23 research outputs found


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    Kadrovsko restrukturiranje javnih poduzeća (u Srbiji 2005.godine od 132.000 zaposlenih u javnim poduzećima, procenjuje se tehnoloÅ”kim viÅ”kom njih oko 40%) ima dvojak utjecaj na: stvaranje nove nezaposlenosti većeg obima, pokraj vrlo visoke stope koja je već zabrinjavajuća (oko 34,7%), kao i na stvaranje potencijalno novih entiteta sa mogućnoŔću teÅ”ke održivosti u prve tri godine poslovanja zbog tržiÅ”ne nepripremljenosti za bolju i dugoročniju pozicioniranost i visokih opterećenja fiskalne (73%) i parafisklane prirode. DosadaÅ”nja praksa otpremnina nije bitnije utjecala na dugoročnije rjeÅ”avanje ovih problema, te je vrijedno razmotriti primjere dobre prakse zemalja u tranziciji. U tom smislu se u ovom radu skreće pažnja na: poduzetničke poslovne inkubatore unutar javnog poduzeća za potrebe kadrovskog restrukturiranja, korporativno poduzetniÅ”tvo kao instrument potpore stvaranju novih tvrtki unutar postojećeg javnog poduzeća, orijentacijsku fazu poduzetničke aktivnosti među viÅ”kovima radnika, te mogućnosti potpore budućim poduzetnicima iz tehnoloÅ”kog viÅ”ka kroz davanje reparirane opreme i kapaciteta, magacina, koje matična tvrtka ne koristi kao i repromaterijala za potrebe njihovih novoosnovanih tvrtki, te formiranje fonda rizičnog kapitala za osiguranja kredita i investicije za razvoj novih kapaciteta radnika koji trebaju otići po osnovu tehnoloÅ”kog viÅ”ka iz javnih poduzeća.Staff restructuring at public companies (an estimated 40% of Serbiaā€™s 132,000 employees in public companies were made redundant in 2005) has a twofold impact: it raises the unemployment rate that is already worryingly high (34.7%) and it potentially creates new businesses with low sustainability prospects in the first three years as they are unprepared for long-term market positioning and high fiscal (73%) and parafiscal charges. The established practice of paying severance packages has failed to resolve the problem of unemployment in the long term, so good experiences of transition countries should be taken into account. In that sense, this study focuses on business incubators within public companies, aimed at staff restructuring, corporate entrepreneurship as an instrument of support to the creation of new businesses within the existing public companies, the orientation phase of corporate entrepreneurship among surplus labor, the possibility of supporting future entrepreneurs among surplus labor by providing them with repaired equipment and capacities, storage facilities, and raw materials needed by new businesses, and the creation of a risk capital fund for the insurance of loans and investments in the development of new capacities/skills of workers who will be made redundant

    Podsticaji agroindustrijskog sektora balkanskih zemalja

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    Tema koja se istražuje u ovom radu ā€Podsticaji agroindustrijskom sektoruā€ bazira svoje rezultate na statističkim i empirijskim podacima, primeni teorije razvoja u reÅ”avanju problema modernizacije agroindustrije i relevantnih instrumenata podrÅ”ke. PoÅ”to zemlje Zapadnog Balkana dele istu budućnost u odnosu na zahteve procesa priključenja EU, one se istražuju kao grupa i to: glavne karakteirstike agroindustrije, doprinosa privredi, problemi produktivnosti i konkurentosti. Doprinos ovog istraživanja jeste u sugestijama novog institucionalnog i partnerskog pristupa agrarnoj politici, isticanju značaja razumevanja strukture i sistema agroindustrijskog sektora pri definisanju različitih instrumenata podrÅ”ke rastu agroindustrije (Stevens i Jabara,1988.), kao i uslova koje validna strategija sektorske politike treba da uvaži (Kaplan i Norton, 2001.) aspekte: ekonomske održivosti, socijalne, održivosti politika, fiskalnih mera i institucionalne održivosti na dugi rok

    Female entrepreneurship in Serbia

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    Gender equality is a fundamental right, a common value of the EU, and a necessary condition for Serbia in achieving the EUā€™s objectives of growth, employment and social cohesion. Equal participation of women and men in decision-making symbolises the level of political maturity of societies. The work analysis of the situation and trends contributes to the implementation of the Commissionā€™s Roadmap for Gender Equality (2006-2010), which has amongst its priorities promoting equal participation of women in decision-making, aiming to raise awareness of the situation. The majority of the data used in the work comes from the database on women which is managed by Serbian national statistics and UNDP s research data. The work shows that even if the Serbiaā€™s efforts to increase womenā€™s participation in decisionmaking have been consistent and certain progress has been achieved, women are still underrepresented in all spheres of power in Serbian Institutions, and in entrepreneurial activity. This remains a major challenge for democracy. If we believe in the values of democracy based on the representation and participation of citizens, then we cannot leave half of the population outside the structures of power. Gender equality is also an asset for business. Serbian economy must reap the potential of all human talent at our disposal if we are to be competitive in the face of globalization. Alongside active policy measures, one of the actions could be identified as to support activities to raise awareness of equality issues in the decision-making process in Serbia and promote research based on comparable European data, and data on countries in transition process. There is a particular focus on indicators introduced by the Council of the European Union in 1999 and 2003 as a follow-up to the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, which was adopted by 189 states and is considered as a milestone for the enforcement of womenā€™s rights across the world. The work presents facts and figures covering education level of women /background characteristics/, decision-making in politics, economy and public service in Serbia

