566 research outputs found

    Liver transplantation in man.

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    Liver transplantation

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    Recent developments in liver transplantation

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    Changes in Serum Haptoglobin and Group Specific Component after Orthotopic Liver Homotransplantation in Humans

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    In human recipients of orthotopic liver homografts with different haptoglobin (Hp) and group specific component (Gc) types than their respective donors, the donor phenotype permanently replaced that previously present. The findings prove that the liver is the sole source of Hp and Gc, and that it retains its metabolic specificity after transplantation to a new host. © 1968, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    Coagulation During and After Orthotopic Transplantation of the Human Liver

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    Experimental and clinical preservation of liver homografts

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    The fate of failed renal homografts retained after retransplantation

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    The fate of nonfunctioning or poorly functioning renal homografts which were left in situ at retransplantation was studied in 28 patients. In one recipient, lethal septicemia developed secondary to necrosis as well as infection of a retained intraabdominal graft. In three other patients, subsequent symptoms developed from retained extraperitoneal pelvic grafts, and these kidneys were removed without complication. It is suggested that grafts placed extraperitoneally can be left in place if retransplantation becomes necessary, provided that there is careful follow up study for signs of necrosis or infection. Removal of the kidney graft then may be performed electively at a later time, or this may never become necessary in a significant number of patients