10,204 research outputs found

    Matrix models on the fuzzy sphere

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    Field theory on a fuzzy noncommutative sphere can be considered as a particular matrix approximation of field theory on the standard commutative sphere. We investigate from this point of view the scalar ϕ4\phi^4 theory. We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems of this theory are localized to the tadpole diagrams and can be removed by an appropiate (fuzzy) normal ordering of the ϕ4\phi^4 vertex. The perturbative expansion of this theory reduces in the commutative limit to that on the commutative sphere.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX2e, Talk given at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Confiment, Topology, and other Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Jan. 21-27, 200

    Noncommutative QFT and Renormalization

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    Field theories on deformed spaces suffer from the IR/UV mixing and renormalization is generically spoiled. In work with R. Wulkenhaar, one of us realized a way to cure this disease by adding one more marginal operator. We review these ideas, show the application to ϕ3\phi^3 models and use the heat kernel expansion methods for a scalar field theory coupled to an external gauge field on a θ\theta-deformed space and derive noncommutative gauge field actions.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Workshop "Noncommutative Geometry in Field and String Theory", Corfu, 2005 (Greece

    Functional Renormalization of Noncommutative Scalar Field Theory

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    In this paper we apply the Functional Renormalization Group Equation (FRGE) to the non-commutative scalar field theory proposed by Grosse and Wulkenhaar. We derive the flow equation in the matrix representation and discuss the theory space for the self-dual model. The features introduced by the external dimensionful scale provided by the non-commutativity parameter, originally pointed out in \cite{Gurau:2009ni}, are discussed in the FRGE context. Using a technical assumption, but without resorting to any truncation, it is then shown that the theory is asymptotically safe for suitably small values of the ϕ4\phi^4 coupling, recovering the result of \cite{disertori:2007}. Finally, we show how the FRGE can be easily used to compute the one loop beta-functions of the duality covariant model.Comment: 38 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Noncommutative Chiral Anomaly and the Dirac-Ginsparg-Wilson Operator

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    It is shown that the local axial anomaly in 22-dimensions emerges naturally if one postulates an underlying noncommutative fuzzy structure of spacetime . In particular the Dirac-Ginsparg-Wilson relation on SF2{\bf S}^2_F is shown to contain an edge effect which corresponds precisely to the ``fuzzy'' U(1)AU(1)_A axial anomaly on the fuzzy sphere . We also derive a novel gauge-covariant expansion of the quark propagator in the form 1DAF=aΓ^L2+1DAa\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{AF}}=\frac{a\hat{\Gamma}^L}{2}+\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{Aa}} where a=22l+1a=\frac{2}{2l+1} is the lattice spacing on SF2{\bf S}^2_F, Γ^L\hat{\Gamma}^L is the covariant noncommutative chirality and DAa{\cal D}_{Aa} is an effective Dirac operator which has essentially the same IR spectrum as DAF{\cal D}_{AF} but differes from it on the UV modes. Most remarkably is the fact that both operators share the same limit and thus the above covariant expansion is not available in the continuum theory . The first bit in this expansion aΓ^L2\frac{a\hat{\Gamma}^L}{2} although it vanishes as it stands in the continuum limit, its contribution to the anomaly is exactly the canonical theta term. The contribution of the propagator 1DAa\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{Aa}} is on the other hand equal to the toplogical Chern-Simons action which in two dimensions vanishes identically .Comment: 26 pages, latex fil

    Geometry of the Grosse-Wulkenhaar Model

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    We define a two-dimensional noncommutative space as a limit of finite-matrix spaces which have space-time dimension three. We show that on such space the Grosse-Wulkenhaar (renormalizable) action has natural interpretation as the action for the scalar field coupled to the curvature. We also discuss a natural generalization to four dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, version accepted in JHE

    Generalized local interactions in 1D: solutions of quantum many-body systems describing distinguishable particles

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    As is well-known, there exists a four parameter family of local interactions in 1D. We interpret these parameters as coupling constants of delta-type interactions which include different kinds of momentum dependent terms, and we determine all cases leading to many-body systems of distinguishable particles which are exactly solvable by the coordinate Bethe Ansatz. We find two such families of systems, one with two independent coupling constants deforming the well-known delta interaction model to non-identical particles, and the other with a particular one-parameter combination of the delta- and (so-called) delta-prime interaction. We also find that the model of non-identical particles gives rise to a somewhat unusual solution of the Yang-Baxter relations. For the other model we write down explicit formulas for all eigenfunctions.Comment: 23 pages v2: references adde

    Spectral noncommutative geometry and quantization: a simple example

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    We explore the relation between noncommutative geometry, in the spectral triple formulation, and quantum mechanics. To this aim, we consider a dynamical theory of a noncommutative geometry defined by a spectral triple, and study its quantization. In particular, we consider a simple model based on a finite dimensional spectral triple (A, H, D), which mimics certain aspects of the spectral formulation of general relativity. We find the physical phase space, which is the space of the onshell Dirac operators compatible with A and H. We define a natural symplectic structure over this phase space and construct the corresponding quantum theory using a covariant canonical quantization approach. We show that the Connes distance between certain two states over the algebra A (two ``spacetime points''), which is an arbitrary positive number in the classical noncommutative geometry, turns out to be discrete in the quantum theory, and we compute its spectrum. The quantum states of the noncommutative geometry form a Hilbert space K. D is promoted to an operator *D on the direct product *H of H and K. The triple (A, *H, *D) can be viewed as the quantization of the family of the triples (A, H, D).Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Renormalisation of \phi^4-theory on noncommutative R^2 in the matrix base

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    As a first application of our renormalisation group approach to non-local matrix models [hep-th/0305066], we prove (super-)renormalisability of Euclidean two-dimensional noncommutative \phi^4-theory. It is widely believed that this model is renormalisable in momentum space arguing that there would be logarithmic UV/IR-divergences only. Although momentum space Feynman graphs can indeed be computed to any loop order, the logarithmic UV/IR-divergence appears in the renormalised two-point function -- a hint that the renormalisation is not completed. In particular, it is impossible to define the squared mass as the value of the two-point function at vanishing momentum. In contrast, in our matrix approach the renormalised N-point functions are bounded everywhere and nevertheless rely on adjusting the mass only. We achieve this by introducing into the cut-off model a translation-invariance breaking regulator which is scaled to zero with the removal of the cut-off. The naive treatment without regulator would not lead to a renormalised theory.Comment: 26 pages, 44 figures, LaTe

    Absence of a fuzzy S4S^4 phase in the dimensionally reduced 5d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons model

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    We perform nonperturbative studies of the dimensionally reduced 5d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons model, in which a four-dimensional fuzzy manifold, ``fuzzy S4^{4}'', is known to exist as a classical solution. Although the action is unbounded from below, Monte Carlo simulations provide an evidence for a well-defined vacuum, which stabilizes at large NN, when the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term is sufficiently small. The fuzzy S4^{4} prepared as an initial configuration decays rapidly into this vacuum in the process of thermalization. Thus we find that the model does not possess a ``fuzzy S4^{4} phase'' in contrast to our previous results on the fuzzy S2^{2}.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, (v2) typos correcte