    Reciklaža kao rastuća tržiÅ”na niÅ”a socijalnih preduzeća

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    Ideja Socijalnog preduzetniÅ”tva kombinuje strast za socijanom misijom sa poslovnom disciplinom, inovacijom i pionirima vodeće tehnologije, preduzetnički pristup socijalnim problemima. Socijalno peduzeće je u tom smislu tržiÅ”no vođeno preduzeće osnovano specifično za kreiranje zaposlenosti ranjivih grupa na tržiÅ”tu rada i podsticanje inkluzivnog razvoja i teritorijalne kohezije. Sektor socijalnog preduzetniÅ”tva u svetu danas zapoÅ”ljava oko 40 miliona ljudi, sa preko 200 miliona volontera, u EU različiti oblici socijalnog preduzetniÅ”tva (zadruge, organizacije civilnog druÅ”tva, fondacije, socijalna preduzeća) čine dva miliona privrednih druÅ”tava, odnosno 10% i zapoÅ”ljavaju 11 miliona ljudi (oko 6%), a u Srbiji rade 142 socijalna preduzeća. Obzirom na Å”iroke zakonske mogućnosti razvoja ovih preduzeća u Srbiji, u radu se razmatraju tržiÅ”ne niÅ”e koje otvaraju nove mogućnosti za njih, prvenstveno: zaÅ”tita okoline sa godiÅ”njim rastom od 5% i reciklaža sa godiÅ”njim rastom od 10, 5%. Takođe se razrađuju primeri: socijalnog franÅ”izinga, socijalnih kooperativa i inkubatora socijalnog preduzentiÅ”tva u oblasti reciklaže kao dobra praksa interesantna za savremeni pristup inkluziji, samnjenju budžetskih troÅ”kova za socijalne rashode i privatno javnom partnerstvu u oblasti reciklaže

    Razvoj privatnog sektora u zemljama zapadnog Balkana u poređenju sa EU

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    Knjiga,ā€Razvoj privatnog sektora u zemljama zapadnog Balkana u poredjenju sa EU ā€œ, ima dvojak cilj. Naime, s jedne strane namera autora je da analiziraju i daju ocenu u kojoj meri je privatizacija u Srbiji i zemljama zapadnog Balkana ispunila očekivanja i stvorila podsticajnu klimu za razvoj privatnog sektora, veće konkurentnosti privreda zemalja regiona i podstakla zapoÅ”ljavanje. S druge, strane dat je kritički osvrt na slabosti sprovedenih metoda i načina privatizacije, koje se u najvećoj meri ogledaju u visokom stepenu korupcije kao glavnoj kočnici razvoja privatnog sektora u zemljama zapadnog Balkana. Knjiga je podeljena na sedam zasebnih delova, deset poglavlja i 270 stranica teksta, gde se obradjuju najvažnije tematske celine i analiziraju sa različitih aspekata posmatranja. Ovaj pristup može da bude od koristi istraživačima i naučnim radnicima, koji se bave ovom naučnom problematikom i žele da je sagledaju u njenoj integralnoj verziji. Na pisanju ove monografije, učestvovala su tri autora: Prof.dr Mirjana Radović-Marković je autor koncepta monografije , prvog dela (Poglavlja I-IV,str.11-99) i drugog dela (Poglavlje V,str.99-119) . Prof.dr Radmila Grozdanić je autor trećeg dela (Poglavlje VI,str.119-124),petog dela (Poglavlje VIII, str.173-205) i sedmog dela (Poglavlje X,str.237-269). Mr.Boris Jevtić je autor četvrtog dela (Poglavlje VII ,str.125- 173),Å”estog dela (Poglavlje IX,str.207-237). Na kraju želimo da posebno naglasimo da je ova monografija, nastala kao deo projekata OI 179015 i II 47009, koje finansira Ministarstvo za prosvetu, nauku i tehnoloÅ”ki razvoj Republike Srbije

