8,162 research outputs found

    On the distortion of knots on embedded surfaces

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    Our main result is a nontrivial lower bound for the distortion of some specific knots. In particular, we show that the distortion of the torus knot Tp,qT_{p,q} satisfies δ(Tp,q)>1160min(p,q)\delta(T_{p,q})>\frac 1{160}\min(p,q). This answers a 1983 question of Gromov

    Limiting Case of Modified Electroweak Model for Contracted Gauge Group

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    The modification of the Electroweak Model with 3-dimensional spherical geometry in the matter fields space is suggested. The Lagrangian of this model is given by the sum of the {\it free} (without any potential term) matter fields Lagrangian and the standard gauge fields Lagrangian. The vector boson masses are generated by transformation of this Lagrangian from Cartesian coordinates to a coordinates on the sphere S3S_3. The limiting case of the bosonic part of the modified model, which corresponds to the contracted gauge group SU(2;j)×U(1)SU(2;j)\times U(1) is discussed. Within framework of the limit model Z-boson and electromagnetic fields can be regarded as an external ones with respect to W-bosons fields in the sence that W-boson fields do not effect on these external fields. The masses of all particles of the Electroweak Model remain the same, but field interactions in contracted model are more simple as compared with the standard Electroweak Model.Comment: 12 pages, talk given at the XIII Int. Conf. on SYMMETRY METHODS IN PHYSICS, Dubna, Russia, July 6-9, 2009; added references for introduction, clarified motivatio

    A Lower Bound on the Waist of Unit Spheres of Uniformly Convex Normed Spaces

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    In this paper we give a lower bound on the waist of the unit sphere of a uniformly convex normed space by using the localization technique in codimension greater than one and a strong version of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem. The tools used in this paper follow ideas of M. Gromov in [4]. Our isoperimetric type inequality generalizes the Gromov-Milman isoperimetric inequality in [5].Comment: 36 page

    Generalized Scaling Function at Strong Coupling

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    We considered folded spinning string in AdS_5 x S^5 background dual to the Tr(D^S Phi^J) operators of N=4 SYM theory. In the limit S,J-> \infty and l=pi J/\sqrt\lambda\log S fixed we compute the string energy with the 2-loop accuracy in the worldsheet coupling \sqrt\lambda from the asymptotical Bethe ansatz. In the limit l-> 0 the result is finite due to the massive cancelations with terms coming from the conjectured dressing phase. We also managed to compute all leading logarithm terms l^{2m}\log^n l/\lambda^n/2 to an arbitrary order in perturbation theory. In particular for m=1 we reproduced results of Alday and Maldacena computed from a sigma model. The method developed in this paper could be used for a systematic expansion in 1/\sqrt\lambda and also at weak coupling

    A flat plane that is not the limit of periodic flat planes

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    We construct a compact nonpositively curved squared 2-complex whose universal cover contains a flat plane that is not the limit of periodic flat planes.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol3/agt-3-6.abs.htm