation and colour reflectance reveal climate variability on orbital and suborbital timescales

    Sediment drifts at the eastern Kerguelen Plateau: Achives of climate and circulation development

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    The Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean, which rises up 2000 m above the surrounding seafloor, forms an obstacle for the flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and Antarctic Bottomwater (AABW). The ACC is strongly deviated in its flow towards the north. A branch of the AABW flows northwards along the eastern flank of the plateau and in its path is steered by several basement highs and William’s Ridge. Seismic data collected during RV Sonne cruise SO272 image sediment drifts shaped in the Labuan Basin, which document onset and variabilities in pathway and intensity of this AABW branch in relation to the development of the Antarctic ice sheet and tectonic processes, e.g., the opening of the Tasman gateway. The eastern flank of the Kerguelen further shows strong erosion of the post-mid Eocene sequences. In places, the Paleocene/early Eocene sequences are also affected by thinning and erosion. A moat can be observed along the Kerguelen Plateau flank indicating the flow path of the north setting AAWB branch. Sediment drifts and sediment waves are formed east of the moat. Similar features are observed at the inner, western flank of William’s Ridge thus outlining the recirculation of the AABW branch in the Labuan Basin. The chronological and spatial will be reconstructed via the analysis of those sedimentary structures to provide constraints on climate and ocean circulation variability

    Changes of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation of the past 30ka recorded in a depth transect at the Blake Outer Ridge

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    Oceans and climate are a tightly coupled system interacting with each other in various ways such as storage of carbon dioxide in the deep ocean. Within the global conveyor belt the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) holds a key function, transporting warm salty surface waters from the tropical to the northern Atlantic where deep water formation takes place. Following the continental rise of North America this newly formed deep water propagates southward as Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC) ventilating the deep Atlantic. In the past (e.g. the last glacial cycle) strength and geometry of the AMOC have changed significantly. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the temporal and spatial (also depth depended) evolution of the AMOC in the western Atlantic sector since the last glacial (∌30 ka). We have investigated four sediment cores of the Blake Outer Ridge (30°N, 74°W; ODP 1059 to 1062) in a depth transect from 3000 to 4700 m water depth in the main flow path of the WBUC. We measured four down-core profiles of neodymium (ΔNd) and 231Pa/230Th isotopes for the reconstruction of water mass provenance and circulation strength of the last ∌30 ka. In contrast to published Nd isotope and 231Pa/230Th records from the Blake Ridge area our records are of unprecedented resolution, resolving climate key features of the North Atlantic region: Heinrich Stadials (HS) 1 and 2, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the BĂžlling-AllerĂžd and Younger Dryas (YD). Radiogenic Nd isotope signatures during the LGM reveal AABW to be the prevalent water mass in the deep western North Atlantic. The trend to more unradiogenic signatures during the deglaciation point to an increased formation of NADW which was again replaced by AABW during YD. The Holocene shows the most unradiogenic signatures and therefore established NADW. The circulation strength-proxy 231Pa/230Th indicates reduced LGM deep circulation, a pronounced slowdown during HS1 and a strong and deep circulation during the Holocene. Compared to isotopic records from the Bermuda Rise (ODP 1063) we found depth depended geometry changes of the WBUC which have occurred through the last glacial. Here, we focus on how deep northern sourced water has reached during phases of reduced circulation (indicated by increased 231Pa/230Th ratios) and the timing of this southward progradation of lower NADW
