5 research outputs found

    New Trends and Directions in Ethnic Identity Among Internationally Transracially Adopted Persons: Summary of Special Issue

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    The collective findings of the six articles in this special issue highlight the importance of ethnic-racial socialization and ethnic identity among international transracial adoptees (ITRAs). A multidimensional developmental phenomenon, ethnic identity intersects with other identities, notably adoptive identity. Family, peers, community and host culture are important socialization contexts that engage transracial adoptees in transactional processes which promote ethnic identity development. New directions in research were identified, including developmental processes in navigating ethnic and other identities; similarities and differences in ethnic identity between ITRAs and immigrants; effectiveness of interventions targeting ethnic identity in ITRAs; and impact of discrimination on ethnic identity construction and role of social and national contexts. Implications for policies and practice were discussed, such as pre- and post-adoption supports for adoptees and parents that provide developmentally appropriate support for positive ethnic identity; training for professionals working with ITRAs and their families; and intercountry practices that promote connection with cultures-of-origin. Lessons about ITRAs and their ethnic identity in transaction with multiple social contexts enhance understanding of how all individuals navigate multiple identities