2,023 research outputs found
Impostazione e realizzazione di un Sistema di Gestione Ambientale nell'ambito di un progetto di registrazione EMAS
La presente relazione tratta il lavoro svolto presso la S.p.A. Cartiere Modesto Cardella per l’impostazione e la realizzazione di un Sistema di Gestione Ambientale (SGA) nell’ambito di un progetto di registrazione EMAS. Tale percorso si inserisce all’interno di un progetto più ampio denominato PIONEER, che sperimenta l’applicazione di una metodologia per registrare un distretto omogeneo. Il percorso di registrazione prevede una serie di attività, alcune delle quali propedeutiche all’obiettivo del lavoro ed altre direttamente conseguenti. In particolare con il mio progetto, iniziato con il conoscere la realtà produttiva della cartiera, ho completato l’Analisi Ambientale Iniziale e realizzato tutte le procedure gestionali e operative, necessarie per il rispetto della norma ISO 14001 richiesta dal regolamento EMAS II. Al termine dello sviluppo del SGA, ho anche redatto la prima versione del Manuale del SGA
The evolution of the orbit distance in the double averaged restricted 3-body problem with crossing singularities
We study the long term evolution of the distance between two Keplerian
confocal trajectories in the framework of the averaged restricted 3-body
problem. The bodies may represent the Sun, a solar system planet and an
asteroid. The secular evolution of the orbital elements of the asteroid is
computed by averaging the equations of motion over the mean anomalies of the
asteroid and the planet. When an orbit crossing with the planet occurs the
averaged equations become singular. However, it is possible to define piecewise
differentiable solutions by extending the averaged vector field beyond the
singularity from both sides of the orbit crossing set. In this paper we improve
the previous results, concerning in particular the singularity extraction
technique, and show that the extended vector fields are Lipschitz-continuous.
Moreover, we consider the distance between the Keplerian trajectories of the
small body and of the planet. Apart from exceptional cases, we can select a
sign for this distance so that it becomes an analytic map of the orbital
elements near to crossing configurations. We prove that the evolution of the
'signed' distance along the averaged vector field is more regular than that of
the elements in a neighborhood of crossing times. A comparison between averaged
and non-averaged evolutions and an application of these results are shown using
orbits of near-Earth asteroids.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure
Reverse and dual Loomis-Whitney-type inequalities
Various results are proved giving lower bounds for the th intrinsic volume
, , of a compact convex set in , in
terms of the th intrinsic volumes of its projections on the coordinate
hyperplanes (or its intersections with the coordinate hyperplanes). The bounds
are sharp when and . These are reverse (or dual, respectively)
forms of the Loomis-Whitney inequality and versions of it that apply to
intrinsic volumes. For the intrinsic volume , which corresponds to mean
width, the inequality obtained confirms a conjecture of Betke and McMullen made
in 1983
Symmetrization in Geometry
The concept of an -symmetrization is introduced, which provides a
convenient framework for most of the familiar symmetrization processes on
convex sets. Various properties of -symmetrizations are introduced and the
relations between them investigated. New expressions are provided for the
Steiner and Minkowski symmetrals of a compact convex set which exhibit a dual
relationship between them. Characterizations of Steiner, Minkowski and central
symmetrization, in terms of natural properties that they enjoy, are given and
examples are provided to show that none of the assumptions made can be dropped
or significantly weakened. Other familiar symmetrizations, such as Schwarz
symmetrization, are discussed and several new ones introduced.Comment: A chacterization of central symmetrization has been added and several
typos have been corrected. This version has been accepted for publication on
Advances in Mathematic
Convergence in shape of Steiner symmetrizations
There are sequences of directions such that, given any compact set K in R^n,
the sequence of iterated Steiner symmetrals of K in these directions converges
to a ball. However examples show that Steiner symmetrization along a sequence
of directions whose differences are square summable does not generally
converge. (Note that this may happen even with sequences of directions which
are dense in S^{n-1}.) Here we show that such sequences converge in shape. The
limit need not be an ellipsoid or even a convex set.
We also deal with uniformly distributed sequences of directions, and with a
recent result of Klain on Steiner symmetrization along sequences chosen from a
finite set of directions.Comment: 11 page
Existence of periodic orbits near heteroclinic connections
We consider a potential with two different global minima
and, under a symmetry assumption, we use a variational approach to
show that the Hamiltonian system \begin{equation} \ddot{u}=W_u(u), \hskip 2cm
(1) \end{equation} has a family of -periodic solutions which, along a
sequence , converges locally to a heteroclinic solution
that connects to . We then focus on the elliptic system
\begin{equation} \Delta u=W_u(u),\;\; u:R^2\rightarrow R^m, \hskip 2cm (2)
\end{equation} that we interpret as an infinite dimensional analogous of (1),
where plays the role of time and is replaced by the action functional
We assume that
has two different global minimizers in the set of maps that connect to . We work in a symmetric
context and prove, via a minimization procedure, that (2) has a family of
solutions , which is -periodic in , converges to
as and, along a sequence
, converges locally to a heteroclinic solution that
connects to .Comment: 36 pages, 4 figure
Validation of rotational thromboelastometry during cardiopulmonary bypass : a prospective, observational in-vivo study
Le ROTEM est un test de coagulation réalisable au près du malade qui permet d'objectiver la coagulopathie, de distinguer la contribution des différents éléments du système de coagulation et de cibler les produits procoagulants comme le plasma frais congelé (PFC), les plaquettes, le fibrinogène et les facteurs de coagulation purifiés ou les antifibrinolytiques.
3 des tests disponibles pour le ROTEM sont: EXTEM, INTEM, HEPTEM. Le premier test est stable sous hautes doses d'héparine alors que le deuxième est très sensible à sa présence. Dans le dernier test on rajoute de l'héparinase pour mettre en évidence l'éventuel effet résiduel de l'héparine en le comparant à l'INTEM.
Idéalement, le ROTEM devrait être effectué avant la fin du bypass cardiopulmonaire (CEC), donc sous anticoagulation maximale pas héparine, afin de pouvoir administrer des produits pro¬coagulants dans les délais les plus brefs et ainsi limiter au maximum les pertes sanguines. En effet la commande et la préparation de certains produits procoagulants peut prendre plus d'une heure.
Le but de cette étude est de valider l'utilisation du ROTEM en présence de hautes concentrations d'héparine. Il s'agit d'une étude observationnelle prospective sur 20 patients opérés électivement de pontages aorto-coronariens sous CEC.
Méthode : l'analyse ROTEM a été réalisée avant l'administration d'héparine (TO), 10 minutes après l'administration d'héparine (Tl), à la fin de la CEC (T2) et 10 minutes après la neutralisation de l'anticoagulation avec la protamine (T3). L'état.d'héparinisation a été évalué par l'activité anti-Xa à T1,T2,T3.
Résultats : Comparé à TO, la phase de polymérisation de la cascade de coagulation et l'interaction fibrine-plaquettes sont significativement détériorées par rapport à Tl pour les canaux EXTEM et HEPTEM. A T2 l'analyse EXTEM et INTEM sont comparables à celles de EXTEM et HEPTEM à T3.
Conclusion: les hautes doses d'héparine utilisées induisent une coagulopathie qui reste stable durant toute la durée de la CEC et qui persiste même après la neutralisation de l'anticoagulation. Les mesures EXTEM et HEPTEM sont donc valides en présence de hautes concentrations d'héparine et peuvent être réalisés pendant la CEC avant l'administration de protamine
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