15 research outputs found

    End-Member Modeling Analyses (EMMA) of pseudo-Thellier style experiments to derive absolute paleointensities from lavas

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    Over the past years several groups have made efforts to calibrate the ‘pseudo-Thellier’ technique to obtain paleointensities from materials that acquired their natural remanent magnetizations thermally, while avoiding heating the samples during the experiments. These calibrations revolve around mapping laboratory induced Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetizations (ARMs) to thermally acquired Natural Remanent Magnetizations (NRMs). One approach has been to plot pseudo-Thellier slopes against paleointensities that are either known (for very young lavas) or result from different paleointensity techniques. Although the obtained calibration relation is linear and closely follows the data, the relation worryingly misses th

    An end-member modeling approach (EMMA) to pseudo-Thellier paleointensity data

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    Absolute paleointensities are notoriously hard to obtain, because conventional thermal Thellier paleointensity experiments often have low success rates for volcanic samples. The thermal treatments necessary for these experiments potentially induce (magnetic) alteration in the samples, preventing a reliable paleointensity estimate. These heating steps can be avoided by pseudo-Thellier measurements, where samples are demagnetized and remagnetized with alternating-fields. However, pseudo-Thellier experiments intrinsically produce relative paleointensities. Over the past years attempts were made to calibrate pseudo-Thellier results into absolute paleointensities for lavas by mapping laboratory induced Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetizations (ARMs) to the thermally acquired Natural Remanent Magnetizations (NRMs). Naturally occurring volcanic rocks, however, are assemblages of minerals differing in grain size, shape, and chemistry. These different minerals all have their own characteristic mapping between ARMs and thermal NRMs Here we show that it is possible to find these characteristic mappings by unmixing the NRM demagnetization and the ARM acquisition curves into end-members, with an iterative method of non-negative matrix factorization. In turn, this end-member modeling approach (EMMA) allows for the calculation of absolute paleointensities from pseudo-Thellier measurements. We tested our end-member modeling approach using a noise-free numerical data set, yielding a perfect reconstruction of the paleointensities. When adding noise up to levels beyond what is expected in natural samples, the end-member model still produces the known paleointensities well. In addition, we made a synthetic dataset with natural volcanic samples from different volcanic edifices that were given a magnetization by heating and cooling them in a controlled magnetic field in the lab. The applied fields ranged between 10 and 70 ΌT⁠. The average absolute difference between the calculated paleointensity and the known lab-field is around 10 ΌT for the models with 2 to 4 end-members, while the paleointensity of almost all flows can be retrieved within a deviation of ± 20 ΌT⁠. The average difference between calculated paleointensities for the 3 end-member model is -1.7 ΌT⁠. The deviations between the paleointensities and the known lab-fields are almost Gaussian distributed around the expected values. To assess whether the end-members produced by our analysis have a physical meaning, we measured the Curie temperatures of our samples. These Curie measurements show that there is a relationship between the abundances of the end members of the 3 end-member model in the samples and their dominant Curie temperatures. This indicates that even whilst the spectrum of Curie temperatures and hence composition of iron-oxides in the sample set is continuous, and the magnetization is also related to mineral size and shape, the calculated end-members of the 3 end-member model are somewhat related to magnetic mineral composition present in the samples. Although the two datasets in our study show that there is potential for using this end-member modeling technique for finding absolute paleointensities from pseudo-Thellier data, these synthetic datasets cannot be directly related to natural samples. Therefore, it is necessary to compile a dataset of known paleointensities from different volcanic sites that recently cooled in a known magnetic field to find the universal end-members in future studies

    First steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas using Micromagnetic Tomography

