14 research outputs found

    Shortening of membrane lipid acyl chains compensates for phosphatidylcholine deficiency in choline-auxotroph yeast

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    Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is an abundant membrane lipid component in most eukaryotes, including yeast, and has been assigned multiple functions in addition to acting as building block of the lipid bilayer. Here, by isolating S. cerevisiae suppressor mutants that exhibit robust growth in the absence of PC, we show that PC essentiality is subject to cellular evolvability in yeast. The requirement for PC is suppressed by monosomy of chromosome XV or by a point mutation in the ACC1 gene encoding acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Although these two genetic adaptations rewire lipid biosynthesis in different ways, both decrease Acc1 activity, thereby reducing average acyl chain length. Consistently, soraphen A, a specific inhibitor of Acc1, rescues a yeast mutant with deficient PC synthesis. In the aneuploid suppressor, feedback inhibition of Acc1 through acyl-CoA produced by fatty acid synthase (FAS) results from upregulation of lipid synthesis. The results show that budding yeast regulates acyl chain length by fine-tuning the activities of Acc1 and FAS and indicate that PC evolved by benefitting the maintenance of membrane fluidity

    Mesenchymal tumor organoid models recapitulate rhabdomyosarcoma subtypes

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    Rhabdomyosarcomas (RMS) are mesenchyme-derived tumors and the most common childhood soft tissue sarcomas. Treatment is intense, with a nevertheless poor prognosis for high-risk patients. Discovery of new therapies would benefit from additional preclinical models. Here, we describe the generation of a collection of 19 pediatric RMS tumor organoid (tumoroid) models (success rate of 41%) comprising all major subtypes. For aggressive tumors, tumoroid models can often be established within 4–8 weeks, indicating the feasibility of personalized drug screening. Molecular, genetic, and histological characterization show that the models closely resemble the original tumors, with genetic stability over extended culture periods of up to 6 months. Importantly, drug screening reflects established sensitivities and the models can be modified by CRISPR/Cas9 with TP53 knockout in an embryonal RMS model resulting in replicative stress drug sensitivity. Tumors of mesenchymal origin can therefore be used to generate organoid models, relevant for a variety of preclinical and clinical research questions

    An endometrial gene expression signature accurately predicts recurrent implantation failure after IVF

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    The primary limiting factor for effective IVF treatment is successful embryo implantation. Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is a condition whereby couples fail to achieve pregnancy despite consecutive embryo transfers. Here we describe the collection of gene expression profiles from mid-luteal phase endometrial biopsies (n?=?115) from women experiencing RIF and healthy controls. Using a signature discovery set (n?=?81) we identify a signature containing 303 genes predictive of RIF. Independent validation in 34 samples shows that the gene signature predicts RIF with 100% positive predictive value (PPV). The strength of the RIF associated expression signature also stratifies RIF patients into distinct groups with different subsequent implantation success rates. Exploration of the expression changes suggests that RIF is primarily associated with reduced cellular proliferation. The gene signature will be of value in counselling and guiding further treatment of women who fail to conceive upon IVF and suggests new avenues for developing interventio

    Growth plate expression profiling : Large and small breed dogs provide new insights in endochondral bone formation

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    The difference in the adult height of mammals, and hence in endochondral bone formation, is not yet fully understood and may serve to identify targets for bone and cartilage regeneration. In line with this hypothesis, the intra-species disparity between the adult height of Great Danes and Miniature Poodles was investigated at a transcriptional level. Microarray analysis of the growth plate of five Great Danes and five Miniature Poodles revealed 2,981 unique genes that were differentially expressed, including many genes with an unknown role in skeletal development. A signaling pathway impact analysis indicated activation of the cell cycle, extracellular matrix receptor interaction and the tight junction pathway, and inhibition of pathways associated with inflammation and the complement cascade. In additional validation steps, the gene expression profile of the separate growth plate zones for both dog breeds were determined. Given that the BMP signaling is known for its crucial role in skeletal development and fracture healing, and BMP-2 is used in orthopaedic and spine procedures for bone augmentation, further investigations concentrated on the BMP pathway.The canonical BMP-2 and BMP-6 signaling pathway was activated in the Great Danes compared to Miniature Poodles. In conclusion, investigating the differential expression of genes involved in endochondral bone formation in small and large breed dogs, could be a game changing strategy to provide new insights in growth plate development and identify new targets for bone and cartilage regeneration