    Poverty reduction by financial inclusion of women: evidence from Serbia

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    This paper reviews current thinking on relationship between financial development and poverty alleviation, as a subject getting more important in the policy of financial institutions as well as in state social and economic policies. For that purpose in the paper has been researched the importance of the poverty alleviation and financial loan support to women in Serbia in 2014 with a seasonal dynamics, around which was situated the scope of the paper. Survey targeted all client segments defined on the main statistical base of Serbia for poor and low income inhabitants, and covering geographical regions where operates a financial institution which loans were researched, based on a random sample. Mathematical and descriptive statistical methods were used, as well as a typical fitting measure, Coefficient of determination, for measure of fitting the trend-line with the empirical data. The hypothesis formulated as possible impact of micro finance on poverty decrease proved as positive through influencing on sustaining jobs, indirect and induced, created jobs. Main findings supported the importance of the micro lending together with innovations in products: education, training and business skills upgrading to female clients in poverty alleviation and wealth sustainability

    E-learning in business and entrepreneurship: an evidence of Serbia, Iran and India

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    By the advent of Internet, new techniques and approaches emerged in the world of learning. Universities and educational institutions began to take advantage of the benefits associated with this new phenomenon. In this way, learning became a new experience for those who were not able to attend in the classrooms and afford its expenses. Learning in a new environment with its unique characteristics makes learning an exciting process, for both students and teachers. The focus of this paper is on students of business and entrepreneurship, as the agents. Then, we investigate the e-learning status in three main countries, i.e. Serbia, Iran, and India. In order to gather the required data, an online questionnaire was designed and randomly sent to the respondents in different countries, who were studying business or entrepreneurship. The results reveal that there is a growing tendency to e-learning opportunities in different countries. Moreover, based on the data gathered from all around the world, it could be inferred that both entrepreneurial intention and program selection have positive effect on success in an entrepreneurial career. The positive effect of entrepreneurial intention on success in an entrepreneurial career was approved in all countries of our study; but the effect of program selection was not meaningful

    Freedom, individuality and women`s entrepreneurship education

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    Our research investigates two main questions as follows: (i) How can we encourage the entrepreneurial abilities of students through education with focus on women?, and (ii) In what direction the educational strategies should be developed? The research methodology involves carrying out indepth interviews with respondents from Serbia, Iran,India and United States. The authors concluded that the modern business environment should be accompanied by the change in educational environment. Furthermore, the new entrepreneurship education strategy should provide a more women centred approach. It is also impossible to achieve all new education advantages without close relationships between governments, schools and womenā€™s organizations

    New educational strategies versus the traditional methods

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    Education plays an important role in human development by empowering people to improve their well-being and participate actively in nation building. Education and training help to build human capacity for both men and women. It is a key priority area for poverty reduction. The development of contemporary technologies, especially the Internet, on the one hand and changes in management practice, communication and work organization in companies on the other hand, have in recent years brought about changes in the kinds of knowledge and ways of acquiring it. In keeping with these, new educational programs, as well as new modes of studying, everywhere in the world the existing education system is being redefined and educational programs that have to closely relate to practice are being improved. For that sake, ā€œnew schools for entrepreneurs and managersā€ are founded, which are based on modern programs and courses meant for various groups of business people. Very popular are virtual faculties which are found all around the world and which enable connections between business people and business students with lecturers from all around the world, no matter where they actually might be. Participating in courses and testing over internet, essentially change previous way of gaining knowledge in classical classrooms. This way of learning contributes to fast information exchange, more access to the newest knowledge and experiences in this domain and save the time and money. Thus, in this millennium, the classic way of education will be slowly substituted with some other forms of education, in which learning from homes and offices with the help of computers were true. Interactive education should provide a completely new dimension of gaining knowledge and to make it easier for those who attend certain courses to learn faster and easier

    The Influence of Innovation on the Enterprise Competitiveness

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    Research subject of this paper is the establishment of innovations as a factor of competitiveness and the realization of companyā€™s market share, bearing in mind that the size of market share cannot be defined once and for all, as well as that competition is going through constant changes. Research objective of this paper is to define innovations as the crucial factor for increasing companyā€™s market share and its competitiveness in the long run. Research was carried out in 2016 based on a specially designed questionnaire on a sample of 100 organizations in the territory of Serbia. There were 96 returned and validly filled out questionnaires that were taken into consideration during data processing. Methods used in this research are hypothetic-deductive, analytic-deductive and comparative methods, historical and statistical-descriptive methods and finally methods of comparative statistics (Ļ‡2 test, ANOVA). In key results of the research it is confirmed that the innovation of the organisation and innovative activities of its employees influence the increase of its market share and competitiveness, with significant differences of the values depending on the organisation size, years of operating, level and different kind of industry the organisation operates in. Paper contribution can be seen in support of organizationā€™s innovativeness and competitiveness as the function of business success, the linkages between innovative capacity, innovativeness and business. Positive results support also the greater investments into new and innovative projects of business subjects, from innovations of products, technology and material, organization and methods of management, to market innovations