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    Our understanding of the behavior of the geomagnetic field arises from magnetic signals stored in geological materials, e.g. lavas. Almost all experiments to determine the past state of the Earth's magnetic field use bulk samples (typically 1 - 10 cc) and measure their magnetic moment after series of laboratory treatments. Lavas, however, consist of mixtures of different iron-oxide grains that vary in size, shape, and chemistry. Some of these grains are good recorders of the Earth's magnetic field; others are not. Only a small amount of adverse behaved magnetic grains in a sample already hampers all classical experiments to obtain paleointensities; success rates as low as 10-20% are common, i.e. for 80-90% of all lavas vital information on paleointensities is lost before it can be uncovered.Recently, we showed that it is possible to determine the magnetization of individual grains inside a synthetic sample using a new technique: Micromagnetic Tomography. The individual magnetizations of grains are determined by inverting scanning magnetometry data from the surface on the sample onto the known locations, sizes and shapes of the magnetic grains that are obtained from a microCT scan of the sample. The synthetic sample used for our proof-of-concept, however, was optimized for success: the dispersion of magnetic markers was low, and the magnetite grains had a well-defined grain size range. Furthermore, the scanning SQUID microscope used requires the sample to be at 4 K, below the Verweij transition of the magnetite grains.Here we present the first Micromagnetic Tomography results from natural samples. We used two magnetic scanning techniques that operate at room temperature, a Magnetic Tunneling Junction set-up and a Quantum Diamond Magnetometer, to acquire the magnetic surface scans from a Hawaiian lava and calculated magnetic moments of individual grains present. We show that it is possible to acquire rock magnetic information as function of grain size from these natural samples and reveal the first results of interpreting a paleomagnetic direction from selected subsets of grains in our samples. These are the first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic information from subsets of known good recorders inside lava samples, a technique that will re

    Micromagnetic Tomography for paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism

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    Our understanding of the past behavior of the geomagnetic field arises from magnetic signals stored in geological materials, e.g. (volcanic) rocks. Bulk rock samples, however, often contain magnetic grains that differ in chemistry, size and shape; some of them record the Earth’s magnetic field well, others are unreliable. The presence of a small amount of adverse behaved magnetic grains in a sample may already obscure important information on the past state of the geomagnetic field. Recently it was shown that it is possible to determine magnetizations of individual grains in a sample by combining X-ray computed tomography and magnetic surface scanning measurements. Here we establish this new Micromagnetic Tomography (MMT) technique and make it suitable for use with different magnetic scanning techniques, and for both synthetic and natural samples. We acquired reliable magnetic directions by selecting subsets of grains in a synthetic sample, and we obtained rock-magnetic information of individual grains in a volcanic sample. This illustrates that MMT opens up entirely new venues of paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic research. MMT’s unique ability to determine the magnetization of individual grains in a nondestructive way allows for a systematic analysis of how geological materials record and retain information on the past state of the Earth’s magnetic field. Moreover, by interpreting only the contributions of known magnetically well-behaved grains in a sample MMT has the potential to unlock paleomagnetic i

    Nationwide comprehensive gastro-intestinal cancer cohorts: the 3P initiative

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    Background: The increasing sub-classification of cancer patients due to more detailed molecular classification of tumors, and limitations of current trial designs, require innovative research designs. We present the design, governance and current standing of three comprehensive nationwide cohorts including pancreatic, esophageal/gastric, and colorectal cancer patients (NCT02070146). Multidisciplinary collection of clinical data, tumor tissue, blood samples, and patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures with a nationwide coverage, provides the infrastructure for future and novel trial designs and facilitates research to improve outcomes of gastrointestinal cancer patients. Material and methods: All patients aged ≄18 years with pancreatic, esophageal/gastric or colorectal cancer are eligible. Patients provide informed consent for: (1) reuse of clinical data; (2) biobanking of primary tumor tissue; (3) collection of blood samples; (4) to be informed about relevant newly identified genomic aberrations; (5) collection of longitudinal PROs; and (6) to receive information on new interventional studies and possible participation in cohort multiple randomized controlled trials (cmRCT) in the future. Results: In 2015, clinical data of 21,758 newly diagnosed patients were collected in the Netherlands Cancer Registry. Additional clinical data on the surgical procedures were registered in surgical audits for 13,845 patients. Within the first two years, tumor tissue and blood samples were obtained from 1507 patients; during this period, 1180 patients were included in the PRO registry. Response rate for PROs was 90%. The consent rate to receive information on new interventional studies and possible participation in cmRCTs in the future was >85%. The number of hospitals participating in the cohorts is steadily increasing. Conclusion: A comprehensive nationwide multidisciplinary gastrointestinal cancer cohort is feasible and surpasses the limitations of classical study designs. With this initiative, novel and innovative studies can be performed in an efficient, safe, and comprehensive setting