    FOXO transcription factors both suppress and support breast cancer progression

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    FOXO transcription factors are regulators of cellular homeostasis and putative tumor suppressors, yet the role of FOXO in cancer progression remains to be determined. The data on FOXO function, particularly for epithelial cancers, are fragmentary and come from studies that focused on isolated aspects of cancer. To clarify the role of FOXO in epithelial cancer progression, we characterized the effects of inducible FOXO activation and loss in a mouse model of metastatic invasive lobular carcinoma. Strikingly, either activation or loss of FOXO function suppressed tumor growth and metastasis. We show that the multitude of cellular processes critically affected by FOXO function include proliferation, survival, redox homeostasis, and PI3K signaling, all of which must be carefully balanced for tumor cells to thrive. Significance: FOXO proteins are not solely tumor suppressors, but also support tumor growth and metastasis by regulating a multitude of cellular processes essential for tumorigenesis

    Translation of branched-chain aminotransferase-1 transcripts is impaired in cells haploinsufficient for ribosomal protein genes

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    Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a bone marrow failure syndrome linked to mutations in ribosomal protein (RP) genes that result in the impaired proliferation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. The etiology of DBA is not completely understood; however, the ribosomal nature of the genes involved has led to speculation that these mutations may alter the landscape of messenger RNA (mRNA) translation. Here, we performed comparative microarray analysis of polysomal mRNA transcripts isolated from lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from DBA patients carrying various haploinsufficient mutations in either RPS19 or RPL11. Different spectrums of changes were observed depending on the mutant gene, with large differences found in RPS19 cells and very few in RPL11 cells. However, we find that the small number of altered transcripts in RPL11 overlap for the most part with those altered in RPS19 cells. We show specifically that levels of branched-chain aminotransferase-1 (BCAT1) transcripts are significantly decreased on the polysomes of both RPS19 and RPL11 cells and that translation of BCAT1 protein is especially impaired in cells with small RP gene mutations, and we provide evidence that this effect may be due in part to the unusually long 5'UTR of the BCAT1 transcript. The BCAT1 enzyme carries out the final step in the biosynthesis and the first step of degradation of the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Interestingly, several animal models of DBA have reported that leucine ameliorates the anemia phenotypes generated by RPS19 loss. Our study suggests that RP mutations affect the synthesis of specific proteins involved in regulating amino acid levels that are important for maintaining the normal proliferative capacity of hematopoietic cells

    FOXO transcription factors both suppress and support breast cancer progression

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    FOXO transcription factors are regulators of cellular homeostasis and putative tumor suppressors, yet the role of FOXO in cancer progression remains to be determined. The data on FOXO function, particularly for epithelial cancers, are fragmentary and come from studies that focused on isolated aspects of cancer. To clarify the role of FOXO in epithelial cancer progression, we characterized the effects of inducible FOXO activation and loss in a mouse model of metastatic invasive lobular carcinoma. Strikingly, either activation or loss of FOXO function suppressed tumor growth and metastasis. We show that the multitude of cellular processes critically affected by FOXO function include proliferation, survival, redox homeostasis, and PI3K signaling, all of which must be carefully balanced for tumor cells to thrive. Significance: FOXO proteins are not solely tumor suppressors, but also support tumor growth and metastasis by regulating a multitude of cellular processes essential for tumorigenesis

    EBV MicroRNA BART16 suppresses Type i IFN signaling

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    Type I IFNs play critical roles in orchestrating the antiviral defense by inducing direct antiviral activities and shaping the adaptive immune response. Viruses have evolved numerous strategies to specifically interfere with IFN production or its downstream mediators, thereby allowing successful infection of the host to occur. The prototypic human gammaherpesvirus EBV, which is associated with infectious mononucleosis and malignant tumors, harbors many immune-evasion proteins that manipulate the adaptive and innate immune systems. In addition to proteins, the virus encodes >40 mature microRNAs for which the functions remain largely unknown. In this article, we identify EBV-encoded miR-BART16 as a novel viral immune-evasion factor that interferes with the type I IFN signaling pathway. miR-BART16 directly targets CREB-binding protein, a key transcriptional coactivator in IFN signaling, thereby inducing CREB-binding protein downregulation in EBV-transformed B cells and gastric carcinoma cells. miR-BART16 abrogates the production of IFN-stimulated genes in response to IFN-a stimulation and it inhibits the antiproliferative effect of IFN-a on latently infected BL cells. By obstructing the type I IFN-induced antiviral response, miRBART16 provides a means to facilitate the establishment of latent EBV infection and enhance viral replication