4 research outputs found

    Method for automated structuring of product data and its applications

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    Product structures represent the data backbone for through-life management of complex systems. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Systems are used to maintain product structures and track product changes. However, in maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) product composition often is unknown when MRO service providers are not the original manufacturers. Thus, MRO processes start with an exhaustive product diagnosis to identify elements to be maintained or replaced. Existing 3D scanning and data post processing methods have to be improved to acquire structured product data. This paper presents a method for automated derivation of product structures from 3D assembly models

    Product analysis automation for digital MRO based on intelligent 3D data acquisition

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    3D data acquisition technologies are increasingly used in the area of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of long-life technical systems and industrial plants. Application fields are measuring, reengineering and reproduction of disassembled parts. Fraunhofer IPK is developing a reverse engineering process for provision of 3D product models based on 3D scans of complete assemblies to save disassembly time and to support change management and reengineering tasks. This paper depicts results of IPK's data processing approaches for automated separation and identification of single parts in 3D assembly scans as well as for mapping of assembly structures in product data management systems. The major requirement was to automatically derive a product structure for assembly models as typically used in CAD or PDM systems. This structure can either consist of parts which were retrieved from a data base with solution element 2 or generated by conventional reverse engineering. To generate a contact graph for part relations in an assembly and its sub-assemblies a combination of different principles was realized in a software prototype and tested. This prototype loads the CAD parts of an assembly in one batch, before the user starts the structure generation process either fully automated or semi-automated by setting a threshold value for determining number of main assemblies of a product. Firstly, adjacent surfaces are identified by neighborhood analysis including contact surfaces and cutting volumes to derive a 2D contact graph. Secondly, the Girvan-Newman algorithm was applied to partition sub-graphs. Thirdly, a top down iteration for partitioning completed the product structure. Manual modification of structure nodes is possible in order to address a specific design intent or way of structuring the (sub-) assemblies. Finally, the CAD structure could be exported in an XML-based format for PDM data exchange. The file references all 3D models of the assembly's parts. For instance with SPLM Teamcenter, assembly import is possible with out-of-the-box functionality

    Additive Prozesskette zur Instandsetzung von Bauteilen: Aufbau, Reparatur und Modellbildung

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    Komplexe Bauteile ohne Fügestellen sind die Spezialität additiver Verfahren. Immer deutlicher wird der Wert dieser Technologie für den Turbomaschinenbau, etwa bei der Fertigung von Turbinenschaufeln mit inneren Kühlstrukturen. Wichtig für vorbildgetreue Turbinenkomponenten: Die Technologie ermöglicht die Fertigung von Freiformen und Hinterschnitten, von außen- und innenliegenden filigranen, komplexen Strukturen als Einzelteil - und das in einem einzigen Arbeitsschritt. Des Weiteren benötigen additive Verfahren keine formgebenden Werkzeuge und weisen demnach kürzere Prozessketten im Vergleich zu konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren auf. Wirtschaftliche Vorteile kommen vor allem bei kleinen Losgrößen und Bauteilabmessungen zur Geltung. In diesem Artikel werden am Beispiel einer Turbinenschaufel Schlüsseltechnologien einer additiven Prozesskette gezeigt. Zunächst erfolgt die additive Fertigung einer Turbinenschaufel mittels Selective Laser Melting (SLM). Das Verfahren ermöglicht die Integration innenliegender Kühlkanäle. An dieser Schaufel wird anschließend mittels Laser-PulverAuftragschweißen (LPA) die Reparatur unterschiedlicher Beschädigungen demonstriert. Im nächsten Schritt der Prozesskette bietet ein optischer 3D-Scan der Schaufel die Möglichkeit zur Qualitätskontrolle und zum Vergleich der Bauteilabmessungen mit der Sollgeometrie

    Maintenance, repair and overhaul in through-life engineering services

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    Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) is acquiring increasing commercial and socio-economic significance. For products and goods with high investment costs and a long lifespan, especially in the sectors of energy and transportation, a considerable portion of commercial profits are generated by after-sales services. In the field of research and development, not enough attention has been paid so far to tasks and approaches involving MRO. The field thus has a limited scientific background, despite a high potential in the business sector for technological and scientific optimization. The challenges and chances of MRO for sustainable enterprises will be explained with reference to the Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul in Energy and Transport. The developments and project results of the four fields of innovation »Cleaning«, »Repair and Overhaul«, »Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis«, as well as »MRO Planning and Digital Assistance« will be explained