    Nationwide comprehensive gastro-intestinal cancer cohorts: the 3P initiative

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    Background: The increasing sub-classification of cancer patients due to more detailed molecular classification of tumors, and limitations of current trial designs, require innovative research designs. We present the design, governance and current standing of three comprehensive nationwide cohorts including pancreatic, esophageal/gastric, and colorectal cancer patients (NCT02070146). Multidisciplinary collection of clinical data, tumor tissue, blood samples, and patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures with a nationwide coverage, provides the infrastructure for future and novel trial designs and facilitates research to improve outcomes of gastrointestinal cancer patients. Material and methods: All patients aged ≄18 years with pancreatic, esophageal/gastric or colorectal cancer are eligible. Patients provide informed consent for: (1) reuse of clinical data; (2) biobanking of primary tumor tissue; (3) collection of blood samples; (4) to be informed about relevant newly identified genomic aberrations; (5) collection of longitudinal PROs; and (6) to receive information on new interventional studies and possible participation in cohort multiple randomized controlled trials (cmRCT) in the future. Results: In 2015, clinical data of 21,758 newly diagnosed patients were collected in the Netherlands Cancer Registry. Additional clinical data on the surgical procedures were registered in surgical audits for 13,845 patients. Within the first two years, tumor tissue and blood samples were obtained from 1507 patients; during this period, 1180 patients were included in the PRO registry. Response rate for PROs was 90%. The consent rate to receive information on new interventional studies and possible participation in cmRCTs in the future was >85%. The number of hospitals participating in the cohorts is steadily increasing. Conclusion: A comprehensive nationwide multidisciplinary gastrointestinal cancer cohort is feasible and surpasses the limitations of classical study designs. With this initiative, novel and innovative studies can be performed in an efficient, safe, and comprehensive setting

    A first-order statistical exploration of the mathematical limits of Micromagnetic Tomography

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    The recently developed Micromagnetic Tomography (MMT) technique combines advances in high resolution scanning magnetometry and micro X-ray computed tomography. This allows precise recovery of magnetic moments of individual magnetic grains in a sample using a least squares inversion approach. Here we investigate five factors, which are governing the mathematical validity of MMT solutions: grain concentration, thickness of the sample, size of the sample's surface, noise level in the magnetic scan, and sampling interval of the magnetic scan. To compute the influence of these parameters, we set up series of numerical models in which we assign dipole magnetizations to randomly placed grains. Then we assess how well their magnetizations are resolved as function of these parameters. We expanded the MMT inversion to also produce the covariance and standard deviations of the solutions, and use these to define a statistical uncertainty ratio and signal strength ratio (SSR) for each solution. We show that the magnetic moments of a majority of grains under the inspected conditions are solved with very small uncertainties. However, increasing the grain density and sample thickness carry major challenges for the MMT inversions, demonstrated by uncertainties larger than 100% for some grains. Fortunately, we can use the SSR to extract grains with the most accurate solutions, even from these challenging models. Hereby we have developed a quick and objective routine to individually select the most reliable grains from MMT results. This will ultimately enable determining paleodirections and paleointensities from large subsets of grains in a sample using MMT

    Micromagnetic Tomography applied to natural samples: first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas

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    Our understanding of the behavior of the geomagnetic field arises from magnetic signals stored in geological materials, e.g. lavas. Almost all experiments to determine the past state of the Earth’s magnetic field use bulk samples (typically 1 - 10 cc) and measure their magnetic moment after series of laboratory treatments. Lavas, however, consist of mixtures of different iron-oxide grains that vary in size, shape, and chemistry. Some of these grains are good recorders of the Earth’s magnetic field; others are not. Only a small amount of adverse behaved magnetic grains in a sample already hampers all classical experiments to obtain paleointensities; success rates as low as 10-20% are common, i.e. for 80-90% of all lavas vital information on paleointensities is lost before it can be uncovered. Recently, we showed that it is possible to determine the magnetization of individual grains inside a synthetic sample using a new technique: Micromagnetic Tomography. The individual magnetizations of grains are determined by inverting scanning magnetometry data from the surface on the sample onto the known locations, sizes and shapes of the magnetic grains that are obtained from a microCT scan of the sample. The synthetic sample used for our proof-of-concept, however, was optimized for success: the dispersion of magnetic markers was low, and the magnetite grains had a well-defined grain size range. Furthermore, the scanning SQUID microscope used requires the sample to be at 4 K, below the Verweij transition of the magnetite grains. Here we present the first Micromagnetic Tomography results from natural samples. We used two magnetic scanning techniques that operate at room temperature, a Magnetic Tunneling Junction set-up and a Quantum Diamond Magnetometer, to acquire the magnetic surface scans from a Hawaiian lava and calculated magnetic moments of individual grains present. We show that it is possible to acquire rock magnetic information as function of grain size from these natural samples and reveal the first results of interpreting a paleomagnetic direction from selected subsets of grains in our samples. These are the first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic information from subsets of known good recorders inside lava samples, a technique that will revolutionize our field of research.</p